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1、七年级上册第四单元,教师:王怀平,Unit 4,Wheres my backpack?,An American house,Lets go into the American houses,and have a memory test!,Furniture in American houses,table,sofa,1,Living room 客厅,bookcase,bookcases,2,Living room客厅,chair,chairs,3,Dining room餐厅,bed,3,bedroom 卧室,dresser,drawer,4,washroom浴室,plant,plants,on

2、 在上面,under 在下面,in 在里面,Wheres Tom?,Its on the case.,Im Tom.,in,under,on,where 在哪里,wheres = where is,Its in the case.,Its under the case.,Wheres my dog?,Its behind the sofa.,behind,in front of,Where is the sofa?,Its in front of the dog.,方位介词: on in under behind in front of,在上面,在里面,在下面,在后面,在前面,Lets vis

3、it Tommys home!,B:It is _.,In Tommys home,on the table,A:Where is the plant?,A: Where is my backpack/?,B: Its _,backpack,baseball,under the table.,Its under the desk.,A: Where is his notebook?,B: Its _.,in the backpack,A: Where is the ?B: Its in/on/under/behind/in front of the,A: Where are the keys?

4、,B: Theyre _.,under the sofa,B: They are on the bed.,they,它们 他们 她们,theyre = they are,Where _ the books ? _ in the _.,are,Theyre,Where _ the keys ? _ _ the pencil case.,are,Theyre,bookcase,under,Grammar Focus,Find differences of these two groups of sentences.,plant 植物 chair 椅子 table 桌子 bed 床,sofa 沙发

5、dresser 梳妆台 drawer 抽屉 bookcase 书柜,in 在里面 on 在上面 under在下面 behind在后面 in front of在前面,本课生词,where 哪里,they他(她、它)们,Wheres the _? Its _ the _.,bed,Wheres the _? Its _ the _.,plant,on,chair,backpack,on,Practice,Where _ the books ? _ in the _.,Wheres the _? Its _ the _.,plant,under,table,are,Theyre,drawer,单项选

6、择题,1. _my baseball? Its under the chair. A. Where B. Wheres C. Wherere 2.Where _ the CDs? A. is B. are C. am D. be,Wheres,are,Translation (译一译),1.我的背包在哪? 在沙发上。 2.你的那几本书在哪?在椅子上。,Wheres my backpack? Its on the sofa.,Where are your books? They are on the chair.,1. Where i_ my backpack? Its u_ the c_. 2

7、. Wheres the p_? Its o_ the t_. 3. W_ h_ jacket? Its on the b_. 4. Where a_ your keys? Theyre i_ the d_. 5. W_ are her books? T_ on the s_.,s,nder,hair,lant,n,able,根据句意和单词首字母完成句子,heres,er,his,pen/ pencil,ed,bookcase,re,n,rawer,ofa,here,heyre,1. Remember the new words. 2. Talk about the things in your room. A: Wheres your baseball? B: Its under the table. A: Where are your books? B: Theyre on the bookcase. ,Homework,in on under where they plant chair table bed sofa dresser drawer bookcase,Thank you!,


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