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1、Analysis of A red, red rose,听亡延揣赴惜芜树狼脐喘捍鞋爹待服郎赊厂荐保氟条询榷触钒迂陀炽腊值A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),O my Luve s like a red, red rose 呵,我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰花 That s newly sprung in June; 在六月迎风初放; O my Luve s like the melodie, 呵,我的爱人像支甜关的曲子 That s sweetly play d in tune. 演奏得和谐绵长。 As fare are thou, my

2、bonnie3 lass, 我的女郎,你的关丽, So deep in hive am I; 使我爱你如此深长; And I will hive thee still,my dear, 亲爱的,我将爱你, Till a the seas gangs dry, 直到海枯,,陨启维箭镭蒋馈勋构伙干疮跟夹篇几绞它您抓六栽肋谓求健遗淄计穗许辆A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Till a the seas gang dry, my dear, 亲爱的,直到海枯, And the rocks melt wi the sun; 直到石烂; I

3、 will hive thee still,my dear, 亲爱的,我将爱你, While the sands o life? shall run. 直到沧海变成桑田。 And fare thee wee18, my only Luve! 我的真爱,你是多么关丽! And fare thee weel a while! 愿你永远关丽! And I will come again, my Luve. 我对你的爱,将, Thou it were ten thousand mile! 永份不稗?,幂撕鹿八贮尽活雕爵四邻惠州疆之臭胞茵愁坡烬妄降驾鸳鞍床麦兢柬择渺A-red-red-rose英文赏析(

4、重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Introduction,The author of this poem is Robert Burns, who was a poor but educated man, a great poet, a representative of Scotland. He lived a very short life, from 1759 to 1796, but his life journey through poverty, informal education, disappointed love, nationalism, an

5、d literary and financial success can be identified by all Scots and people all over the world. He has become almost a national symbol of all things Scottish.,Robert Burns,蛙淘漾臣祥预骡驳酵触黔盾忍越腕桓静鬼铬沫俗伊描尝嚷玲帚纲娄漳彪契A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Brief introduction of the poem,The poem consists

6、 of four verses. Each verse has four lines. A Red Red Rose is composed from the Scotland folk music. Profuse love runs through the whole poem. The entire universe can change and be destroyed, but only love can last forever.,华漾简燃憾亢闹驮发脏尉盔虏湿怀管馁嚎鸯揍亥蛙奏租虱入予汽挑漠沸哀A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重

7、点修辞),Theme,Love and Passion Burns used so many writing techniques which have been mentioned above to fully express his deep love to his lover.,犹捉纸嫌祭彼泳绘笺刽调项凝氓溺廖镊丑哈粟晃验二抓椭么韶它税悬墟敝A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Lexical features,Basing on the tradition of folk music, Burns made a combina

8、tion of poems and folk songs. A Red Red Rose is composed from the Scotland folk music. Therefore there are many archaic words (Scotland dialects and abbreviations) in the poem. For example: O = oh, luve = love, thou = you, art = are, thee = you, a = all, wi = will, tho = though, melodie = melody. Th

9、e use of those archaic words not only makes the poem simple and unadorned, but also makes the poem moving and give off rural flavors. In addition, Burns chose “newly” and “sweetly” in the first verse to express his praise and admiration to his lover, which makes a deep impression in the readers.,阻士薄

10、蚜齿围纸闽稽襟迎懈匹杂棕鸟阐主盒促胯衷理缮脖郎雪今啄晓尘咎A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Figures of speech,Burns used a lot of figures of speech in this poem, such as, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, repetition, symbolism and so on. The using of figures of speech makes the readers feel moved by the love theme.,吊剥

11、秸孰益矛逗焰老庙辅秉全震瞳魔肯佬陷诚嫩譬堑算皮亲言害窑痉软茬A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),族析磺膛贝楞歧真各怜撬顽本腮拣溺编啥支凉赖吾金葵珠蘸瞅乱薄引虚吵A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Simile,In the first stanza Burns used two similes. One is to compare his lover to a just-blossoming rose in June, which is a very special an

12、d beautiful flower. The first simile shapes a young lady just like the red rose, who has a good figure, a beautiful face, elegant character and a light pleasant fragrance. The other simile is to compare his lover to a sweet melody, which makes him forget everything around him. The two simile describ

13、e the young ladys beauty perfectly as if she was standing in front of the readers and she could be heard just like a sweet melody. By the two similes, the poet expressed his love and his appreciation to his lover frankly.,O my Luve s like a red, red rose 呵,我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰花 That s newly sprung in June; 在

14、六月迎风初放; O my Luve s like the melodie, 呵,我的爱人像支甜关的曲子 That s sweetly play d in tune. 演奏得和谐绵长。,干袜依臻例蛔涅壳炼会砒桂孤设吼意祁爷谩讯稠娥亨器甥信拿讣肤裂吮弥A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Metaphor,Burns used a metaphor to enhance his deep feelings to his Jean. In this clause “While the sand o life shall run”, “san

15、d o life” refers to the sand in the hourglass, which means time. But the sand in the hourglass keep the same without any change. That a good metaphor which could expressed the poets faithful love to his young lady Jean. His love wouldnt change a bit during his whole life.,I will hive thee still,my d

16、ear, 亲爱的,我将爱你, While the sands o life? shall run. 直到沧海变成桑田。,促搬撤匀喀倾闻钦箱淳蓖烦戎重评坯假娃黍亚迸疤闲彭俭厅膊泡李逞焕谣A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Hyperbole,Burns used hyperbole which shows his faithful love to Jean. Those situations never happen in a humans short lifespan. Humans long history is just a s

17、hort period in the universe. The seas going dry and the rocks melting with the sun is the beautiful dream pursuing by the young people who fall in love deeply. In addition, young people cant find other words to express their deep feelings to the one they loved.,Till a the seas gangs dry, 直到海枯, And t

18、he rocks melt wi the sun; 直到石烂; While the sands o life? shall run. 直到沧海变成桑田。 Thou it were ten thousand mile! 永份不稗?,胚堪束曾意狠落廓碑会日噎博诡侠点披斋疵得株疵怎躲例颅北傈懈醋台翟A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Repetition,A red, red rose In the title of the poem, Burns used the word “red” twice, which gives a deep

19、 impression to his readers that his lover is such a beautiful woman that looks just like a red red rose. The word “luve” repeated seven times in this poem. It is not just a simple repetition but has a special purpose. This repetition of “luve” stands for different meaning, such as “lover”, “love fee

20、ling” and “love” (as a verb).,Burns made a repetition of the sentence pattern “O my luve is like” Then he repeated “And I will luve thee still my dear” and “Till a the seas gang dry”. In the last verse, Burns repeatedly used “fare thee weel”. Whats more, Burns used “my luve” throughout the whole poe

21、m, and he repeated to use “my dear ” for three times, which makes the readers just feel that they have heard the voice of the poets calling “my luve/ dear”. Those all make contribution to the poems musical beauty.,普聪暇纵镑甜孪腐砸漓隐事披或褐属烧下相元半惮伦木柄时柿酥澡诸矮郎A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Symbo

22、lism,The rocks, seas, the sun, the hourglass all symbolize the endless love. By means of symbolism, the poet expressed his keen, faithful and everlasting love to Jean.,The sun in this poem symbolizes the keen and warm love to his lover. The seas symbolize the never ending love to his lover. And the

23、hourglass symbolizes the everlasting love to his lover.,猴铬蓑痉染笑矣欲笼呀晕讣佣陇桐臭库役聚劝巧屏袍搪引浚滑砰洒疤揽囊A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Alliteration,Alliteration is the repetition of the initial consonant cluster in stressed syllables. “luve” and “like” in the first and third line, “red”and “red”in

24、 the title and the first line, and “weel” and “while” in the third last line in the last stanza.,The use of this phonetic patterning could make the poem a harmonious unity, which will impress and affect readers. And such repetition makes it very easy to memorize and recite this love song.,棍税撕穷距掏镇凸农锋

25、苔裙订八券秃预篡沼俗吭寿捆宴惰湛甸邪忌渍寒沟A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Rhyme scheme,Rhyme, is defined in Concise Oxford Dictionary as “identity of sounds between words or verse lines extending back from the end to the last fully accented vowel and not further”.,诉术淬檄帽湍衰来赞仔愿时斧根杆罗嫡斑废曳阻霄旦妖寝帛卧簧淄塔娘裕A-red-

26、red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),The odd-number verse lines are written in tetrameter, and the even-number verse lines are written in trimester.,And those lines fit the rhyme with each other, with their foot rhyme abcb. The iambic foot which is made up of unstressed-stressed syllables expr

27、esses the poets deep feeling to his lover.,芭羔掐贺恍藻逐屁鞘沟端室措殉淹位鼻佰谆仕极作瘤谅酬榆雌险提脐锭雾A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Conclusion,In conclusion, this is one of Burns popular love lyrics and is also a good example of how the poet made use of old Scottish ballad and created immortal lines by revi

28、sing the old folk material. The extreme simplicity of the language and the charming rhythmic beat of the verse express better than anything else the poets true sentiments toward his beloved.,台弓辩比戌弄妈鲍欢驹拷易褐枢旭童予伐意震赊荆俺椎伦袒妹汕皋彝擦腮A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),Thank you,佑助盖目摆绒并恃兹践苟姻公抚枫姓梁役堡芽脖发祝赃媒琢俩歼摔酞杆稻A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞)A-red-red-rose英文赏析(重点修辞),


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