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1、优质教案教 案2021年牛津小学英语三年级教案学校:XXXX年级:XXXX教师:XXXX日期:2021年XX月XX日优质教案2021年牛津小学英语三年级教案在小学现阶段的英语课程教学中,教师们越发重视学生英语阅读能力的培养,并且开始认识到只有开展积极有效的教学活动并实施一定的教学手段才可以激发学生的学习兴趣。今天在这给大家整理了一些牛津小学英语三年级教案,我们一起来看看吧!牛津小学英语三年级教案1教学内容:Part B and D of Unit 11 A boy and a girl, Fun with English.教学目标:1. Enable the Ss to understand,

2、 read and say the new words “boy, girl, Chinese, thin, fat, tall, short.”2. Enable the Ss to use the sentence in their daily life.3. Develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking, and writing English.4. Train the Ss abilities of cooperation.重点难点:1. The pronunciation of some new words “girl, thin,

3、tall, small”2. Enable the Ss to say and use the sentences“My name is Im ”to introduce themselves to others.教学准备:CAI、tape、recorder.教学方法:Communicational Approach教学过程:Step1. Warmup1. Sing a song “Hello”。2. Free talkT: This is Her name is Helen.Whats your name? Nice to meet you.Step2. Presentation &

4、 practice1. Present and practice the new sentence “My name is ”2 T: Do you want to know my name?Ss: T: My name is (T presents the new sentence “My name is ”)T: My name is Zhu Xiaoyan. How about your name?S: My name is 2. Present and practice the new words “boy, girl, Chinese, Im from”T: (Show the Ss

5、 the picture of Liu Tao) Look, this is Ss: Liu Tao. T: This is Liu Tao. So we know his name is Liu Tao.T: How about his sex?T: Whats this?T: This is a Chinese flag. (Present and teach the word “boy, Chinese”)T: (point to one of them) this is a Liu Tao is a Chinese boy.How about.? T: (point to one of

6、 them) is a T: Whos she? (Present the new word “girl”)T: Miss Zhu is a girl. Im a Chinese girl. And Im from Rudong.T: Where are you from? (Present the sentence “Im from”)Do you know where is Liu Tao from?3. Present and practice the new words “fat, thin, tall, short”T: We know Liu Tao is from Shangha

7、i. Shanghai is a beautiful city. Lets go to Shanghai.Ss: OK. T: Where is it?Ss: Its a zoo.T: Lets see what are in the zoo. (Present some pictures of animals)T: Look, this is a (monkey) And this is a monkey. (Present and practice the word “fat, thin”)T: (Present the picture of LiuTao and Yao Ming) Th

8、is is .T: Yao Ming is . (Present and practice the new word “tall, short”)4. Present and read the textT: Now, how much do you know about Liu Tao? Say it out! T: Lets read and learn Liu Taos self-introduction.(Ask the Ss to read after the tape )T: Close your books, please. Look , This is Liu Taos self

9、-introduction, and this is me, can you help me correct it? (Ask the Ss to correct the self-introduction, and learn the example.)Step3. ConsolidationT: Now, boys and girls.Try to introduce yourselves.You have 30 seconds to do it.Step4. Homework1. Make your self-introduction card.2. Introduce yourselv

10、es to five people and ask them to sign on the back of your introduction cards.板书设计:Unit 11 A boy and a girlMy name is Im aChinese boy girl Im fromIm (年龄) tall shortIm (特征) fat thin牛津小学英语三年级教案2教学内容:A Lets learn Lets chant教材分析:Lets learn部分以Sarah 和Chen jie 在公园里玩捉迷藏游戏的情景呈现要学习的五个数字单词。由于在第一课时已解决数字单词的音和义,本

11、节课应在巩固单词音义的基础上强化单词形的认读和记忆。Lets chant 通过跳绳活动,帮助学生巩固操练one to five.由于歌谣里基本每一行最后一词押韵,应帮助学生在唱熟歌谣的基础上初步感知音韵。教学目标:1.能力目标能听辨、会说生活中one to five 。2.知识目标听说、认读单词: one, two, three, four, five.文化态度、学习策略(1)了解不同国家的幸运数字。(2) 注意单词音、义、形之间的联系,整体学习单词。教学重点:听说、认读单词: one, two, three, four, five.教学难点:强化单词形的认读和记忆。教学过程:Step1 Pr

12、eparation.1.Enjoy a song2. Lets do师发指令,生做动作。如:T: Show me one and two. 一生指令,一生做动作,1-2组同学展示。Step2 Presentation1.自设情景,单词导呈教师呈现出Sam生日聚会的场景,学生猜测Sam收到的礼物和数量,依次教学单词 one-five。T:Today is Sams birthday. He gets so many gifts from his friends. Look,wow,so many gifts. PPT出示五个礼品箱子。 Now lets do the guessing game

13、. Can you guess what gifts are there in the boxes? You can choose one box。 Which one? 生选择一礼品盒,Whats in the box? Guess.生猜测。师打开箱子,Oh, some pencils. How many pencils? 引出对应的数字one, 出示图片,领读(升降调)-生跟读-师板书领读-学生认读练习(分组、男女、开火车、个别读)。师伸出一根手指,问生How many fingers? 然后进行意义练习,T: Look, one pencilI have one pencil.PPT出示

14、文具,生生相互询问数量How many bags/.? I have one bag/.练习展示。2.同样依次猜测各个礼物盒,引出教学数字。注意教学数字five 时,分音节教学领读,强调i-e的发音,及v 的发音,同时注意区分four 和 five。3.听音正音,整体感知。师呈现课本图片,T:Who are they? Sarah and Chen jie.What are they doing? They are playing the game -Hide and seek.What does Chen jie say? 播放录音,整体感知。(1)Listen and point(2) L

15、isten and repeat4. .小组合作,整体认读(1)T:Group Work. One speak, one point the picture, one point the word. 互相纠音,看谁做得。(2)教师检查学生掌握情况。Step3 Practice1.音义训练活动说说生活中的数字:教师将一些房间号如212、411等,电话号13542251252等,紧急呼救号码如120、110、114.等图片粘在黑板上,给学生三分钟的时间准备,试读这些数字,然后分组抢答。2.音形义训练活动音形义配对活动:教师出示五张单词卡,学生快速大声朗读出数字。并让学生小组讨论配对单词卡和数字卡,

16、请学生在黑板上完成配对。T: Look at the word cards. Can you read them ?Can you put the cards under the right numbers? Discuss in your group. Who wants to try ?3.玩游戏:Lucky number 教师将数字one to five写在黑板上,学生读一读,请一位学生上台把他的幸运数字告诉老师,让其他同学猜。T: Boys and girls, lets say the numbers together. (转向一个学生)Tell me your lucky numb

17、er. Now guess. Whats her/his lucky number ?4.Lets chant 活动:a. 打开课本第59页,看图引出跳绳活动,教师配合动作教单词jump. b. 听歌谣写数字。c. 听录音,师生边做动作边唱歌谣。d. 学生四人小组操练和表演。5. 小组活动:小调查师展示自己的各种文具,师与一生示范:。A: I have many pencils/.B: How many books/pencils?A: Three/Five。生生相互询问,1-2组展示Step4 Production1.Go shopping! 四人一小组进行购物活动。组长在桌子上放好文具,动

18、物等卡片,其余三人购买礼物。教师可与几个学生先示范。T: Sam has a birthday party today. Do you want to go ? Lets go shopping for some gifts.A: Hello!B: Hi! Id like some pencils, please.A: Sure. How many ?B: Four.A: Here you are.B: Thank you.A: Hello!C: Hi! This bag, please.A: Here you are.C: Thank you. 2.小组合作,1-2组展示。Step5 Pro

19、gress1. 做当堂达标题。基础训练43页第二题。2. Summary. What have you learned today? 引导学生总结本课时所学知识。3. Homework.a. 听录音,仿读对话。b.根据对话创编新对话。牛津小学英语三年级教案3教学目标:(一)语言知识目标1.能够听说读认单词及短语:how,old,look,too.2.能够在句子中正确使用单词和短语:how old,look.(二)语言技能目标1.能够用How old are you? 询问他人的年龄,用Im说明自己的年龄;2.能够在图片的提示下识别数字1-10的英文表达及与年龄有关的表达;3.能够演唱课文歌曲。

20、学习策略:积极主动地与他人配合完成课堂任务。文化意识:了解西方文化中过生日的习俗。知道一般情况下不要轻易问对方的年龄,尤其是对于年长的女性。情感态度:参加同学生日聚会,体验交往的快乐,增进同学间的友谊,感受同学间的友爱。教学用具:CD-ROM、单词卡片、图片教学过程:一.Warm up1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.3.复习数学1-12二、Presentation1.带领学生复习第一单元课文,然后针对课文内容向学生提问:“How old is Sam?”引导学生给出答案:“Sam is nine.”2.教学How old are you?Im 三、 Practice1.Pa

21、ir work :同桌之间用句型How old are you? Im进行关于年龄的问答,请学生展示。2.Play a game:Simon says游戏:首先请全班学生逐个报数,当每个学生都知道自己的数字后,老师开始发出口令,例如:“Simon says 2,4,5 and 7,stand up,please.”四、Learn the text1.T:大家知道Daming的年龄吗?今天的手工课上,大家都在制作年龄牌,Daming闹了一个小笑话,我们一起来看一看。播放录音前,请学生仔细看书上的图,并试着猜测故事的情节,请学生带着疑问看CD-ROM中的动画。2.放录音,要求学生边听录音边指着相应

22、的对话泡。3.Now, lets listen to the tape and follow to read it.4.学习歌曲。五、Consolidation1.课堂活动用书练习1。2.课堂活动用书练习2。3.Bingo游戏:请学生在纸上画出一个三行三列的表格,并在其中随意填入数字1-9,其后,老师使用“How old are you?”向单个学生提问,请学生使用1-9的数字了随意作答。每当一个学生使用“Im。”做出回答时,其他学生就要在自己的表格中把相应的数字圈出来。最先连续圈出一横行、一竖行或是一斜行三个数字的学生大喊“Bingo”,该学生即是胜者。六、Homework用How old

23、are you? 询问自己的家人和朋友的年龄,完成一份有关年龄的问卷调查表,向全班汇报自己的调查结果。牛津小学英语三年级教案4教学目标:1、复习第1-3单元所学的有关打招呼、问候、介绍、道别、建议等会话。2、能在实际情景中运用 Hello. Good morning. Nice to meet you. This is . Whats your name? How are you? 等用语。3、进一步培养学生大胆开口,勇于用英语交际的能力。教材分析:在本课时的 Lets act 部分呈现了一个幽默的故事,Mike, John 带着 Zoom 和 Zip 的面具假扮Zoom 和 Zip, 碰到

24、Sarah 和Bai Ling, 没想到这时真的 Zoom 和Zip 出现了, Mike, John 就溜之大吉,Zoom 和 Zip 不明白为什么Sarah 和Bai Ling 看到他们就去追赶Mike 和 John ,所以,故事的最后Zip十分不解的看着 Zoom 。本部分也是对第1-3单元所学的会话的复习,包括 Hello. Good morning. Nice to meet you. Whats your name? This is . How are you? 等用语。教师要注意培养学生在实际情景中运用语言的能力。设计说明:本课时完整的呈现了一个故事- 一个幽默故事,教师要让学生明

25、白故事的含义和幽默所在。教师可通过播放本部分的教学课件,让学生了解人物关系和故事的大概含义;通过“说我猜你”的游戏,让学生巩固重点句型;通过表演故事,让学生进一步操练、运用所学对话。教学重点:学习Lets act 部分的故事和复习有关打招呼、问候、介绍、道别、建议等会话。教学难点:Lets act 部分的故事情节的理解。教具准备:1、教师准备故事内容的教学课件。2、教师准备 Sarah, Bai Ling, Zoom, Zip 的头饰。3、教师准备表示问候、打招呼、介绍等情景图。4、教师准备故事内容的配套挂图。教学过程:一、热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)1.教师播放英文歌曲

26、“Who is wearing yellow today?” “Hello” ,师生共唱。2.教师主动向某个学生打招呼、问好。Hello. Hello. How are you? Im fine. Thank you.3.教师让学生做问候接力。方法同上的师生问候,但告诉学生问候的句子尽量不同。二、呈现新课 (Presentation)1.教师根据问候接力,总结所学问候语等。尽量让学生自己总结出来。A、当我们想同对方打招呼或问候时,(为学生出示此情景图)我们可以说:Hello./ Hi. 什么时间都可以Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening. 不同时

27、间,不同选择How are you? (Im) Fine, thank you./Very well, thanks. 用于熟人之间有一段时间未见面,或是对方身体欠佳,或是较正式的向别人打招呼等场合。Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.表示很高兴见到你B、当我们想了解对方姓名或介绍自己时,(为学生出示此情景图)我们可以说:Whats your name? Your name, please? My name is/Im C、当我们为别人介绍伙伴时,(为学生出示此情景图)可以说:This is D、当我们建议别人做某事时,(为学生出示此情景图)可以说:

28、Lets sing/ play/ go to school.2.游戏:你是谁面朝黑板的学生:Who are you?下面的学生:My name is/Im 。可说假名也可说真名,又发问者自己判断yes和no。3.教师播放故事课件,展示Lets act 部分,并让学生了解人物关系和故事的大概含义。4.听录音,跟读故事。三、趣味操练 (Practice)1.教师再次展示配套课件,并根据故事向学生提问,检查学生对故事了解情况。如:Is it in the morning or in the afternoon?Is this Zoom?Who is this?2.教师找五名学生,一起戴上头饰和面具,

29、按故事中的人物进行对话表演。为全体学生的小组练习做准备。(Mike, John 带着 Zoom 和 Zip 的面具,表演前先要求各角色做自我介绍)3.小组练习,角色扮演。将学生按6人一小组,按人物进行练习。4.将头饰和面具发给表演的小组,让表演的小组到讲台前展示。四、课堂评价 (Assessment)让学生听录音做练习。做活动手册本单元第1 部分的练习。牛津小学英语三年级教案5一、教学内容牛津小学英语3a第一教时(a部分三、四两幅图;b部分相关单词)二、教学目标:1、能听懂、会说close/open及其应答语all right./ok等。2、能听懂、会说常见物品a door, a window

30、, a box, a basket。3、能使用简单的祈使句表达“请别人干某事”的意思及进行应答。三、教学重点1、单词:a door, a window, a box, a basket。2、日常交际用语:close/open及其应答语all right.四、教学难点1、单词a basket 的读音2、能在情景中灵活运用本课所学的日常交际用语。五、教学建议根据学生的认知规律,考虑到open和turn on、close和turnoff的意思相近,学生容易混淆,因此把一、二两幅图作为一教时,三、四两幅图作为另一教时。又因为open和 close比turn on和 turn off容易上口。所以第一教

31、时先教open和close,第二教时再教turn on和 turn off的句型。五、课前准备1、教具准备:磁带、录音机、实物:盒子、篮子、水果。盒子、篮子、门、窗的图片、2、板书准备:在黑板上预先写好课题unit 9 on and off六、教学过程step1 revision1、t: good morning,s1.s1:good morning, missjiang .t: how are you?s1: fine, thank you. and you?t: im fine, too.t:sit down ,please.(重音:please)2.t:whats your name?s

32、2:nice to meet you.t:nice to meet you,too.(并伴随着握手的姿势)t:sit down,please. (重音:please)新授please: 反复操练几个对话,强调please,以此来讲授please的意思,让学生了解其意思。3.(在学生操练完各个复习的对话时)t:sit downs:please(together)step2 presentation1、door, open the doort: today, we will learn some new things,look,its a door,a door ,whats the meanin

33、g of door?ss:“门”t:door ,door ,门(领学生读数遍)t:there are so many people in the classroom,i feel hot ,so i want to open the door ,open ,open ,open the doort:伴随肢体语言讲解open the doort:open the doors:all right/ok2.close the doort:but ,today ,ive got a cold,i feel cold now,so i want to close the door.t:伴随肢体语言讲解c

34、lose the door3.t:close the doors:all pare:open and closet:做关门的动作s:closet:做开门的动作s:open(do this many times ,let the students understand “open”and “close”)3.(多媒体课件呈现实物)同样的方法讲解basket,window,boxbasket a a:window iiboxocstep3 consolidation and practice1、revesion the new words:(1)read the new words togethe

35、r(2)use cai to show the part of the pictures,let the ss guess:whats this?(3)put the cards of the new words on the right things.step4 presentation1.open the boxclose the box2.open the basketclose the basket3.open the windowclose the window(can let the ss follow the orders,and do many times )4. drillr

36、eview :open the ,all rightclose the ,all right(t-s,s-t,t-t)step 5 consolidation1. read the new sentences on the blackboard together2. listen to the tape and read after it (p53)step 6 presentationt:what did david say at last?s:im sorry.t:why?s:因为大卫不小心把爸爸的衣服夹在门缝里头了,所以说“im sorry!”t:yes, when we do some wrong things ,we should say “im sorry!”step 7 ending1. homework: listen to the tape and read after it (p53)2. read the new words many times.3. ending:oh,now ,its time to have a rest.lets stand up,now ,we want to go out,we should open (重读) the door.bye!优质文档21


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