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1、Whats your hobby?,coins,Treasure from Flavius,Treasure from Flavius,Andy and his young daughter Sue were playing on the beach one day. At the sound of a motorboat, they turned towards the sea. The motorboat stopped its engine, and came to rest with its front against the sand. Two young men in swimmi

2、ng clothes climbed out, and brought with them a large wooden box. They lowered the box to the sand and opened the cover. People began to gather round. One of the young men said, “Come on. Take a good look. Youve never seen anything like this before in your life.” Andy and Sue went across and joined

3、the small group of people. “No doubt youve heard of the treasure ship,” the young man said. “No, I havent,” Sue said. The young man looked down at Sue. “Ill tell you, young lady. Theres a sunken treasure ship about 10 miles out at sea. It sank there many centuries ago. Well, six months ago, we found

4、 it. Since then, weve been swimming down to the bottom of the sea and bringing up treasure nearly every day. You must have seen it in the newspaper. Well, we finished last week, and everything has been sent to museums. My friend and I have been clearing up for the last few days, and we found a few t

5、hings, and we found a few things that had been forgotten.”,“Anyway,” the man continued, “we dont know what they are worth, and we havent time to find out. So were going to sell them cheap. Ancient objects from the bottom of the sea who wants them?” The two young men turned the box over, and the thin

6、gs inside all came out onto the sand. “Just look at these!” Andy said to Sue. “Old keys, coins, knives, ” “All rusty,” Sue said, without much interest. “No problem. They can be cleaned.” Andy turned to the young man. “How much are you asking?” “Five pounds each. Any article here, large or small five

7、 pounds.” “Where are they from?” Andy asked. “I dont know that, my friend. Im not a history expert. Maybe you can tell by the words on the coins.” Andy picked up one of the coins, and rubbed the sand off with his fingers. “40BC” was written on the coin, and the name “Flavius” ran round the edge. On

8、the other side was the head of a man, looking to the left. “Sue, have you ever heard of a ruler called Flavius?” “No,” she said. Andy picked up a cup with a double handle and turned it over. “Look!” he said. “The name Flavius again. Perhaps he was the man who made the metal.” He whispered to Sue, “T

9、his cup might be worth hundreds of pounds.” “Why are they selling things for five pounds then?”,“I dont think this man knows their real value at all. I think Ill go back to the house and get as much money as I can. Ill buy as many of these things as possible. We could really earn some money when we

10、take them to the museums.” “Oh daddy, dont be silly. Of course the man knows their value.” “Not at all. You heard what he said. Hes not a history expert.” “Exactly. Thats why he made such a foolish mistake. This up is worth nothing.” “Well really? I suppose you think youre a history expert, eh?” “I

11、dont need to be, daddy. You just need common sense.” “You know nothing about these things, Sue. Ill just ask him to wait while I go and get some money.” “No, daddy. Ill ask him a question first. When you hear his answer, you can get your money if you like.” Sue went up to the man, and whispered in h

12、is ear. The man looked at his friend, and said something quickly in a low voice. Then the two men looked at each other, got back into the motorboat, and raced off. “Good heavens!” Andy said. “Theyve left all their treasure. Sue, what on earth did you ask him?” The answer is: Sue said, “How could any

13、one put the date 40BC on a coin?”,Flavius,40BC,Flavius,Flavius,Flavius,What is the coin like?,on one side,on the other side,Guessing the meaning,They the box to the sand and opened the cover. (Para 3) It there many centuries ago. (Para 8) “All ,” Sue said, without much interest. (Para 12) objects fr

14、om the bottom of the sea who wants them? (Para 9) Andy picked up one of the coins, and the sand off with his fingers. (Para 18) Andy picked up a cup with a double and turned it over. (Para 21) “I dont think this man knows their real at all.” (Para 24) Sue went up to the man, and in his ear. (Para 32

15、),lowered,sank,rusty,Ancient,rubbed,handle,value,whispered,lower /l / v. let or bring something down sink / sk / v. go down under the surface of a liquid rusty /rst / adj. affected with rust Ancient /ennt / adj. belonging to times long past rub / rb / v. press against a surface handle /hndl / n. par

16、t of a cup, tool, bucket, door value /vlju: / n. worth of sth in terms of money whisper /wsp / v. speak softly,使降低,降下,下沉,沉没,生锈的,古代的,擦,把手,柄,价值,低语,Treasure World,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Translation,The motorboat stopped its engine, and come to rest with its front against the sand. My friend and I have been cl

17、earing up for the last few days, and we found a few things that had been forgotten. Andy picked up one of the coins, and rubbed the sand off with his fingers. “I dont need to be, daddy. You just need common sense.” “Good heavens!” Andy said. “Theyve left all their treasure. Sue, what on earth did yo

18、u ask him?”,Homework,Exercise I and II,Andy and his young daughter Sue were playing on the beach one day.,Andy and Sue went across and joined the small group of people.,Weve been swimming down to the bottom of the sea and bringing up treasure nearly every day.,“All rusty,” Sue said, without much interest.,“Any article here, large or small five pounds.”,Andy picked up a cup with a double handle and turned it over,Sue went up to the man, and whispered in his ear.,Then the two men looked at each other, got back into the motorboat, and raced off.,


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