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1、精品文档M9 Life historyI Words1. 11月2.真实的3.报纸4.确切的5. 日期6.诗歌7.结婚8.成功的9.富有的10.去世11.语言12.年轻的n PhrasesI. 国庆节2.发现,查明 3.在岁 4.在19世纪60年代5.世界各地 6. 决定去做7.开始去做某事 8.确切的日期 9.做某事很成功 10.与某人结婚 II. 学习去做某事in Sentences1. 他12岁时离开学校开始工作。2. 在学校他喜欢喜剧,所以他 14岁毕业时他决定称为一名演员。3. 他成为一名成功的演员并开始写戏剧。4. 他为报纸写文章。IV Grammar一般过去时 n不规则动词的过去

2、式常见不规则动词及其过去式,见p 100.句式变化:除了变化规则不同,不规则动词在肯定句,否定句,疑问句等各种句型中的变化与规则动词相同。e.g. He went to work by bus.-He didn t go to work by bus.-Did he go to work by bus?-How did he go to work?M9随堂达标测试一、单选1. -Jim, whe n were you born?-I was bornOctober, 1998.A. in B. on C. at D. from2. My brotherthe army ( 军队)last ye

3、ar.A. takes part in B. took part in C. join D. joi ned3. There are lots of playsEn glishthe world.A. with; around B. in; around C. by; over D. use; all over4. -Do you know Mo Yan?-Of course. He won the 2012 Nobel Prize for literaturethe age of 57.A. in B. at C. on D. to5. -Jack, would you help mewhe

4、n the pla ne will take off ( 起飞)on the in ternet?-I m sorry, my computer doesn t work.A. get out B. look out C. find out D. take out6. Joh n fini shedthe n ewspaper.A. to read B. readi ng C. reads D. read7. William Shakespeare was one ofin the world.A. the more famous writers B. the more famous writ

5、ersC. the most famous writer D. the most famous writers8. Ifor America with my pare nts n ext week.A. leave B. to leave C. am leavi ng D. left9. The old woma nat the age of eighty.A. death B. dies C. dead D. died10. Katea doctor in 2012.A. marry B. was married to C. got married with D. married with二

6、、句型转换1. 儿童节在六月一日。isJune 1 st .2. 当他14毕业时他决心当一名演员。14.Heactor whe n he fin ished school3. Jenny did her homework last night.(一般疑问句 )Jennylast n ight?4. Che n Pi ng received an email last Friday.(改为否定句 )Chen Pingan email last Friday.5. 在你的一生中,什么最重要?What s the most important?6. 当你是小孩时,你乘公共汽车去上学么?youschool whe n you were young?7. 我们没有电视,我们听收音机。We didn t have a TV. Wethe radio.


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