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1、Novotel look,面部 Face,眉毛必须经常修 剪自然 Eyebrow must be trimmed regularly for a natural look 不可佩带假眼睫 毛 Fake eyelashes are not permitted,必须化淡妆及使 用颜色自然的唇膏 Light make-up and lipstick must be worn 使用红色系列的唇膏及已批核的化妆品颜色(不要使用红色眼影),化妆品包括粉底、胭脂及眼影 Wear shades of red-colour based lipsticks and approved color color cos

2、metics (no reddish eye shadow) with the foundation, blush and eye shadow on,女员工 Female,面部 Face,Novotel look,手部 Hand,Novotel look,只可佩带一只简单平实及深色的商务型手表;手表款式必须简朴;不可佩带运动型、夸张及过大的手;每只手只可佩带一只指环(不包括姆指的指环)。 Wear one simple, plain, dark colour business; No sports, fancy and oversized watches; One single-band/s

3、imple surface design ring is permitted on each hand (no thumb rings are permitted),手部 Hand,Novotel look,指甲长度不应超越指头;指甲必须时刻保持清洁;可以使用浅粉红或透明的指甲油,有缺口或磨坏了的指甲油应在上班前修补或再涂抹 Length of nails should not exceed the Fingertips ; Nails must be clean at all times ; Nail polish may be applied in light pink or transp

4、arent colours . Chipped or worn polish should be repaired or reapplied prior to work.,Novotel look,面部 Face,经常剃须 Cleanly shaven at all times 鼻毛不可外露 Nose hair should not be visible 不可留胡须 No beards, goatees and mustache is permitted,只可佩带透明的隐形眼镜 Only clear (non-colour) contact lens is allowed 镜框应以金色、银色或

5、黑色为主,其他颜色均不容许镜片亦不应有颜色 Eyewear should be in thin metal frames in gold, silver or black ;glasses should not be tinted 可佩带无镜框眼镜 Frameless eyewear is allowed,男员工 Male,Novotel look,面部 Face,不可佩带耳环 No earrings are permitted,不可佩带任何项链 No chains or necklaces are permitted,男员工 Male,Novotel look,头发 Hair,额头不可被浏海

6、遮盖,发型必须经常修剪 Forehead must be clear of all fringes. Hairstyle should be well trimmed,不可把头发挑染或染成其他颜色只可保持自然发色 Highlights and dyes are not permitted - natural hair colour only 不可电烫头发 No curly perms are permitted 不可佩带假发 No wigs are allowed,男员工 Male,Novotel look,头发 Hair,头发不可鬈曲或凌乱,要用发胶固定 Hair must be neat

7、and gelled, not frizzy or messy 长度不可遮过耳朵 Hair length must be above and not cover both ears,头发不可触及衣领 Hair must not touch shirt collar 不可把头发剃光 Shaved bald heads are not permitted,男员工 Male,手部 Hand,Novotel look,只可佩带一只简单平实及深色的商务型手表;手表款式必须简朴;不可佩带运动型、夸张及过大的手表;每只手只可佩带一只指环(不包括姆指的指环 Wear one simple, plain, da

8、rk colour business watch ;No sports, fancy and oversized watches ; One single-band/simple surface design ring is allowed on each hand. No thumb rings are permitted,手部 Hand,Novotel look,不可佩带任何手镯;指甲长度不应超越指头;必须时刻保持清洁 No bracelets are permitted ; Length of nails should not exceed fingertips ; Nails must

9、 be clean at all times,Novotel look,头发 Hair,不可把头发挑染或染成其他颜色只可保持自然发色 Highlights and dyes are not permitted - natural hair colour only 不可佩带假发 No wigs are permitted 只可使用深色及平面的发饰 Only dark and plain surface hair accessories are permitted,浏海必须经常修剪及整理 Hair fringes must be trimmed and neatly styled 面部及眼眉不可被

10、浏海遮盖 Fringes should be styled away from the face and not covering the eyebrows,女员工 Female,Novotel look,头发 Hair,长度超越肩膀即视为长发,应梳理整齐建议把头发整齐地束成发髻或马尾,直发可梳为马尾,卷发必须梳为发髻 Long hair styles, i.e. styles which fall past the shoulder, should be neatly styled preferably put into a bun(curly or perm hair) or pony t

11、ail (straight hair) without loose hair on cheeks, neck and back of shoulder,所有头发必须用梳子梳理,不要用手指或双手梳理 All hair MUST be combed or brushed. Not styled by the fingers or hands,女员工 Female,Novotel look,女员工 female,Long hair styles, i.e. styles which fall past the shoulder, should be neatly styled preferably

12、put into a bun(curly or perm hair) or pony tail (straight hair) without loose hair on cheeks, neck and back of shoulder. 长度超越肩膀即视为长发,应梳理整齐建议把头发整齐地束成发髻或马尾. All hair MUST be combed or brushed. Not styled by the fingers or hands. 所有头发必须用梳子梳理,不要用手指或双手梳理.,头发 Hair,Novotel look,Must be trimmed regularly and cut straight at the tip. The length must not be longer than 1/3 of the ear.,应经常修剪及把端部剪平,不可超越耳朵1/3的位置.,男员工 Male,头发 Hair,


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