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1、Useful expressions,turn left / right = take a left / right 向左/ 右 go past 经过 go straight 向前直走 next to 旁边、紧接着, between and 在和之间 the first/second floor 一/二楼 go upstairs /downstairs 上楼 /下楼 take the elevator/escalator to the floor. 乘电梯/自动扶梯到,Could you please tell me how to get to ?,the dinning room Baiji

2、ale supermarket,library,mall购物商场,hang out,clean,crowded,Theyre all at the mall.,3a Read the article. Then list the advantages and disadvantages of going to the mall.,Friends hang out there,Always something happening,Free concerts,Fun to watch people,Listen to CDs Look at books,Air isnt fresh,Usually

3、 crowded,Always spend too much money,Explanation,decide to do sth. 决定做某事。 make a decision. hang out 闲逛 hang 悬挂 pt. pp hung 绞死 pt. pp hanged 3 prefer to do sth.= prefer doing sth.更喜欢、宁愿 做. Theres always something happening 总会有事发生。happening是现在分词作定语, There be + n.+v.ing 有某人/物正在做某事 4.Its also just fun t

4、o watch people.观看人就是很有趣的。 fun娱乐、快乐 为不可数名词,开玩笑地、非认真地。 He played jokes only for fun. 5 spend意为花钱,用钱 spend money on sth. 例: She spends too much money on clothes.,After school, a lot of young people go to the mall. Why do they go there? Yu Yue says she goes to the mall because her friends _ there. She d

5、oesnt really like it. Because the air isnt_. Also its usually _. She prefers _outside.,hang out,fresh,crowded,being,And she adds when she goes into stores she always _ too much money. But Liu Jun says he loves the mall. Because theres always something _.There are a lot of free _ there. Its just fun

6、to _ people.,spends,happening,concerts,watch,And Hu Peng says he love the mall, too, because he likes to go in the _ store and listen to CDs. He also likes to look at books in the _.,music,bookstore,Where do you usually hang out with friends?At your house? At school?At a mall? What are the advantage

7、s and disadvantages of each place?,Discuss,A: Where do you usually hang out with your friends? B: We usually go to the bookstore. A: Is that a good place to hang out? B: Well, it has advantages and disadvantages. Its very big and the air is fresh, too. And we can just read books there. We dont have to buy books. So we always have a good time there.,Samples,Homework P88.3b Group work:Write a short passage A Place to hang out Where How to get there The advantages and disadvantages ,


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