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1、Something terrible/horrorable/unbelievable,高二北师大版模块五,Unit 13 People Lesson 3 Making Guesses about People,1.look at the picture,guess what the two people might be discussing about?,They might be discussing about .,2.look at the other two pictures and guess what has happened to them?,They might be,on

2、a camp,caught in a heavy rain,losing their way,be sheltering under a tree,First-reading,1. Read the dialogue and choose the best answers.,1. The dialogue is about _. A. making guesses about people B. a French tutor and her students C. two missing students D. some students going exploring,2. From the

3、 dialogue we have learned that _. A. the two students disappeared 3 days ago B. the French tutor know where they are C. people found them in a cottage D. its a real relief when theyre found,3. The dialogue make various guesses EXCEPT that _. A. they must be frightened B. one of them might be injured

4、 C. they might have some food to eat D. they might have died from lack of water,C,A,D,2. Read the dialogue again and complete the gaps.,Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.,frightened,separated,fallen,freezing,sheltering,some food,worried,Language Points,1.昨天我责备我儿子不完成家庭作业。 2.他因为再次迟到受到责备。,I told my son off

5、for not finishing his homework yesterday.,He was told off for being late again.,Fill in the blanks with the given words and expressions.,missing, hear about, hear from, anxiously, fall behind, on ones own, freeze, shelter, get lost,1. Shut the window Im _! 2. Although her father is in the firm she g

6、ot the job _. 3. The wall _ the soldiers from gunfire.,freezing,on her own,sheltered,4. The book had two _ pages. 5. Tell him not to _. 6. How often do you _ your sister? 7. Ive just _ his dismissal. 8. They were _ waiting for them to come back safe. 9. The major world powers are afraid of _ in the

7、arms race.,missing, hear about, hear from, anxiously, fall behind, on ones own, freeze, shelter, get lost,missing,get lost,hear from,heard about,anxiously,falling behind,1-5:AADAA 6-10:DBBAA,Choose the best answer to complete the sentences,Example: The young woman is very happy. She must be reading

8、some good news.,1. Make guesses about the people in the pictures.,Before Starting,The little girl looks _. She _ (wait) for her mother.,worried,could be waiting,The lawyer looks _. He _ _ (fail) a defence of his client.,upset,might,have failed,The houses are _. The villagers _ (move) into other plac

9、es.,deserted,must have moved,They are _. They _ _ (watch) a horror movie.,frightened,may,be watching,The bike rider is _. He _ (shelter) in the tent.,missing,could be sheltering,The man is _. He _ (feel) very cold because the weather is _ in the snowy winter.,shivering,must feel,freezing,She _ (win)

10、 the race because she has _ so far _ others.,cant win,fallen,behind,_ (sit) on the sofa on her _, she feels lonely. She _ _ (separate) from her family.,Sitting,own,might,have been separated,She has got _ to her husband-to-be. She _ (have) a romantic time.,engaged,must be having,单词:,1 hugging 2 upset 3 fault 4 bleeding 5 broken 6 relief 7 sheltered 8 astronomy 9 scholars 10 housewife,短语,1 hear about 2 have .doing 3 get lost 4 go exploring 5 at the moment 6 on ones own 7 be separated from 8 tell .off:,选择题: 1-8 CCCBDBBD,


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