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1、Good morning Welcome to guide,Teacher:YangYuxiu From Hongxiang,Section A Period One,Unit9 How was your weekend ?,Show aims:,1). New words:,1.did my homework 2.played soccer 3.cleaned my room 4. went to the beach 5.played tennis 6.went to the movies,2).Listening practice.,3).Language goal: Talk about

2、 recent past events. A: What did you do last weekend, Lucy? B: On Saturday morning, I played tennis.,A: What do you often do on weekend?,A: What did you do last weekend?,A: What does she often do on weekend?,A: What did she do last weekend?,B: On Saturday morning, I play tennis,B: She does her homew

3、ork.,B: On last Saturday morning, I played tennis,B: She did her homework.,Do you know what they did ?,did homework,played soccer,cleaned the room,went to the beach,played tennis,went to the movies,The Past Simple Tense,do my homework,did my homework,play soccer,played soccer,clean my room,cleaned m

4、y room,go to the beach,went to the beach,Irregular verbs,Regular verbs,do,go,is,have,did,went,was,had,play,clean,study,like,play,clean,stud,like,ed,ed,ied,d,动词的过去式构成规则,1.规则动词: A.一般在动词词尾加ed。例如: playplayed cleancleaned visitvisited B.动词末尾字母是e的,在e后直接加d。 例如: likeliked livelived dancedanced C.以辅音字母加y结尾的词

5、,要先变y为i再加ed. 例如: studystudied carrycarried worryworried 2.不规则动词。 例如: dodid gowent am/iswas arewere havehad 3.动词的过去式没有人称和数的变化。,Unit 9,How was your weekend ?,Match the words with the pictures. 1.did my homework _ 2.played soccer _ 3. cleaned my room _ 4. went to the beach _ 5. played tennis _ 6. went

6、to the movies _,1a,d,b,f,c,e,a,1b,Listen and write the day and “morning” , “afternoon” or “night” below each picture.,Saturday,afternoon,afternoon,night,Sunday,Task1: make a report,Listen again and fill in the chart Then make a report about Lucys weekend.,played tennis,went to the beach,went to the

7、movies,cleaned her room,played soccer,did her homework,Eg:Lucy had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning, She played tennis. On Saturday afternoon She went to the movies. ,Eg: A: What did you do last weekend, Lucy? B: On Saturday morning, I played tennis. On Saturday afternoon, I went to the beach. ,Pa

8、irwork:Role-play,2,1,Ask and answer questions about Mings,Tonys and Sarahs weekends.,How was Mings weekend?,It was great. She,Pairwork,Task2:make a survey,Interview your partner and take notes:,How did you feel?,What did you do over the weekend?,写出下列动词过去式,1.look 2. live 3. study 4. clean 5. is/am 6. do 7. help 8.are 9. go 10. have,looked,studied,cleaned,helped,lived,were,went,had,did,was,Exercise:,Summerize:,Encourage students to say what we have learnt,Homework,Write a passage to describe what you did last weekend,Thank you for attending !,Goodbye !,


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