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1、徐老师英语12小学英语语法 连词、介词(一)、GrammarPart one 介词一、什么是介词用来表示句子中某一个词或短语与另外一个词或短语之间的关系的词。二、介词的用法 考点一:表示时间的介词in, on, at的用法in表示在某一时间段,常用在月、年、季节以及泛指的上午、下午或晚上女口: in 2013 in Januaryin summer in the morningon表示在具体的某一天或某一天的上午、下午或晚上女口: on Tuesday on February 5 th on the morning of August 8 that表示在某一时间点女口: at 10:20 at

2、 night at lun chtime小贴士:1. for表示持续一段时间,后接表示一段时间的名词,多于完成时态连用时,2当表示时间的单词前有this, that, next, last, every, each, some, any, all介词应省略考点二:表示地点的介词in, at, on的用法in表示较大的地方,也可表示“在之内”女口:in Nanjingin Americain the garde nat表示较小的地方,也可表示“在处”女口: at the stati onat the partyat homeon表示与某物表面接触,也可表示在某物之上如: on the moon

3、on the ground on the right on the farm考丿 :表示方向的介词from, to, forfrom表示起点,意为“从来”女口: Mr. Gree n comes from En gla nd.I ve got a Christmas present from my parentsto表示终点,强调动作的目的地女口: Let s got school.He is walking up to the door.for表示目的地的方向,意为“往.去”女口: Is this train for Beiji ng ?考点四:表示方式的介词with, i nwith表示使

4、用某种工具、身体某部位来做某事女口: I wash my hands with water.We see with our eyes and listen with our ears.in表示使用某种语言如:Can you say it in En glish?一、填上合适的介词1. There is a supermarketmy house.2. Gao Shan isduty today.3. Liu Tao often helps memy study.4. My birthday isOctober 21.5. There are lots of applesthe tree.6.

5、I like reading and I can learn a lotit.7. I ca n t find the basketball. Maybe it sthe door.8. I can buy some flowersyou.9. I get upseventhe morning.10. Jack, please lookyour things.二、根据中文提示,完成下列句子1. 墙上有许多标志。Therea lot ofthe wall.2. 你可以把我们学校的情况告诉他。You canhimour school.3. 他们正在谈论周末计划。They are talk ingt

6、heir pla nsthe weeke nd.4. 南京夏天热吗?it hotNanji ngsummer?5. 你们能在邮局前面乘 8路公交车。You canbus No. 8the post office.Part two 连词一、什么是连词在句子中起连接作用,可以使词、短语或句子连接起来形成一定关系的词。二、连词的用法考点一:并列连词(1) and:“和,并且”表示并列(2) both.and:两者“都 表示”连接(3)or:或“者,还是”表示选择(4)but:但“是”表示转折(5) n ot o nly. but also.:不“但而且表示”并列,但说话中心侧重后者 考点二:从属连词

7、(1)because:因“为”,表示原因,提问时用 why(2)when: “当时候”,引导时间状语从句小贴士1. 在并列结构中,and通常用于肯定句,or则用于否定疑问句。2. not only.bet also.在连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的形式与but also后面的主语保持一致。3 在英语中,because 与 so 不能连用,二者只用其一。用适当的连词完成下列句子1. He often helps them,he feels happy.2. You can watch it,you can t touch it.3. Which is bigger, this onethat o

8、ne?4. Both my fathermy mother are doctors.5. -Why are you absent today? -I can t catch the bus.6. Li Ming jumps fartherLiu Tao.二、 同义句转换1. We should learn from books and we should learn from teachers.We should lear nfrom booksfrom teachers.2. Men will die without air and water.Men can t live without

9、airwater.3. Helen and Nancy were born in the same year.Hele n isNan cy.4. She was ill, so she wasn t at school.she was ll,i she wasn t at school.一、单项选择()1.1 have got a prese nt. It ismy mother.A. fromB. forC. toD.of()2. Do you know the girlred?A. inB. withC. ofD.to()3. I can see many treesthe classr

10、oom.A. in fron t ofB.in the front ofC. i n front()4. What s wrongyou.A. forB. ofC. withD.in()5. Hurry up. It s timeclass.A. inB. forC. ofD.to()6. She stood upwent out.A. andB. orC. soD.but()7. Who is right, JackyJoh n?A. andB. butC. soD.or()8. He is clever,he is lazy.A. butB. andC. soD.or()9. It is

11、rai ning outside,I have to stay at home.A. soB. andC. butD.orD. i n the front()10.my fathermy mother are teachersA. Neither, or B. Both, and C. Either, or D. Not, but ()11. Be quick,you ll miss the train.A. butB. andC. orD. so二、用下面方框中的介词填空。(可重复使用)at, with, for, out, to, like, inMr. Black is a very o

12、ld man. Every morni ng he goesa walk in the park.And he comes backten thirty for his lunchthe middle of the day.But today a car stopshis house at eleven o clock. Two policemen helphim get. One of them saysMr Black s daughter, “The old mancan tfind his way home in the park. He asks us to take him hom

13、ethe car ” .The daughter tha nks the policeme nthat. After they leave, she asks herfather, “ Dad, you go to the park every day. But today you can tfind the way. What s“Of course I canwrongyou? ” The old man smilesa child and says,find my way home. But I don twant to walk home, you know. ”三、改错()1. Bo

14、th youandshehasthe same hobby.ABCD()2. Nokonly youbut also 1Helenlikecollecti ng stamps.ABCD()3. Who jumpshigher,MikeandDavid?ABCD()4. Because she wasill,so shewas-absent.ABCD()5. This prese nt-isas .niceras that one.ABCD(二)语法知识拓展扩充连词的用法1. both , and 两者都She plays (both) the piano and the guitar.2. n

15、either, nor意思为嘅不,也不,,谓语动词采用.就近原则,与nor后的词保持一致。Neither you nor he is to blame.3. eitheror或者或者;要么要么谓语动词采用二就近原则Either you or I am going there tomorrow.4. not only, but (also)不但而且 谓语动词采用 就近原则Not only you but she likes reading.5. sothat如此 以至于 Heis so kind that everybody likes him. suchthat如此 以至于He is such

16、 a kind man that everybody likes him. 即学即练()1. Speak slowly, we can understand you.A. andB. orC. ifD. because()2. We hadbad weather yesterday eve ningthere were fewpeople on the street .A. such ; that B. such a ;C. so ; thatD. so a ; that()3.LucyLily likes Chin ese, but their Chin ese is poor.A. Bot

17、h ; and B. Not only ; but also C. Either ; or D. Neither ; not()4. -1 thinkJackDick are suitable for the job. I really can tdecide who to choose . -If I were you ,Dick would be a better choice.A. both; and B. either; or C. not only; but also D.so; that ()5. I ve no time to talk with you .You maystay

18、 herego with me .A. both ; and B. either; or C. n either ;norD. not only ; but also(三) Readi ngPhoto funPhoto mach ines are fun and popular. They let one, two, or eve n five people take photos together. Then, people add desig ns to the pictures. The result can be very cute and funny. The machine pre

19、pares the photos very quickly - in just a minute or so.Friends love to take pictures together. They also like to give photos to other friends. People collect many of the small photos in plastic holders. Vocabulary Practice Write the correct word in each bla nk.mach inecute prepare collect plastic1.1

20、 ofte nlunch for my brother and sister.2. Your little dog is so.3. My friends allsports cards.4. A computer is an in credible.Read ing PracticeChoose the best an swer.()1.people can take photos together.A. FiveB. Only one or twoC. Less than five D. Fifty()2. The article does NOT say people can.A. ta

21、ke photos with frie ndsB. add desig ns to their photosC. get their photos quicklyD. get plastic holders from the photo mach ines()3. What does“ ormean?so ”A. AboutB. ExactlyCAnd more D.At that time()4. Which of the following is true?A. People don t like to share their photos.B. It s hard to ctollesm

22、all photosC. It takes about 60 sec onds to get the photos from the machi neD. The photo mach ines choose the desig n of the photos.Lan guage PracticeComb ine the two senten ces into one senten ce.1. The cars are new. The cars are expensive.2. We can go to Japan. Or, we can go to Korea.3. Lisa works

23、at a coffee shop. The coffee shop is in another city.New words :machi ne n.机器popular adj.流行的add v.加desig n v.设计 prepare v.准备阅读练习:result n.结果 plastic adj.塑料的 cute adj.可爱的 holder n.支持物完形填空(建议5分钟)Rose and Marti n are1Can ada. They are good frie nds. They _2fishi ng. They3dan ce. Rose likes Chin ese ver

24、y much. Marti n likes maths. They4_ school five or six days a week. They play games5Tuesday and Thursday. They stay6home on Saturday and Sun day. They have twoChin ese frie nds.7n ames areLi Lei and Wang Lin. Allof them are in8same class. They like their school. They 9“,The Chin ese people arevery f

25、riendly, the foodis n ice,10()1. A. toB. ofC. fromD. on()2. A. likeB. canC. areD. would like()3.A. goesB. areC. would likeD. can()4. A. goes toB. comingC. leaveD. go to()5. A. atB. onC. ofD. i n()6. A. awayB. outC. atD. i n()7. A. HisB. TheirC. OurD. Theirs()8. A. /B. anC. theD. a()9. A. talkB. sayC

26、.speakD. tell()10. A. veryB. tooC. muchD. many根据短文内容完成句子(每空一词)(建议5分钟)Mrs. Williams is a Can adia n doctor. She is now in Nanjing with her husba nd. Their children are in their hometown with their grandparents. She works in a hospital. She likes Chin ese medic ine very much. She wants to know much ab

27、out Chin ese medic ine there. She works hard in the day in the hospital and reads English books on Chinese medic ine at ni ght. She lear ns Chin ese from the Chin ese doctors. Now she can speak some Chin ese and read some Chin ese, too. Her husba nd Mr. Williams is a manager(经理)of a big company. He

28、works hard, too. He goes to work on weekdays. Sometimes, on Saturday and Sun day, he has to work. He is very busy. He has many things to do every day.1. Mrs. Williams comes from.2. Their children are staying at home with their.3. Now Mrs. Williams can speakChinese.4. Mrs. Williams likes Chinesevery

29、much.5. Fromto, Mr. Williams goes to work every day.(四) 、Funny EnglishA生活小百科()1.is NOT written by An derso n.A. Red ShoesB. Cinderella (灰姑娘)C. Thumbelina (拇指姑娘)D. The Ugly Duckling()2. What kind of game do childre n play at Hallowee n?A. Sn akes and LadderB. Trick or Treat C. HopscotchD. Tic Tac Toe

30、()3. What does the Chinese word “年” mean at first.A. A chicke nB. A pers onC.A mon sterD. A cock()4. Nanjing is known as the capital ( 都城 ) ofdynasties( 朝代)in the history.A. sixB. seve nC. eightD. nine()5. Which country is not one of the four civilized coun tries(文明古国)A. ChinaB. EgyptC. Japa nD. In

31、dia.B. 脑筋急转弯1. He is not my uncle. But he is my grandpa s son. Who is he?2. What do you do first when you wake up in the morning?3. Why is the river very rich?4. Which hospital never treats(治疗)people?5. What match can tbe put in a match- box?(五) 、名校真题链接一、单项选择()1. He was angrywhat I said.A. forB. wit

32、hC. atD.on()2. I bega n to work hereMarch, 1978.A. inB. atC. onD.to()3. I go shopp ingmy mommy.A. withB. inC. andD.for()4. Father gives a nice prese ntme.A. withB. toC. i nD.for()5. Christmas Day isthe twen ty-fifthDecember.A. on, inB. on, ofC. in, ofD. on, on()6. Look! There is a lovely bird singin

33、gthe tree.Yeah! There are also many applesthe tree.A. i n, onB. i n, i nC. on, inD. on, on二、用适当的连词填空because and so or but1. LucyI are good friends.2. She is weak,she never give up exercising.3. Hurry up,you will miss the last bus.4. I buy a catmy mother likes cat very much.5. The sky is greyI bring

34、an umbrella.三、用适当的介词填空1. Every Mon day I stayhome.2. It is not cold herewin ter.3. We have four classesthe morni ng and two classesthe after noon.4. They will have an examSaturday after noon.5. Please answer my questionEnglish.6. There is no differeneethe two shirts.7. They will come backtwo o clock

35、.8. He is goodEn glish.Homework()1. They are al n ew,I m not.A. andB. butC. so)2. Is there a lettera postcard ? ThereA. andB. orC. not)3.The old woma n cantreadwrite.A. andB. orC. butD. ors a letter.D. butD. and can)4.my classmatesour class teacher was there the n.A. not only? but also ?B. both ? an

36、d ?C. Neither? or ?D. Either ? nor ?)5. Have one more try,you will not succeed.A. andB. orC. thenD. but)6.you are ill, you should see the doctor right now.A. IfB. ThoughC. Un tilD. Since)7.the mid ni ght he waited for his mother.A. TillB. SinceC. Un tilD. At)8.the men driversthe woma n driver have b

37、ee n to the village.A. Neither,nor ?B. Both ? andC. Either ? or ?D. None of ? and?( )9.She is the ladyhelped the old woma n yesterday.A. whomB. whichC. whatD. who( )10. Lucy has see n the film ,Lily has n.A. andB. orC. butD. so()11.the morni ng of May 1st, we visited the old man.A. OnB. AtC. I nD. W

38、ith( )12. Most people workthe day and sleepni ght.A. on ; atB. in ; inC. in ; atD.on; on()13. Lin speaks En glish bestthe boy stude nts.A. betwee nB. withC. onD.among()14. A wolfa sheepsk in ofte n makes us con fused(迷惑).A. withB. i nC. onD.of()15.Susa n will come backthree days.A. afterB. forC. i n

39、D.on()16. They gave the bag to usmistake.A. byB. forC. onD.with()17.David left Xiand wi nteracol morni ng.A. atB. beforeC. onD.in()18.Guizhou isthe southwest of China.A. inB. onC. toD.off()19.my mother help, I succeeded in fini shi ng the work.A. Un derB. OnC. WithD. In()2O.My father is very strictme and hes very strict D. with ; withhis work, too.A. with; onB. with ; inC. i n ; with


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