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1、优质教案教 案2021年苏教版五年级的英语教案设计学校:XXXX年级:XXXX教师:XXXX日期:2021年XX月XX日优质教案2021年苏教版五年级的英语教案设计作为交流工具的英语学科,如一首首婉转动听的歌曲,离不开反复的、正确的、有意义的,坚持不懈地张口朗读。这次给大家整理了苏教版五年级的英语教案设计,供大家阅读参考,希望大家喜欢。苏教版五年级的英语教案设计1教材分析:本模块教学内容,以超市购物为情境,让学生通过学习,用How many?How much ? 进行对可数名词与不可数名词数量的提问;能够用英语根据自己的需要制作购物单;能够在真实情境中,用How manydo you want

2、? How much do you want? 对他人所需物品数量进行询问。学情分析:五年级学生已经掌握了大量的食物类单词,而超市购物又是学生比较感兴趣的一项活动。因此,让学生模拟购物,既可当售货员,又可当顾客,可极大提高学生的学习积极性。教学目标:(1) 知识目标:掌握本单元新词need,food,shopping list,cheese,how much,kilo,juice;学会用How many? How much?来提问可数名词与不可数名词数量。(2) 能力目标:能用英语写购物单;能够用英语进行购物;能够帮助别人购买所需物品,即代购。(3) 情感目标:培养学生的团队协作能力;引导学生

3、事前做好准备,方可事半功倍的情感体验;通过模拟购物实践活动,让学生学会理财,积累生活经验。教学重点:掌握本单元新词;能听懂、会说本单元课文句子。教学难点:能运用所学句型来提问可数名词与不可数名词数量。教学过程:一、课前热身:1.Greeting:goodmorning boys and girls.2.Sing the song of where did you go.3. Ask the students “what did you do yesterday?”二、课文导入1. Tell the children: I went shopping yesterday. I went to Q

4、inglong Street.教师板书课题“shopping”,接着说:“I went to the supermarket. I bought lots of things.”请学生说出所在城镇一个比较有名的超市名称,教师板书“supermarket”并领读,然后让学生用英语说说超市中一些常用物品的名称。2. Tell the children that Lingling and Ms Smart will go shopping. Today we are going to learn how to buy things in a supermarket in English.三、课文教学

5、1.学生带着问题观看Uint1活动1插图: Open your book then look at the pictures and ask them who they see and what they are doing?2.教师播放课文录音,学生初步理解课文。Then ask the children: Where are Ms Smart and Lingling? What need they buy?请学生找出Ms Smart和Lingling需要买的食物,根据学生回答,教师板书“bananas,cheese,noodles”,教学新单词cheese。3. 教师出示shopping

6、 list一张,问学生:“whats this?”如果学生不会用英语表达,则教学新词shopping list,指导学生的发音,采取多种方法练习:全班齐读、小组读、开火车读、个别读。4.教师讲解:“how many”和:“how much”都是用于询问“多少”的,但在用法上有所区别。“how many”用来提问可数名词的数量,而“how much” 用来提问不可数名词的数量。请学生回忆学过的名词,并个别回答。教师拿出各种文具、食品、服装、玩具和水果等卡片,让学生区别哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数名词。教师用实例帮助学生理解这两个词组的用法。例如:“hou many apples do you w

7、ant?how much milk do you want?”等。5.再次播放课文录音,在每句话后停顿,请学生跟读并模仿录音中的语音、语调,然后学生齐读课文。6. 小表演:请学生一人扮演Ms Smart,一人扮演Lingling,练习朗读课文。然后请几组学生分角色将课文对话在全班面前表演,教师及时表扬,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。四、课堂练习1.完成活动2: Ask the children to look at the shopping list and read the food and quantities correctly.2.完成活动3: Learn to buy things.3.出

8、示课件:一段购物的视频,提醒学生注意人物的表情、语言、动作。学生小组讨论,合作学习。4.模拟购物:Ask the students to go to different shops and buy different things. 把全班分成四个组,即四个“商店”, 每组由一名学生当售货员,其它学生充当顾客。(购买完一次轮换角色)顾客可以到任何一家“商店”“购买”自己喜欢的物品。教师到各组去指导,同时教师也当顾客购买物品。5.教师总结全课,表扬做得好的学生。五、家庭作业1. 抄写课文的新单词。2.社会实践: 周末与家人到超市购物。3.小练笔:把购物过程用已学英语记录下来,同学之间互相交流、学

9、习。苏教版五年级的英语教案设计2教学重点:Words of Unit 1教学难点:1. There are ten pencils in the blue box.2. There are enough pencils.教学用具:radio and pictures.教学程序:一、复习Review the words of Module 4二、课文教学(1)SB练习1A. T播放磁带,学生听并思考以下问题。1) How many people are there in this dialogue?2) What is Sam doing?3) Are there enough pencils?

10、B. 听第二遍后学生小组讨论上述问题,并派选手参加每个问题的抢答。在抢答的同时,T把一些单词写在黑板上,领读学生掌握不好的词。T给获胜的小组加分。示例:enough give every everyone them carefulC. 放录音,SS跟读。a) 俩人一组完成AB练习2b) SB活动3三、教学活动1) 学生独自完成此活动,后俩人一组练习描述图。2) T准备一些图片或实物,学生练习描述。例:一大瓶水,俩个小杯子。There is too much water.There are not enough cups.许多页纸,俩个小袋子。There is too much paper.Th

11、ere are not enough bags.3) 必答,每组派3人比赛,对一句加一分。4) 全班完成AB练习1放一遍磁带。然后对编号。第二步要求写句子,难度比较大。六人一组,每人负一幅图。最先完成每一幅的组,要以最快的速度把句子写在黑板上,并得到加分。教师要多在教室里走动,以防有的组为了速度而由同一个学生完成。四、课后作业Copy the key words and sentences and recite them.板书设计:Module 5 Unit 1 A B C DUnit 1 There are enough.WordsSentences.苏教版五年级的英语教案设计3Teachi

12、ng objectives:1. Words: arrive taxi flat building made again2. Sentences:Grandma made Chinese food for me.I want to try American food.I will write again soon.3. Practise to pronounce wh wr.4. Learn the song: Its a big exciting world.Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder picturesTeaching procedure

13、sWarmer:1. Stick the pictures of unit 1 on the board. Have the students come to the front and mime the text of unit 1.2. Say a sentence in the present tense and get the students say it in the past tense.Examples:T: Daming goes to New York.Ss: Daming went to New York.T: Grandma meets Daming.Ss: Gradm

14、a met Daming.Teach the text:1. Raise the picture of the Statue of Liberty and ask: What is it ? Where is it?”Guide the students say: Its the statue of Liberty. Its in New York”.T: Daming is in New York now. Lets see who met him at the airport. What he saw in New York and What food he wanted to eat.2

15、. Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the new words in books.3. Teach the new words.4. Play the tape again. Have the students listen and say. After this, get the students to answer the following questions:Who met Daming at the airport? (Grandma and Simon)What did Daming see in New

16、York? (Buildings, cards and people)What food did he want to try? (American food)5. Complete activity 2 in SB. (Get the students to ask and answer in pairs)6. Practise to pronounce wh wr.7. Learn the song: Its a big exciting world.8. Complete exercise 1 in AB.Homework:Practise the following sentences

17、 in pairs:Where are you from?Where are you going to go?Where are you going to go there?Where are you going to do there?Designs:Module 10 Unit 2 Im in New York nowArrive Grandma mad Chinese food for me.TaxiFlat I want to try American food.buildingmade I will write again soon苏教版五年级的英语教案设计4教学内容:This le

18、sson is about Module 7 Unit 1 “This dog can help him.” of New Standard English, Book 9. This lesson is for the students of Grade Five.教学目标:1、Knowledge aims:a. To enable students to master and use these new words : blind , special.b. To enable students to master the usage of “can” .c. To enable stude

19、nts to use the target sentences correctly : This dog can help him . Can Fifi help the blind people ? No , he cant . He only wants to play .2、Ability aims:a. Talking about abilities with “can” , “cant ” and know the objective case.b. To improve students language ability.3、Emotion aims:a. To encourage

20、 students to cooperate with the others , help each other and learn from each other.b. To educate students to protect animals and help disabled people .教学重点:To master and use the new words , sentence pattern and the usage of “can”。教学难点:To use the sentence patterns to talk about ability.教学准备:cards , C

21、D-ROM, CAI, task-paper, taperecorder.教学过程:Step1. Warming up1、Greeting.2、Please sing a song and do the actions.3、Look and say some phrases more .4、Free talk. What can you do ? Or what cant you do?Step 2. PresentationDear boys and girls, Do you love animals?We can see some dogs and cats in our life. W

22、hat can they do ?Today well learn Module 7 Unit 1. ( Write on the blackboard)Step 3. Practice1、Listen to the text and try to answer the questions:Q1: How many dogs are there in the text? Answer the question-2 dogs.2、Show Ss by PPT:Look at this dog. Is this dog lovely? Its a pet dog. Its name is Fifi

23、. Look at the other one.Is it lovely? It is very special. Learn special(Pay attention to the pronunciation of “e”)3、Show Ss a picture of blind people by PPT and ask “Whats the matter with this man ?”Learn blind4、Who can help him? Look! This dog can help him. (Write on the blackboard.) Learn the targ

24、et sentence. (Read in the different ways. ) Pay attention to “ him”。Learn the usage of objective case . Then do a practice .a. My mum is ill. I will help_. (she her)b. Who can help _? ( I me)c. The boy is cute. Dad bought a pen for_. (him he)d. These are blind people. But Fifi cant help_. (they them

25、)5、Listen again and circle “can, cant” . Answer the question:Q2:Can Fifi help the blind people?6、Learn the sentences: Can Fifi help the blind people? No, he cant. / Yes, he can. (read in pairs )Fifi is a pet dog. So he only wants to play. Read this sentence.Pay attention to “wants”。 (Learn the third

26、 person singular of the simple present tense.)Read the target sentences on the blackboard. Lets sum up the usage of “ can ”。7、Development activities : read these sentences and feel the usage of the original form of verbs.a. Lets see.b. I will go to school tomorrow.c. He is going to swim.d. I want to

27、 drink water.8、Listen to the text and repeat.9、Read in roles. Learn TV presenter.(毕福剑) Who wants to be Lingling/ Amy/ TV presenter?Step 4. Production1、Dogs are very clever. What about the other animals? Lets see. Try to say“ This can/ cant”2、Guessing game. Try to say “ Thiscan/cant” Guess “ Can.?”3、

28、Do some practice. (Task paper)4、Reading practice : There is a TV show.This is the TV presenter- little pig. Please read and complete.5、Talk about your pet . Whats your favourite animals ?Please talk about your pet.Step 5. Summary and homework1、Sum up:What have we learned today?2、Homework:Copy the ke

29、y words and the target sentences for 3 times.Write a passage about your pet.3、There are many disabled people in our life. Lets have a look. Show them some pictures of disabled people who named TaiLihua, Yangguang, LiuWei and PingYali etc.They are broken in health but not in spirit .4、Learn English proverbs:a. Broken in health but not in spirit.b. Be the useful to the society.板书设计:Module 7 Unit 1 This dog can help him.special Can Fifi help the blind people?blind No, he cant. Yes, he can.He only wants to play.优质文档16


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