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1、Unit 2 Whats the matter,Mike? C Tast timeGreeting.Free talk: Whats your name? Whats the date today?-What day is it today?- Hows the weather today?-How are you today?(由此引出复习内容)I am not fine today. (Whats the matter?) Because I have a toothache. Yesterday , I went to see the doctor .In the hospital I

2、saw many patients. Now lets see,Whats the matter with them?(出示课件)Whats the matter with him/her? He/She has a How to spell ?(以此类推地复习旧知识,可以让学生针对图片进行问答。学生回答得好的话奖一个笑脸)Have a cold:师:If you have a cold,What should you do? 生:go to see the doctor, take some medicine. Drink hot drinks. Stay in bed for a few

3、days.师: Its very uncomfortable when you have a cold. If you dont want to have a cold, you should do sports often,and eat more fruits and vegetables. And of course be happy everyday. Good mood is very improtant in our life.(最后一张图片:toothache.) You know , I have a toothache, I didnt sleep well last nig

4、ht. Duiring the night, I heard many different sounds. Do you want to know what ? Now lets listen together and talk about them. (听课件内的各种声音。问:How do they feel? How does she/he feel?)(回答正确奖励笑脸。)Show feelings: When we feel happy, sad, tired, we will make some sounds and actions to show. Now, I will say

5、the same sentence to show my feelings. And you guess what are they.OK? (说同一个句子:yes.) Just now, I show my feelings, Its your turn now. Please look at the screen and show your feelings.(哪组表现好的话奖励笑脸往上升。)New story: Wow, boys and girls. You did a very good job! Now , I want to tell you a very interesting

6、 story. Its about Zip. Please listen carefully ,OK? Its Saturday midnight. Zip is in her bedroom. She has nothing to do . She feels bored. She thinks:Mmm. It will be fun to read some books.” So she goes to the bookshelf and takes a book . Its a ghost story book . Its named “ 聊斋志异”. At first Zip feel

7、s very excited. But when she reads a story of “喷水鬼”, She thinks that the ghost is coming. she is very scared. She shouts: “ Mom, help!” Her mom runs into the room and says: “Whats the matter, My dear?” “ I am reading the ghost story, but I am very scared.” Her mom says: “ Dont worry. I will sleep wi

8、th you.” Wow, What a good mother. Zip is happy . She goes to sleep quickly and has a sweet dream.Read the story together: boys and girls . Lets read the story together to understand the story clearly. When you are reading the story, I want a little teacher to see which group is the best. Now who wan

9、ts to be the little teacher?(读故事) T: Hi, Miss/ Mr. Which group do you think is the best? ST: I think Group is the best. T: Yes. I think so. And I think Group is good,too. (大组奖励笑脸往上。)Write the question: Do you understand the story now? (Yes.) OK. Now, I”ll give you 2 minutes to make some questions ab

10、out the story.You can discuss in 4 people and write them on this paper first. And then ask and answer. (学生针对故事想问题。)Ask and answer with the story.(在学生问答的过程中,老师可针对问题问学生:如同一个问题,用不同的方法去表达。学生也可找同学问题中的错误。奖励笑脸)Retell the story: Now, boys and girls. Lets retell the story together. OK ? (结合图片复述故事,图片挂在黑板上) (用

11、不同的句子表达课文内容)Act out the story: Wow. Boys and girls, You did a very good job. Now lets act out the story. You can prepare in 4 people first. One to retell the story, the others to act out the story. Ill give you 3 minutes to prepare.(学生排练。)Show the story:总结:I think all of you did a very good job toda

12、y! I am so happy to see that! Can you tell me, Are there any ghosts in the world? (No.) But we can see the ghosts on the TV set and computer. Why? (学生说)The ghosts are man made by ourselver. The ghost just from our brain and heart. We made the ghosts when we feel scared. So we should be honest and br

13、ave. If we are honest and brave. We have nothing to fear. And please remember, Dont scare anybody at anytime or anywhere. Its not a good manner. OK?结束: Now lets see our homework today:1. Write something about Zips dream.2. Make a story with the feelings.Thats all for today. Thank you for your coopration today. Have a nice day. Goodbye, boys and girls.


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