2021年4月26日雅思考试阅读 考题回顾.docx

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1、2021年4月26日雅思考试阅读 考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations雅思考试阅读考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心王玉强考试日期:2014年4 月26 日Reading Passage 1Title: Foot Pedal IrrigationQuestion types:题型一:TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN题型二:Diagram Completion题型三:Short-answer Questions文章内容回顾关于脚踏水泵的使用和原理,这是一种提高农作物产量的农具,可以让农民用,考了农具的各

2、部分结构。题型难度分析都是细节题目,难度不大。Q1-Q6. TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN1. It is more effective to resolve poverty or food problem in large scale rather than in small scale. TRUE2. Construction of gigantic dams costs more time in developing countries. FALSE3. Green revolution failed to increase global crop production fro

3、m the mid of 20th century. FALSE4. Agricultural production in Bangladesh declined in last decade. NOT GIVEN5. Farmer Abdul Rahman know how to increase production himself. TRUEQ7-Q11. Diagram completion7. The operator will work for lifting water before stopping.8. 最深的抽水是7 metersQ12-Q14. Short-answer

4、Questions12. 哪里适合用这种pump? half an acre13. 用什么做的屋顶?corrugated tin14. 多少钱?37.5 million dollars题型技巧分析是非无判断题:做题前一定要读懂题目要求,明白什么情况下选FALSE, 什么情况下选NOT GIVEN. 只有题目内容与文章相反的情况下才可以选FALSE. 对于选择TRUE 的选项,一般情况下题目当中会出现与文章内容相对应的同义替换词。剑桥雅思推荐原文练习剑桥真题7 Test 4;剑桥真题9 Test 1;朗阁海外考试研究中心Research Academy for Foreign Language

5、ExaminationsReading Passage 2Title: Free PlayQuestion types:题型一:which paragraph contains the following information题型二:人物-理论配对题型三:summary completion文章内容回顾先介绍了free play 的general idea, 然后讲了小孩子free play 的好处,之后是相关的动物实验以及4 个人从动物实验中得出的理论和难点。题型难度分析存在段落细节题,题目难度比较大。题型技巧分析Summary 填空题做题技巧:做题之前先判断所填词的词性,如果空格前面出现

6、了“the, a, an”, 那文章中需要填的词前面一般也会出现这三个冠词。如果题目所在句子里出现了“逻辑关系”,那么文章中相对应的句子里也会出现同样的“逻辑关系”。相关英文原文阅读Unstructured Free Play Important for KidsToo often these days, parents feel they have no choice but to pack their childs schedules with adult-supervised, adult-driven activities such as organized sports.But, a

7、s a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) makes clear, such activities should not come at the expense of free and unstructured play, which is critical to healthy child development. The overriding premise of the report is that play (or some available free time in the case of older chil

8、dren and adolescents) is essential to the cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being of children and youth.Benefits of PlayWhy is free, unstructured play so important? There are lots of reasons, says the AAP:Play is important to healthy development of the brain;Undirected play helps childr

9、en learn how to work collaboratively, to share, to negotiate, to resolve conflicts, andlearn self-advocacy skills;When play is child-driven, children practice decision-making skills, move at their own pace, discover areas of interest on their own, and ultimately engage fully in the passions they wis

10、h to pursue;When play is controlled by adults - such as in organizedsports - children have to follow to adult rules and concerns (likewinning) and lose some of the benefits play offers them,particularly in developing creativity, leadership and group skills.Play offers parents a wonderful opportunity

11、 to engage fullywith their children;Play and unscheduled time that allows for peer interactions is朗阁海外考试研究中心Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinationsan important component of social-emotional learning; and Free, child-driven, creative play protects against the effects of pressure and stress

12、.Editors Note: Recent research at Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago suggests another benefit of free, unstructured play: that children who spend more time in free, unstructured play suffer significantly fewer overuse injuries.Finding Balance is KeySince every child is different, the challe

13、nge for parents, says the AAP, is to strike a balance that allows their children to reach their potential without pushing them beyond their personal comfort limits, while allowing them personal free playtime. The AAP says parents need to: Feel supported in not passively accepting media andadvertisin

14、g messages that suggest there are more valuablemeans of promoting success and happiness in children than the tried, trusted and traditional methods of play and family togetherness;Understand that, while they can monitor play for safety (whatI call being the guardian of a child at play), a large prop

15、ortion of play should be child-driven rather than adult-directed;Remember that active child-centered play is a time-testedway of producing healthy, fit young bodies. In fact, a 2010 study recommends informal physical activity in home or neighborhood settings as one of the ways for kids to get the 60

16、 minutes of moderate- and vigorous physical activity experts say they needeach day (an amount, the same study shows, our kids are not getting solely from participating in organized youth sports).Recognize that by sharing unscheduled spontaneous timeand playing with their children they are being just

17、 as supportive, nurturing and productive as by signing them up for more andmore sports and other adult-supervised activities;Allow children to explore a variety of interests in a balanced way, without feeling pressured to excel in each area; and Promote balance by resisting the temptation to allow t

18、heir children to specialize too early - such as in a particular sport or musical instrument - to the detriment of having the opportunity to explore other sports and other areas of interest.Allow For Free TimeMy advice, like that of the AAP, is that simply because our culture seems to increasingly de

19、value free time doesnt mean you should. Kids need to grow up comfortable with silence. Your intuition tells you how important free time is. It tells you not to interfere with a childs play unless someone is about to or is being hurt.Have the courage to say no. Be honest with yourself and your朗阁海外考试研

20、究中心Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinationschildren. Instead of feeling guilty and worrying that if you dont do everything possible, dont go the extra mile, your kids will suffer, will be deprived, or will fall behind their peers, understand that sometimes the best thing a parent can do fo

21、r a child is nothing. Children are not miniature adults - there will be plenty of time for them to be stressed and overworked when they actually are adults. In short, dont forget to let your child be a child.剑桥雅思推荐原文练习剑桥真题9 Test 2;剑桥真题8 Test 2;Reading Passage 3Title: 澳大利亚博物馆的改造Question types:题型一:多选题题型二:TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN题型三:Summary文章内容回顾介绍了澳大利亚博物馆的改造,先讲了一下1968 年的时候博物馆是什么样子,接着又讲了现在的那个博物馆是什么样子。题型难度分析难度中等多选题:blockbuster 的两个优点?帮助local business 发展,让博物馆有钱修理建筑repair 的三个缺点?花钱多资金紧张,工作量大劳力紧缺,影响展品内容剑桥雅思推荐原文练习剑桥真题5 Test 1;


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