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1、一、学 科:英语二、学校:恩平市恩城第一小学三、 设计教师:张关凤 胡艳娟四、 教学年级:四年级五、课例名称:Unit 9 What are you doing ?六、课 型:语音教学课型七、教材版本:广东人民出版社开心学英语四年级上册八、课时:第三课时 (Sounds and Words Activity 2) 九、教学设计:学生分析:四年级学生对英语学习有浓厚兴趣,也有了一定的语音语调基础,他们学习一般靠直觉和体验,生动活泼的学习方式和贴近他们生活的学习内容很容易调动他们的学习积极性教材分析: 学习本课之前学生已经大概掌握了“ing”的发音,本课是在原来的基础上加以综合归类整理,引导学生掌

2、握其发音规律,使他们获得发音和拼读的初步技能教学目标:知识目标:要求学生掌握ing的发音能力目标:学生能熟练并准确地掌握有“ing”结尾的行为动词的发音规律情感目标:培养学生积极运用所学的语音语调感性认识,加强合作,共同完成学习任务的能力。 四、教学重点:本课的语音单词flying,singing,drawing,crying,laughing,smiling五、教学难点:以“ing”结尾的行为动词的发音规律六、教学策略: 在本节课中我除了让学生自主找出单词的发音规律外,还让学生通过小组合作,小组比赛,make a chant等活动对旧知识进行归类,运用。课前准备:PPT演示文稿、单词卡片【教

3、学流程图】Warming up Lead out the sound/ i /PresentationHave Ss read the other words by themselves.Read after the tape1Game(单词大比拼 ) 2. Make a chant. 3. Do the practice of P47 and P48Activities and practiceSummary and homework九、教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1、Greeting.2、Chant:ing ing playing ing ing eating ing in

4、g shopping ing ing running ing ing writing ing ing dancing (朗朗上口的chant既复习了上节课的内容,又为本节课的新知识作铺垫)Step 2 Presentation1.Learn the sounds /i /1.)Write “flying ”on the board and underline the “ing”.2.)T:(Point to “ing)What does it sound?(Ss:/i/) T:very good .Today well practice the sound / i /(引导学生在平时的学习中掌

5、握发音和拼读的初步技能)3) Practice the sound / i / together.2.Have Ss read the other words of P483.Read after the tape.(模仿正确的语音语调)4.Game: Say and do.(用游戏复习相关的单词,学生兴趣高,效果明显)Step 3 Activities1. Game: 单词大比拼1)T: Can you show me another words with “ing” ?2) Give Ss 5 minutes to write down the words with “ing”.3) Wr

6、ite down the words on the blackboard in groups. 全班分成四大组,看哪组能在规定的时间内写出最多以ing结尾的单词(引导学生对所学的知识进行归类,掌握其规律)4)Each group stand up and read their words together.2.Make a chant.1) T: Heres a chant for you. Singing,dancing , jumping Singing,dancing , jumping What are you doing ? What are you doing ? Im singi

7、ng, dancing, jumping! Can you make a chant like this?2)Ss make a chant in groups.(生动有趣的chant能很好地巩固学生所学的知识 ,也培养了学生的合作精神)3) Have Ss chant in groups.( 上台表演) Step 4 Practice1.Do the practice of P48 2. Check the answers.3.Play a guessing game of P47. Step 5 Summary and homework Say the chant with your partner. 板书设计: flying singing drawing/ i / crying laughing smiling5


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