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1、Unit 2 Numbers,Words,n number instructions gram son chess India prize,grain chessboard amount rest gold traffic accident,v check challenge promise double realize copy,adj wise adv instead correctly,a long time ago challenge.to. and so on . copy down,number,n. 数字,In this unit, you will learn about th

2、e language of numbers.,a number of 许多,大量 the number of .的数量,A number of students are in the classroom. The number of students is 200.,instructions,n. 指示;命令,Read the instruction on the bottle before you take the medicine.,Please give right instruction to the computer.,check,v. 检查;核实,The teacher is ch

3、ecking our homework.,checkout n 结账台,gram,n. 克(重量单位),-How heavy is the fish? -I think it is 1500 grams.,one kilogram=1000 grams,son,n. 儿子,Fan Zuming is Chen Longs son.,son daughter father mother aunt uncle grandma grandpa,chess,n. 国际象棋,They are playing chess.,play chess 下棋,India,n. 印度,The girl comes

4、from India.,She is an Indian girl.,Many Indians travels in China every year.,Indian adj. 印度的 n. 印度人,wise,adj. 充满智慧的,They are famous and they are wise.,近: 反: wisely wisdom wiseness,clever; bright,stupid ; silly; foolish,adv.聪明地,n.智慧,才智,n.聪明,challenge,v. 向(某人)挑战,They challenge us to a swimming contest

5、.,meet the challenge rise to the challenge challenging challengeable challenger,迎接挑战,接受挑战,adj. 挑战的,adj. 挑战性的,n. 挑战者,n. 挑战,promise,v. 许诺;承诺,He promised me to collect the books.,keep ones promise 守信 make a promise 允许;允诺,break promise 违背诺言,prize,n. 奖赏;奖品,Our teacher took many prizes into our classroom.

6、,She said studying English helped her get the prize. 她说就是学习英语帮助她得到了这个奖。 I want to win the prize. 我想赢得那个奖。,grain,n. 谷粒,He put one grain on the first square.,拓展:去一个字母成为另一个单词 rain gain,雨;下雨 获得,chessboard,n. 国际象棋棋盘,chess + board =,国际象棋,板,Id like one gain of rice for the for the first square of the chess

7、board.,double,v. (使)加倍,We have to double our efforts if we want to be successful in our studies.,I bought double the amount of milk,adj. 双倍的,amount,n. 数量;数额,Double the amount of grain.,a large amount of 大量的(接不可数名词) small amount 小额;小批量,rest,n. 剩余部分,n./v. 休息,Let me have a rest.,The two flowers are whi

8、te, and the rest are red.,gold,n. 金子;黄金,What do so many people want to buy? They want to buy some gold.,golden adj. 金色的,黄金般的; 珍贵的;金制的,What colour is gold? It is golden.,instead,adv. 代替;顶替,He didnt want gold or silver. Instead, he only wanted to get his family together.,She didnt go out .She stayed a

9、t home instead. She stayed at home instead of going out.,instead of +名词,代词或动名词短语 instead 一般接句子,可放置在两句 之间,也可置与句末。,realize,v. 认识到;意识到,The host realized his mistake.,The king quickly realized the problem.,real adj. 实际的;真实的;实在的 really adv. 实际上;真正地,真实地 reality n. 现实;实际;真实,copy,v. 抄写;誊写,Could you copy thi

10、s article for me?,copied adj.复制的;已复制的 copying n.复制;誊写 copyist n.抄写员;抄袭者,correctly,adv. 准确无误地;正确地,Can you read the article correctly? Can you read the article without mistakes?,correct adj. 正确的 v. 改正,traffic,n. 交通,Maybe he is in the traffic jam.,He was late for work because of the heavy traffic.,acci

11、dent,n. (交通)事故,She wasnt hurt in the traffic accident .,Have you heard about the accident?,traffic accident 交通事故 by accident 意外地;偶然地 accidental adj. 意外的;偶然的 accidentally adv.意外地;偶然地,n number instructions gram son chess India prize,grain chessboard amount rest gold traffic accident,数字 指示;命令 克 儿子 国际象棋 印度 奖赏;奖品,谷粒 棋盘 数量;数额 剩余部分 金子;黄金 交通 (交通)事故,v check challengeproie double realize copy,检查;核实 向(某人)挑战 许诺;承诺 (使)加倍 认识到;意识到 抄写;誊写,adj wise adv instead correctly,a long time ago challenge.to. and so on . copy down,充满智慧的 代替;顶替 准确无误地;正确地 很早以前 向(某人)挑战 .等等 抄写;誊写,


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