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1、Unit 1 My new teachers Part A Read and write,Lets chant First time ,just listen ,the second time, listen and say (第一遍只听,第二遍跟着唱读),Tall t all t all , art teacher is tall. Short short short , science teacher is short . Strong strong strong , PE teacher is strong . Thin thin thin , English teacher is th

2、in. Funny funny funny , they are so funny.,1.Read the words you see (眼疾口快,比比谁的眼力好。读出你所看到的词),一、Autonomic learning (自主学习),thin,kind,strong,short,old,young,tall,old,strong,Miss,Mr,2 .Write down the opposites(写出反义词)),short _ strong _ thin _ tall _ dull (沉闷的) _(有趣的) Mr.(先生) _,-Whos he?,-Whats he like ?,-

3、Hes Mr. Zhang. -Hes from Xiatang .,-Hes strong and funny.,Listen and answer(听录音,回答问题),How many new teachers does he have ?,Zhang: I have three new teachers . Tim: Who are they ? Zhang: A science teacher ,an art teacher and an English teacher. Tim: Whos your English teacher? Zhang: Mr. Carter. Hes fr

4、om Canada. Tim: Whats he like ? Zhang: Hes tall and strong .Hes very funny. Tim: I know . Hes my father. Zhang: Really?,Read and answer(默读课文,提出疑问。),Zhang: I have three new teachers . Tim: Who are they ? Zhang: A science teacher ,an art teacher and an English teacher. Tim: Whos your English teacher?

5、Zhang: Mr. Carter. Hes from Canada. Tim: Whats he like ? Zhang: Hes tall and strong .Hes very funny. Tim: I know . Hes my father. Zhang: Really?,Pair work( 小组车轮读),Talk about your teachers.(说说你的老师)。 你可能用到的单词: English/China/math/art/science/PE/music/computer tall 、short 、strong 、thin、 kind 、funny 、you

6、ng A: Whos your _teacher ? B:_ A: Whats he/she like ? B: He/She is _,说说你 喜欢的 老师吧,三、拓展延伸.,Finish the following passage .(短文填空。) Hello, Im Zhang Peng. I have a new _ teacher . He is Mr. Carter . Hes _and _.,English,tall,strong,2 、Write about three favorite teachers. (写写你喜欢的一位老师),Hello!_,四、Classroom te

7、sting(当堂检测),Choose the right answer(选择正确答案) ( )1. _ your new English teacher? A. Who B.Whos C. what ( )2. Whos Mr. Zhang? _ is our English teacher. A .She B. He C . Hes ( )3. Our math teacher is _ Yushan. A. from B. on C. of ( )4.Whats she like? _. A. She likes apples. B. Shes my mother. C. She is funny.,B,B,A,C,五、反思升华,Thank you! Teachers . I love you !,Homework : Introduce the four teachers.介绍四位新老师。,


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