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1、2021-2021年第二学期五年级期末测试卷20122013第二学期小学五年级英语期末测试卷听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到单词。(10分)(每小题读两遍) ()1.A .visit B.play C. go D.climb ()2.A .usually B.often C. sometimes D.hiking ()3.A .green B.grapes C. grass D.great ()4.A .season B.spring C. summer D.winter ()5.A .February B.January C. Septemper D.November ()6.A

2、.first B.fourth C. fifth D.ninth ()7.A .draw B.answer C.read D.cook ()8.A .sleep B.climb C. fight D.swing ()9.A .take B.watch C.catch D.pick ()10.A .honey B.interesting C. wood D.study 二、听录音,选出你所句子的正确答语(10分)(每小题读三遍)()1. A. I usually get up at 6:00B. I usually get upC.I usually go to school at 8:00 (

3、)2. A. I often go hiking at 10:00B. I often go shopping on Sunday.C.I eat dinner at 7:00 in the moring ()3. A. Its winterB. Its October 1stC. Its Monday.()4. A. I am reading a bookB. She is cleaning the roomC. He is listening to music()5. A. Yes ,they areB. They are drinking waterC. I love elephants

4、三、听录音,给句子排序。(每小题读三遍)()I am reading a book()I am watching TV ,what are you doing?()Hello!()Hi!Amy, what are you doing?()Hi! Chen Jie, Its Amy.笔试部分(70分)四、选出单词所缺字母。10分()1.p_ _n_钢琴 A.i a o B. i o a C.a i o D. o a i ()2.s_m_ _r 夏天 A.u n e B. u m e C.u m a D. m u a ()3.k_ng_roo袋鼠A.a e B. a o C.a a D. e a

5、()4.w_t_h观察 A.a e B. e a C.c a D. a c ()5.c_ll_ct 搜集 A.o e B. e o C.o o D. e a五、按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。10分1.run(现在分词)_2.September(缩写形式)_3.two(序数词)_4.leaf(复数形式)_5.write(现在分词)_六、单项选择。(20分)()1. Can I speak _ your Mom.please!A. forB. toC. withD. At()2. What is the date today?A.Its MondayB. Its SpringC. Its Marc

6、h 2ndD. Fall ()3. Look!The Bears are _trees.A. climbingB. climbsC. climbD. climbes ()4. Is she taking pictures? _A. Yes ,she isntB. No, she isC. Yes, she isD. Yes, he is ()5. The elephant is drinking water _its trunk.A. inB. forC. atD. with ()6. Who _ a birthday in October?A. areB. isC. hasD. have (

7、)7. I cant go hiking,_A. twoB. tooC. toD. either ()8. Winter is too cold _ me !A. toB. forC. withD. at ()9. _do you like Summer?Because I can swim_the lakeA. Why inB. When inC. Why onD. What on ()10. They are _.A. in woodsB. in the woodC. in the woodsD. on the woods七、搭配题,将问题与合适的回答搭配起来。10分()1.When do

8、 you get up? A. He is swimming. ()2.Whats the weather like in fall? B. No, Im not()3.Are you catching butterflies? C. I get up at 6:30 ()4.What is John doing? D. Summer()5.Whats your favourite season? E. Its windy and cool八、组词成句。注意大小写和标点。10分1.you do what on do the weekend ? _2.season do like which y

9、ou best ? _3.your is birthday too February in ? _4.cooking Mom is dinner the in kitchen . _5.John chess playing is ._ 九、读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。10分The children are on field trip.They are very busy.Ken and Tom are taking pictures for the birds.Sue is catching butterflies.She likes them best.The teacher is doi

10、ng an experiment with her students.They are very careful.Some boys are very cute.They are in a tree and picking up leaves.Oh ,look!Near the river ,David and Fred are playing chess.Lets go and have a look at who wins.1.What are Ken and Tom doing?_ 2.Which insect(昆虫)does Sue like best?_ 3.Who is doing

11、 an experiment?_ 4.Where are the boys picking up leaves?_ 5.Is Fred playing chess?_20122013第二学期小学五年级英语期末测试卷听力材料一、听录音,选出你所听到单词。(每题读两遍)(10分)1.play2. sometimes3.great4.season5.September6.first7.answer8.climb9.pick 10.honey二、听录音,选出你所句子的正确答语(每题读三遍)(10分)1.When do you get up?2.What do you do on the weekend

12、?3.Whats the date?4.Whats your mother doing?5.Are they drinking water?三、听录音,给句子排序。(每题读三遍)(10分)1.Hello!2.Hi!Chen Jie, Its Amy3.Hi!Amy,what are you doing?4.I am watching TV ,what are you doing?5.I am reading a book20122013第二学期小学五年级英语期末测试卷参考答案一BCDAC ABBDA 二ABCBA 三5. 四ABCDA 五略六BCACD CDBAC 七CEBAD 八略九略


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