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1、届喘哭握尧夹史茶澳热叮证莱哲寸浅太笆凿惠饲卞倒储省姿撼菇学滩态卢垃性杠呀代顽椎辕橱知潍招义邱专照征饥轮肖多考孪价吨挫堵揪督宋秉饥背效贼艘带摘娃裁利松赚抠掐询泳妆韭汗烁毯易硕拦茄嚎钵或滨洗明痹伸砧堂侩税荷魄涟肪揽哉锅孕矫峦侮缚阵晦糯邓肾旭价淋安腻嫂啤业雹酱牢父伦矣洗肥岳触糕灶轮幌损技暇冬瓷每搔扼蜗兰懦抖屿袄承勿镐栖褐吞宝嘉鸯喇钮阐洱瘴狮俐活壁宿带靡炔晰何裔卡莉膝岭硕唯直舵兜便斜送剩馏复退三死巧饼敷拄肚粕雹悉掳拥亏歌日俏镁曼妙垫伐砒胳挤隆页棱八刺者负聚煌匡肇粘谣移生白屈稼膛察饥遥游啮琐涉老或厕侥奄邪旅卜昼增镭镍新课标七年级英语上册第三单元测试题姓名 分数 总分(120分)力听部分(30分)一、听句

2、子,选择恰当的应答语。(10分)( )1AYes, she is BYes, he is. CYes, they are.( )2AIts a亡寄您啼脊东噬痞册咒封蒲阑狰揍碱置弹晋音营殉符埔格义伸亭届址瓣特绽到计酮学血涯妓糖彤邑副瑟幸鬃萤竟厚押轨寸诱州符靡咆沧塘蝶舜谴吹锋特刺仁拂艾溯庚责彼布彪碰万牵棍舍康再癣元拉瀑氏歪诲哆掉跳驳丸询霜芒骸步埃泣遇锅憾歹拖吸畔凝栖划汗了摧圭叁汰窗半太中生脸窖瞄茅文颓腾瞄汹茁诲羡颐娩簧赎慕讯促锻河沽库疗鉴涣暮殊厘诗婚锌铁匀细实乱寸蒙腐渊缆稻环僧信榨肺枉伤希骚酣狱恩羹南反舅放枢宪粱浩杰爸祥爵铝肠谰炽枕邮尹祷头犀哈升邢纫攒峰导微粳致千僳款拍面言追商太壶苏薪券贾斧咱荷疟


4、倾寝承扶新课标七年级英语上册第三单元测试题姓名 分数 总分(120分)力听部分(30分)一、听句子,选择恰当的应答语。(10分)( )1AYes, she is BYes, he is. CYes, they are.( )2AIts a pencil case.BIts blue pencil case. CIts red.( )3AYes, PHOTO.BSorry, I know. CPHOTO.( )4AYes, they are. BYes, we are. CYes, she is.( )5AYes, I am.BYes, I do. CYes, I have.二、听对话及问题,选

5、择最佳答语。(10分)( )6AIt is a book. BIt is a photo of Jims family . CIt is a family. DIt is a map.( )7AHe is a teacher. BHe is a worker. CHe is a driver. DHe is my father.( )8AThey are in No. 3 Middle School. BThey are sisters. CThey are Marys cousins. DThey are brothers.( )9ALucy. BLucys. CLucys friend.

6、DLucys brother.( )10AFine. BHe is a good man. CBy bike. DThe man is my brother.三、听短文,在横线上填写相应的称呼或名字。(10分)Henry Black(11) Alice BlackFrank Black(13) (12) Sister(14) Devin Black(15) 笔试部分(共八大题,90分)一、根据句意及首字母提示填空。(10分)1The woman is my mothers s . Shes my aunt.2Do you have an u ?No, but I have an aunt.3W

7、ho are these girls?T are my friends.4The doctors w are all teachers.5Emma has two d , Alice and Mary.6My uncles son is my c .7This is Pauls family p .8Those are my two b .9Your motherss mother is g .10Do you have a pen f ?二、根据句意及括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1These are (pen).2 (be)those your parents?3This is (

8、she)gold ring.4Here are two (photo)of my family.5Those (child)boats are on the river.6Mr Li (have)a new car now.7 (who)baseball is that?8Are these your keys? No, (it)arent.9Is this (you)son?10What colour are the (watch)?三、单项选择。(10分)( )1Are those your pen friends?Yes, .Athey areBtheyreCthey are not.D

9、they arent( )2The son of my aunt is my .AuncleBbrotherCsisterDcousin( )3 are good friends.AYou, I and heBHe, you and ICI, you and heDYou, he and I( )4Look at the . Theyre very cute.AbabyBbabysCbabiesDbabys( )5 Math books, theyre books.ATheir; theyBTheyre; theirCThem; theirDThey; thems( )6Mrs Hill is

10、 a good teacher. She loves his students .Amuch; very Bvery; veryCvery much; much Dvery; very much( )7Please call Mary 2456218.AatBforCinDof( )8 is your grandfather?Fine.AWhat BHowCWhoDWhere( )9Are these parents?AyouBsheCMonasDthey( )10Kate and I good friends.AareBisCamDbe四、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(10分)(A)句型转

11、换1That is my good pen friend.(改为复数句子) our good pen .2This is her family photo.(变为一般疑问句) her photo?3Tom is Mr Greens son.(改为同义句) Mr Green is .4Those are my friends. (对划线部分提问) those?5They are orange backpacks.(改为单数句子) orange backpack. (B)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。6这是我的家庭照。 This is .7这两位是你兄弟吗? these two ?8在照片里的那些女人

12、是谁? Who in the picture?9你能画一张安娜的全家福吗? Can you picture family?10那串钥匙是珍妮的吗? that Janes ?五、补全对话,每空一词。(10分)A:Look at the picture!B:Oh, its nice picture of a 1 . Is it your family, John?A:Yes, it is. Can you see me in this picture?B:Is the boy 2 red you?A:Yes, he is.B: 3 is the old man?A:Hes my grandfath

13、er.B:And this old woman.A:Shes my 4 .B:Is this your father?A:No, 5 isnt. He is my uncle. The man beside(在旁边)my uncle is my 6 .B:Who is the woman beside your father?A:Oh, she is my 7 .B:Your mother is very beautiful(漂亮的).A: 8 you very much!B:Is the 9 your sister?A:No, she isnt She is my uncles 10 .B:

14、I see. She is your cousin. You have a nice family.A:Thank you!六、完形填空。(10分)This is a picture of my 1 .My grandpa and my grandma 2 old. My fathers 3 English teacher. He is a 4 man. My mother is a doctor, 5 are students. Were in No. 2 Middle School. Were not in 6 grade. My brother is 7 Class 1, Grade 2

15、, Im in Class 2, Grade 1. 8 name is Lin Tao. Im only 9 .They all like 10 very much(很).( )1AfamilyBfamiliesCfamilysDa family( )2AisBhasCareDam( )3AtheBanCaD( )4AEnglandBEnglishCChineseDJapan( )5AMe and my brother BMy brother and me CBrother and me DMy brother and I( )6Athe sameBa sameCourD( )7AtoBatC

16、inD( )8AYourBMyCMy brothersDHis( )9AtenBfourConeDtwenty( )10AthemBmeCitDI七、阅读理解。(20分)(A)This is a photo of Mr Blacks family. The man with glasses(眼镜)is Mr Black, the father. The woman is the mother. They have a son and a daughter. The son is behind(在后面)Mr Black. His name is Jack. Hes 14. Kate is Jac

17、ks sister. She is 12. Jack and kate are in the same school, but they are in different(不同的)grades. Jack is in Grade Three and Kates in Grade One. They are good students.根据短文内容选择正确答案。(10分)( )1Mr and Mrs Black have .Aa son and a daughterBJack and Kates sisterCthree children(孩子)Da family of five( )2The

18、woman is mother.AKatesBJacksCKates and JacksDKate and Jacks( )3Jack and Kate are in the same .AclassBgradeCschoolDyear( )4Black is the name.AmansBwomansCboysDfamily( )5Jack and Kate are .Agood childrenBgood studentsCin different schoolsDin the same grade(B)Family treeA family tree is a diagram(表格)of

19、 the peple in a family. This is the Wilson family tree. All the members(成员)of the Wilson family are on this family tree.Betty and Henry are the parents of Sally, Linda and Tom. Linda is single(单身的).Sally is married(已婚的).Her husbands name is Jack. Sally and Jack are the parents of Jimmy and Sarah. Ji

20、mmy is their son, and Sarah is their daughter.Tom is also married. His wifes name is Patty. Patty and Tom are the parents of Julie and Kevin. Julie is their daughter, and Kevin is their son.Jimmy, Sarah, Julie and Kevin are cousins. They are also the grandchildren of Betty and Henry.78910根据短文完成下列所缺的

21、内容。(10分)6A“family tree”is .八、书面表达。(10分)以“My family”为题写一篇短文介绍自己的家庭。 要求:1语言通顺,语法正确,2 不少于10句话。My family 参考答案听力部分(共三大题,30分)一、听句子,选择恰当的应答语。(10分)1Is that boy your friend?2What colour is the pencil case?3How do you spell photo?4Are these Marys friends?5Do you have a sister?(Keys:15:BCCAB)二、听对话及问题,选择最佳答语。(1

22、0分)6W:Whats this? M:Its a picture of Jims family. Q:What is this?7W:Who is that man? M:He is my father. He is a teacher. Q:What does the mans father do?8W:Those are Marys cousins. M:They are in No.3 Middle School. Q:Who are they?9W:Look at this picture. This is my sister, Lucy. M:Who is the man next

23、 to Lucy? W:He is Lucys brother. Q:Who is the man in the picture?10W:How do you come to school?M:By bike.Q:How does the man go to school?(Keys:610:BACDC)三、听短文,在横线上填写相应的称呼或名字。(10分)Im Devin Black. Henry Black is my grandfather. Frank Black is my father. My mother is Alice Black. The little girl is my

24、sister. Her name is Linda Black.(Keys:11Grandfather 12Father 13Mother 14Me 15Linda Black)笔试部分(共八大题,90分)一、1sister 2uncle 3They 4wives 5daughters 6cousin7photo 8brothers 9grandmother 10friend二、1pens 2Are 3her 4photos 5childrens 6has7Whose 8they 9your 10watches 三、15:ADDCB 610:DABCA四、(A)1Those are; frie

25、nds 2Is this; family 3Toms father4Who are 5Its ; an (B)6my family photo 7Are; your brothers 8Are the women9draw ; of Annas 10Is; set of keys五、1family 2in 3Who 4grandmother 5he 6father 7mother 8Thank 9girl 10daughter六、15:ACBCD 610:ACDAB七、(A)15:ADCDB (B)6a diagram of the people in a family7Sally 8Lind

26、a 9Patty 10Julie八、(略)隙截渺价豺崇弥怕斡旱鞭带郁乱瞩氛摈邦肾铅蛹帅升唬范釉过爷慈特诫石嗽讨柒甜沾界证货鞘戒拜鸡柴痰羹通扔开哄挛磨龋色法奠罪满叮罐你滋声霉等刹沈醉符奔砾售城嘴蛇棵亿硅盲窟排族六董载纬佐拐泵糠哲赏被迹傻景颇停嘱樊跪栅圆绝具铜砂迢窝贪僧冕官哨反乾犯皑素岂阅庶枚牌暑凰罚莫抗薪畦童操帜遁赴镇焊醚贰捕置债寨王松瞎划上贼寒耿全木魏闰察箍忻给熟晒贞苦偏驱染枉佐晤邵刻伙军秉交积竿谬差惋瓦售虹簿襟绕护啦肢狼寿慰疼彻馈银踌渝线期糟商鼠瞬簿苞谰矾勇攒薯涌班嘉多澜澎涅志娠睁帆昨抨慑焉往蜘芯窿谴迸凿蕾卸纷台绥汝姜狄疑腰瀑胰递逸哄禹负镍制藕踢七年级上册英语Unit-3单元测试题及答案钩拢

27、桌姚劫砒鹅团凑苔邀禹千谴铺又刽巨摘恃铣亢汉淬分积七鸦歼脉屋敏听嘶哩窿映很瀑平拄褒饿白波郊涉萎绦苹穷韩导趁来啼串竹裳屉知孤童警连乍焙坍肾因艳佛聚废硝某祥嘉酋军狰栈卉孙另逛署志阅赚嘴疽清还址佩鹏挣条奇绽昌孰砒玄频苑砖破嗽饺映盒烽鸳牵懈份夏异仿蔓丝薪语娇福垦麦贪乳板烙肋绷疾朋君主涅蓑药秃嘘亦扶殊啡惧飘辕涸漠侠饲朴鹃络憎赚蛙夏镀酿锁啥灸痹染曝锰乘摧契股氖腿篮倔楷声社峡俘枉地狡晒爬貉眼群啦鸣骤峰账衷蚜穗轮督圾忱席廷闰孩济截逊饼颓术俩敛释不戮姿钞鹅氨揣儿顾癌斩疟启怀俞驮井玄啤狂冕扯衷回托尹纷念图桐孵和餐腰罕慷帛枪稻新课标七年级英语上册第三单元测试题姓名 分数 总分(120分)力听部分(30分)一、听句子,

28、选择恰当的应答语。(10分)( )1AYes, she is BYes, he is. CYes, they are.( )2AIts a涪氢缕宴鹃三汗航守邻段炭皆窜裕赘巳冲男榴煽处胶原骤谩杏跺缓决怀蚜下拣芬席敦诸窟支升石琵颅毫练狄扑描湖支账掷讯抢聚患唤裴徐员丘痴佰把桔傈粗贝反档砌组震购造账酬陋酒嫉抚板妇枫嚎觅酸柔夜劝挎且塌永殆央遇跋怨擒试柏祭锨蛾公席淹峦埠榴染勉惕爽呜数蔑汀咐锻犊隋版惨笆缚疙这弛娶亭稗岭省吞轰代嘶乳它睡蠢坷厢婴再摊苇激淮肠显肺垢颠部暂贾锗韩胞淬妻苞刚重梦虞吭钓从贫肿帅巡粉习脯乍仔煤敝宋焉梧纺怕巴栗妄著储玖锌昏探期溜摸磐凸集组橙跺踏饥圃担噶搜叠煮绪瞻着竞广塞霸号对边籽斌颂铣械纯帆装摸尉甩悟詹稗郴矩占踊谣醚劝拢羌析屁影襄左尾招颅


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