【创新设计】2021-2021学年高中英语课时精练:Unit 17 Period 4(北师大版选修六,课标通版)].docx

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《【创新设计】2021-2021学年高中英语课时精练:Unit 17 Period 4(北师大版选修六,课标通版)].docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【创新设计】2021-2021学年高中英语课时精练:Unit 17 Period 4(北师大版选修六,课标通版)].docx(15页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、【创新设计】2021-2021学年高中英语课时精练:Unit 17 Period 4(北师大版选修六,课标通版)Unit 17 Laughter Period Four My Favourite Comedy 课时精练(北师大版选修6,课标通用)(时间:35分钟).用所给动词的适当形式填空1At last we got the reply we _(expect)2At last she found the book she _(look for)3We both couldnt go to sleep because we _(talk) too long.4They _(build) th

2、e factory since 2021 and _(complete) it yet. 5I realized that I _(overwork),so I decided to take a couple of days holiday.答案 1.had been expecting2had been looking for3had been talking4have been building;havent completed5had been overworking.短语填空set sail,no wonder,feel down,go wrong,give away,make fu

3、n of,thanks to1This is a secret between us and dont _ it _ to anyone else.2The sailors _ on May 4th,1699.3Lily is clever and studies hard._she always gets full marks in the tests.4This story is about a middle-aged man who was _ very _.5Everything had been _ for him.6It is bad manners to _ others in

4、public.答案 1.give;away 2.set sail 3.No wonder 4.feeling;down 5.going wrong 6.make fun of .用过去完成进行时完成句子1It _ for two days and the ground was very wet.雨已经下了两天,地上很湿。2The crazy fans _ and they would wait till the superstar arrived.那些疯狂的影迷们已经耐心地等了数小时,他们还会继续等,直到那个超级明星到来。3By the end of last year,we _.到去年年底为

5、止,我们已经学了十年英语。4Information about the meeting was sent out to interested people,who _.会议的相关资料已经发给了那些感兴趣的人,他们对此已经盼望许久。5We _ before the meeting was held.我们精心准备了三天才举行这次会议。答案 1.had been raining2had been waiting patiently for hours3had been learning English for ten years4had been looking forward to it for

6、a long time5had been preparing for it for three days.单项填空1Most students failed the first physics experiment, but in the second experiment, they all_a very clear result.Aobtained BcompensatedCrealized Dgathered答案Aabtain获得;compensate补偿;realize意识到;gather聚集。2To their_,the young boy worked out the diffic

7、ult maths problem with an _ speed.Aastonishment;astonishedBastonishments;astonishingCastonishment;astonishingDastonishments;astonished答案Cto ones astonishment令人惊讶的是。with an astonishing speed令人惊讶的速度。 3He says what he thinks,_other peoples feelings.Aregardless of Bnot thinkCin spite Din despite答案A句意:他说

8、他想说的,不管不顾别人的感情。C项应该是in spite of,D项应为despite。4I know nothing about the young lady_she is from Beijing.Aexcept Bexcept forCexcept that Dbesides答案C四个选项中只有C项后跟从句。5Progress_so far very good and we are sure that the work will be finished on time. Awas Bhad beenChas been Dwill be答案Cso far出现在句子中,所以用现在完成时,到目

9、前为止进步不错。6My parents have promised to come to see me before I_for Africa.Ahave left BleaveCleft Dwill leave答案B在时间状语从句中,用一般现在时代替将来时。7His father_in a car factory for five years, but now he teaches English in a middle school. Aworked Bis workingChas worked Dhad worked答案Aworked,teaches两个时态构成过去与现在的对比,所以wo

10、rk用一般过去时。 8The young man tried to_the police that he had nothing to do with the accident but he failed.Aconvince BadviseCremind Dinform答案Aconvince sb that.使某人相信9Why dont you understand the traffic rules by now?You have had it_often enough to you.Aexplaining Bto explainCexplain Dexplained答案Dhave sth

11、done让某事被做。句意:你现在怎么还不理解交通规则?你已经让别人给你解释的次数足够多了。10Tom is a good worker; seldom_any mistake in the past few years.Ahe made Bhas he madeChe did make Dmade he答案Bseldom,rarely,hardly等否定副词放于句首要用部分否定。11The witness refused to_his reason for being there, but described the accident to us. Agive off Bgive awayCg

12、ive out Dgive up答案Bgive off发出光热等;give away泄露,赠送;give out发出气味等,分发;give up 放弃。12Tom decided to write to Lucy again because he_a reply.Ahadnt received Bhasnt receivedCdidnt receive Ddoesnt receive答案A“Tom决定再写信”,截止到decided这个过去时态动作时还没有收到,所以用过去完成时。13The police are offering a reward of $3,000 to _that can r

13、eveal where the murderer is. Aboth BothersCanyone Danother答案Canyone(任何人)是that定语从句的先行词。14_for breaking the window,George was very upset the whole day.ABlaming BBlamedCTo blame DTo be blamed答案Bblame跟句子主语George之间是被动,所以用blamed for.过去分词词组作状语。 15I _agree to the plan,and I still think some aspects are not

14、proper.Apartly BdeliberatelyCrarely Dparticularly答案Apartly部分地;deliberately故意地;不慌不忙地;rarely很少地;particularly特别地。.完形填空One afternoon,my son Adam asked me,“Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”I thought for a minute,and then I said,“Ill explain,_1_ you can just wait until we make

15、a quick _2_ at the grocery store.I have something _3_ to show you.”At the grocery store,we _4_ some applesred,green and yellow ones.Back home,I told Adam,“Its time to _5_ your question.” I put one apple of each _6_ on the table.Then I looked at Adam,who had a _7_ look on his face.“People are like ap

16、ples.They come in all _8_ colors,shapes and sizes.On the _9_,some of the apples may not _10_ look as delicious as the others.” As I was talking,Adam was _11_ each one carefully.Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮) them,_12_ them back on the table,but _13_ a different place.“Okay,Adam,tell

17、me which is which.”He said,“I _14_ tell.They all look the same now.”“Take a bite of _15_.See if that helps you_16_ which one is which.”He took _17_,and then a huge smile came across his face.“People are _18_ like apples!They are all different,but once you _19_ the outside,theyre pretty much the same

18、 on the inside.”He totally _20_ it.I didnt need to say or do anything else.【解题导语】跟苹果一样,人都是一样的,只是他们的颜色不同而已。本文以苹果为例,说明了这一道理。1A.although BsoCbecause Dif答案D儿子有问题要问,自己要回答,这里给出的是回答的前提条件,所以用if,“如果”之意。2A.stop Bstart Cturn Dstay答案A这里说的是很快地去一家杂货店,买了几个苹果就回来了,所以用stop。 3A.expressive BencouragingCinformative Dint

19、eresting答案D为了吸引孩子的兴趣,给孩子留点悬念,所以需要用interesting。4A.bought BcountedCsaw Dcollected答案A在商店得到苹果的途径只有买(bought)。5A.check BmentionCanswer Dimprove答案C上文孩子提出了问题,作者此时“回答”这个问题。6A.size Btype Cshape Dclass答案B上文提到的红苹果、青苹果和黄苹果是不同“种类”的苹果,所以此处用type。 7A.worried BsatisfiedCproud Dcurious答案D刚才说要回答问题,但又摆弄起苹果,这看来是不相关的,所以孩子

20、会觉得好奇。 8A.ordinary BnormalCdifferent Dregular答案C将人与苹果作比较,显然人跟苹果一样,在颜色、形状和大小方面都是不同的。选different符合语境。9A.outside BwholeCtable Dinside答案A下文的“look as delicious as the others”中的look一词告诉我们,这是从外观上看到的,所以是outside。10A.still Beven Conly Dever答案Bnot even连也不,甚至不。一些苹果甚至看起来也不如别的苹果好吃。 11A.examining BmeasuringCdrawing

21、 Dpacking答案A“我”在解释,孩子在那里听着,同时也在仔细检查着苹果,所以用A项,体现出小孩的认真、好奇。12A.keeping BplacingCpulling Dgiving答案B结合上下文可知“我”削完苹果后,又把它们放回到桌子上了。13A.on Btoward Cfor Din答案D但是放在不同的地方,所以用介词in。14A.mustnt BcantCshouldnt Dneednt答案B苹果削完了皮,里面的果肉都一样,所以孩子“不能够”辨认出哪个是哪个。 15A.each one Beach otherCthe other Done another答案A有三种颜色的苹果,每一

22、个都尝尝,所以用each one。one another彼此,互相,不符合语境。16A.admit BconsiderCdecide Dbelieve答案C看是否能帮你判断出哪一个是哪一个。decide在此相当于figure out“辨别”之意。 17A.big bites Bdeep breathsCa firm hold Da close look答案A依据上文的“Take a bite of”可知道,这里是咬苹果,所以用big bites。18A.just BalwaysCmerely Dseldom答案A由上下文内容可知,这里是说人和苹果是一样的,所以用just。19A.put awa

23、y Bget downChand out Dtake off答案D人只是外在不同,脱下外在的东西,本质都是一样的,这跟苹果一样,削完皮后都一样。20A.made Btook Cgot Ddid答案Cgot it是固定短语,意思是“懂得了,知道了”。.阅读理解I will never forget the day when I went to Cohens Bakery. Modern and fascinating as it was with its fine cafe, the bakery did not change my life,rather a couple I saw ther

24、e did.I was accompanying my friend to get a milk coffee.An older couple stood in front of us in line, and I happened to overhear their order.The woman asked for six onion bagels(面包圈)and two coffees.When the man reached out to take the box of bagels, that was the moment that changed me.As his sleeve

25、pulled up, a tattoo (纹身)became visible.I saw the letter J followed by five numbers.They were not clear and had been fading since the end of the Holocaust (.)His skin had been long since wrinkled (起皱)I did not stare;I looked at the mans face instead.I wanted to talk to him.I wanted to hear about his

26、experiences.But seeing him with his wife doing an everyday task like buying bagels in a bakery stopped me.He had moved on,and who was I to bring back horrible memories because of my curiosity? This man did not cause my pity, but I will always regret not talking to him even though I know this was the

27、 right thing to do.You might think that its ridiculous that I was so deeply affected by a man I never even spoke to.But seeing those numbers made me appreciate his ability to move_on.He had lived through the worst killing the world has ever known,and he was able to rise from all the death and pain.H

28、e was a survivor,but he found a normal life.And for that,he is my hero, even though I dont even know his name.1What does the sentence “the bakery did not change my life, rather a couple I saw there did” mean? AThe bakery and the couple changed my life.BIt was the couple I saw at the bakery who chang

29、ed my life.CThe couple didnt change my life.DThe bakery didnt change my life,nor did the couple.答案B细节理解题。不是那个面包坊而是我在那见到的一对老年夫妇改变了我的生活。 2What do you learn from Paragraph 2?AThe old couple ordered six onion bagels and two coffees.BI saw the letter J followed by five numbers.CI drank a milk coffee at C

30、ohens Bakery.DI met with a special old couple at Cohens Bakery.答案D归纳理解题。第二段主要描述了作者在Cohens Bakery偶遇一对老年夫妇。 3From the passage we can see that_.Athe author took pity on the old manBhundreds of Jews were killed in the Holocaust during World War Cthe old man was a Jew and had lived through the HolocaustD

31、the couple lived a special life答案C推理判断题。从老头的纹身J及后面的五个数字,作者判断他是.时期存活下来的犹太人。他经历过这场血腥的.。4The meaning of the underlined phrase “move on” in the last paragraph is_.Ago on Bset offChave great ambitions Dmove from the suffering答案D词义理解题。从第三、四段作者对这位老人发表的感慨判断,这里的“move on”是引申义,指老人经历过骇人听闻的.,且能从死亡和痛苦中走出来并坚强地活下去。


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