Unit 8 Can you show me the way to the Xinhua hote1.doc

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《Unit 8 Can you show me the way to the Xinhua hote1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 8 Can you show me the way to the Xinhua hote1.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、英语Unit 8 Can you show me the way to the Xinhua hotel?一设计思路本单元的话题是关于the way,本课是第三课时的学习,是一节以对话为主的复习操练课,主要通过学生在学会了如何描述路线的基础上,自己开口去使用词组与句型,让学生感知的语义及语言情境。整个文本对话体现了生活化的情境,要求学生能够熟练的使用You may take,Go straight along ,等句式实行交流,能够清楚地向别人介绍去某个地方的路线。五年级的学生第一次接触路线的话题,生活话的情境设计能句让他们感受到语言的表达和使用,能体现语言的交际性原则,但缺乏趣味性,缺少情感

2、体验。如何让学生在生动的情境中学习语言?我让学生自己设计一条路线,小组间共同实行介绍,实行对本课文本的再构成,使本课教学内容更加丰富,更具吸引力。二教学目标1、能用准确的语音、语调朗读对话。2、能进一步熟练地使用句型问路和指路。3、能根据F部分游戏及自己所绘路线表演的方式,培养学生灵活使用语言的水平和表演的水平,同时能在表演的过程中引发助人为乐的情感体验。三教学重难点1、教学重点:能在语境中使用短语turn left ,turn right,go straight,get on,get off及句型Can you show me the way to ?Where should I get o

3、ff?You may.2、教学难点:能根据情境的需要使用所学对仿编,从而提升语言使用水平。教学难点:能根据所绘地图描述准确的路线,并使用准确的语气实行角色扮演。四教学过程Step 1.Warming up and Revision1. Daily talk.Let three students introduce themselves before the class.2. Revesion.Brainstorming:PPT快速出现第8课的关键单词与短语,让学生快速反应出来,在学生掌握后实行主要句型的问答与描述。插入PPT设计意图:通过自我介绍让学生学会使用已用句型,通过师生间的日常对话,巧

4、妙使用已学词组与句型,激活学生旧知,为本课主题的做好铺垫。Step 2.Presentation场景一:1. Elicit the character.(PPT表现两个小女孩Mary and Anne和一张到我们学校的路线)Mary and Anne are going to take a train to the city.They are going to visit our school.Tell them the way from the railway station to our school.How do you describe the routes?Ss:Good after

5、noon, welcome to Jishou city.Mary and Anne:Can you show me the way to Jishou National Primay School?Ss:You may take , get off at, then turn .(让学生实行路线描述)PPT:Bus No.1,Bus No.6,taxi.2.Speak out the main phrases about the asking routes.教师将Mary和Anne 的路线分几个步骤,分别写在5张不同颜色的卡片上,让几个学生任意抽取一张朗读然后按照朗读顺序贴在黑板上。T(pp

6、t):Where are Mary and Anne ?SS:They are in the railway station.T:But they dont know the way to our school.Lets help them.Here are some phrases:“turn right” “turn left” “go staight” “take Bus No.1/6” “take a taxi” “get on”“get off”.3.Imitation and do pair work.S1:Can you show me the way to the school

7、?S2:OK.You may go along this street,and then turn left 3. Let groups show the dialogues. S1, S2:Good afternoon.Mary and Anne.S3,S4:Good afternoon.Can you show me the way to the school? S1, S2:You may take Bus No.1 or Bus No.6 ,then get off at the six stop,you can pass the zebra crossing and go strai

8、ght along the road,the school is at the right.4. Choose the best group.5. Finish the writing:Write the routes.设计意图:教师先把路线进行设计,让学生通过短语的复述来加强对指路方法的掌握,并在为别人指路时能很好的运用短语与句子,本环节还设计了写的部分,让学生能够把学的知识用于书面,加深句子的运用及他们书写的练习。场景二:1. Present the structure of the talk.Welcome to our school.Let me tell you the way fr

9、om the railway station to our school.You may_.Then_.And then_.Get off at _.Turn right at the _crossing.2. Practice about the routes.3. Act in pairs.设计意图:本节主要是让学生能够把句子表达出来,通过之前的书写,学生之间再进行路线的交流,更好的运用所学句型。Step 3 Practice1.Ss listen to the talk about asking the way and try to answer the questions.Thats

10、a conversation about asking the way.Mingming is in Chansha,but he doesnt know the way to his aunts house,its near the underwater world,so he asks the way to Lingling.Lets listen and answer the question:Can you show me the way to the Underwater World?2. T(PPT):Draw a way from Changsha railway station

11、 to the Underwater World.3. Ss listen and try to repeat.4. Ss show in roles.设计意图:通过播放听力,训练学生对路线描述的能力,加强他们的听力练习。Step 4 Expansion1. T draws a route and describe the routes.T:Im in Hongqimen,I want to go to Jishou University,first,I go to Bus No.3 stop,Get on the Bus No.3 at Daxiangxi,Get off at Sports

12、 Cetre,then go along the road about 100 metres,you can see Jishou University.2. Let Ss draw a route from Jishow railway station to BBG supermarket in groups.3. Have a performance.4. ConclusionHelp others,enjoy our life.设计意图:通过学生路线的设计,不仅使本课的教学内容得到深化,学生的综合语言运用能力得到提高,而且情感也得到了升华。Step 4 HomeworkPlan a summer vocation routes.设计意图:设计暑假的路线,能让学生更好的学会用英语思维去表达自己的想法。


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