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1、精品文档外研版英语八年级下册 Module 1 Feelings and impressions模块练习题I. 根据句意和首字母提示写单词。1.1 think you dropped too much salt. The soup tastes s.2.1 don t like the tof onions.3. I m afraid of making mistakes. But the teacher askedcnteVe a t4. Red is a lcolor in Chi na.5. The yogurt tastes s. The ice cream tastes sweet.

2、II.适当形式填空1. She felt(excite) whe n she heard the(excite) n ews.2. It was great(hear) from you yesterday.3. I can t wait(watch) the performanee.4. Thanks for(help) me with my math.5. I spe nt 3 days(read) the book.III 单项选择1. The girl looks.A. angryB.an grilyC.an griesD.angrying2. I can t waitto the p

3、arty with you.A. goB.to goC.goesD.going3. Tom is not good at math. He always feelsbefore he takes a math test.A. i nterestedB.comfortableC.n ervousD.proud4. I felthappy whe n I was at home alone because I still hadmoney.C. a bit; a bit of D. a bit of; a bitB. He is tallD. He is a doctorD. worki ngD.

4、 badlyhim.D. afraid oftany money on anything else.A. a bit of; a bit ofB. a bit; a bit5. -What does your brother look like? -.A. He is a little shyC. He likes dancing6. How do you feel aboutthis difficult problem?A. workB.worki ng outC.to work7. The cott on feels.A. softlyB.softC.nicely8. He won the

5、 first place in the competition. We were _A. angry withB.worried aboutC.proud of9. This pair of jea nsme 50 dollars, and I canA. have cost; spe ndB. has cost; spe ndC. cost; payD. have take n; spe nd10. At the Spring Festival every onenew clothes and says good luck to each other.A. put on B. wearsC.

6、 have onD. dressIV.完成句子。1. Tom总能在学校获得好成绩。at school.Tom can always2. 请发一条信息告诉她你长什么样子Pleaseand tell her.3你害怕一个人在黑夜里行走吗?youalone in the dark n ight?4. 我等不及要去采访那位明星。I that star.5. 他们对游览颐和园而感到兴奋不已。the Summer Palace.6. 我确定我能从照片中认出你来。the photo.7你当时收到她的来信是什么感受?at that time?8. 我恐怕我不能和你一起去看电影了。I can t go to t

7、he cinema with you.9. 这牛奶闻起来不新鲜。The milk.10. 我可以再要点砂糖吗?sugar?答案:I.1 salty. 2 taste 3 try. 4 lucky 5. sourII.1. She felt excited (excite) when she heard the exciting (excite) news.2. It was great to hear (hear) from you yesterday.3. I can t Woit/vatch (watch) the performanee.4. Tha nks for helping (h

8、elp) me with my math.5. I spe nt 3 days reading (read) the book.III.1-5 A B C C B6-10 B B C B BIV.1 Tom can always get good marks at school.2 Please send her a message and tell her what you look like.3 Are you afraid of walking alone in the dark night?4 I can t wait to in terview that star.5 They are excited about visiting the Summer palace.6 I am sure that I will/can know you from the photo.7 How did you feel about hearing from her at that time?8 I am afraid that I can t go to the cinema with you.9 The milk doesn t smell fresh10. shall I get some more sugar?


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