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1、九年级英语咨询课,授课人: 岳艳 2013.4.9,专题一:名词 1. 以f结尾的名词变复数时,哪些是“f”用“ves”代替, 哪些是直接加“s”? thief wife wolf knife half leaf life roof proof(证据) chief(首领) belief(信仰) 2.合成名词如何变复数形式? looker-on(旁观者) son-in-law grand-child grown-up go-between(中间人) man servant woman manager,3.名词用连字符连接做形容词的用法是怎样的? _ should not be allowed t

2、o go out at night. A. Twelve- years-old B. Twelve-year-olds C. Twelve year olds D. Twelve years olds Tom has just finished writing a _ article. A. nine-hundred-words B. nine-hundreds-word C. nine-hundred-word D. nine-hundreds-words,专题二:冠词 长江和黄河的英文表达是否需要加the? 1._ Changjiang River is _ longest river i

3、n _ China. 长江 the Changjiang/Yangtze River 黄河 the Yellow/Huanghe River 黄山Mount Huang/the Yellow Mountain/Huangshan 2.They went to _ Peoples Park, but we both went to _ Peoples Cinema yesterday.,专题三:代词 如何区分other, another, others, the other, the others? Dont lose heart. Have another try. The strike(罢工

4、)may last another six weeks. New Zealand has two islands. One is North Island and the other is South Island. 4. Some people believe it, others not. 5. He is always helping others. 6.Five of them are in the classroom. What about the others? 7. Give me some other apples. 8. I rang her the other day.(前

5、几天),当堂巩固: 1.Some cleaned the windows, _ swept the floor. 2.I have two brothers. One is a doctor, _ is a teacher. 3.This T-shirt is too large for me. Could you please show me _ one? 4.We should plant _ ten trees. 5. John is here, but the _ boys are at school.,others,the other,another,another,other,能否

6、简略说明no one, nobody, none及nothing的用法区别? 1.None of us has/have been to Macao. 2.-Who is in the classroom? -No one./Nobody. 3. -How many animals can you see in the pictures? - None. 4.-Whats on the table? Nothing.,当堂巩固: -How many students are there in the classroom? -_. 2.She got up to get some sleepin

7、g pills but found there was _ left at home.,None,none,专题四:数词 1.如何表达6乘以6等于36? Six times six is thirty-six. 拓展: 6+6=12 Six plus/and six is twelve. 6-6=0 Six minus six is zero. 66=1 Six divided by six is one.,2.百分数如何表达? the students play QQ farm games on the Internet. 60 percents of B. 60 percent C. 60

8、 percent of D. 60 percents 拓展: 百分数表达法 “基数词+percent” 50 fifty percent 0.12 zero point one two percent,如何表达一个半小时? I have to do my homework for _ every day. A. one and half hour B. one and a half hour C. one and half hours D. one and a half hours,经验分享:如何有效学习英语语法 (1)对语法的规则或句型应力求充分的了解,不必作深入的理论探讨。练习都以句为单位

9、,口头练习与书写练习并重,培养思路与表达趋于一体的自然语言习惯。 (2)语法是从阅读中学来的。多阅读文章,如故事、寓言、童话、小说、甚至诗歌等。阅读时要切实朗读,材料以切合自己能力为佳。在阅读中注意感知自己已学习过的语法规则,或利用学过的语法规则来了解文意,体会文体,模仿英语的表达句式或习惯。切记,读过10本语法书你不一定能说写流畅的英语,但是阅读了10本小说(或文学作品),你的英语说写能力必定能顺畅自如。 (3)别怕犯语法错误。有错误,表示你已跑上了学习的道路,检查自己犯错误的原因,努力改正。敢犯错误的人一定会发现,他自己已更加接近成功的目标了。,Quitters never win and winners never quit. 退缩者永无胜利,胜利者永不退缩。,


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