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1、精品文档新目标七年级下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?班级: 姓名: 得分:二、积累与运用: (10 分)(1)短语翻译:6. 说英语 7. 踢足球 8. 最喜欢的颜色 9. Tom 的书包 10.音乐俱乐部 11tell stories12.a funny book 13.play the drums14.a Chinese boy15.join the art club三、选择填空题: (30 分)()21.Let s go and play _ ping- pong. I dont want to playA. a, theB. the, aC. X,

2、the()22.Who wants the swimming club?A. to joinsB. joinC. to join()23.It s time _l_unch.A. toB. forC. have()24. Maybe he can in their basketball team.A. isB. beC. are()25.I can t sing Japanese songs very A. wellB. muchC. good()26._ club do you like?A. WhatB. WhichC. Where()27. They work in same schoo

3、l.A. aB. anC. the()28._Does Lily like to ?Yes. Here are some of her pictures.A. singB. DrawC. swim()29. Please spell this word English.A. inB. atC.with()30. They help me English.A. inB. withC.on()31. A:Can you swim?B: Yes, I A. amB. doC.can()32. Are you good _old people?A. withB. atC.for()33. If you

4、 want to know that, please all 622-6033.A. byB. atC.for()34. A: do you join the club? B: I like music.A. WhatB. WhereC. Why()35. We want two good players _ basketball team.A. forB. inC.at四、完形填空: (10 分)Jane and John36 sister and brother. They like music. Jane can play the piano. But she37_ play the v

5、iolin. John can t play the piano. B8t he play the violin. Today they _39to carry(搬)a piano to43 pare nts aren Mike to45 them.40 bedroom. y4441 piano is heavy(沉).They can t 42 it. a cous in brother Mike. He is here today. They askt at hBiufethe()36. A. isB.amC. are()37. A. canB.can tC. doesnt()38. A.

6、 canB.can tC. doesnt()39. A. likeB.wantC. can()40. A. JaneB.hisC.Jane s()41. A. TheB.aC. /()42. A. takeB.carryC. help()43. A. Jane sand Joh nB.Jane andJoh nsC. They s()44. A. haveB.likeC. want()45. A. comeB.goC. joi n五、阅读理解:(10分)AJimmy lives in the country(农村),and he loves playing in the river near

7、his house. But his father gets a job in a big city, and he moves(搬)there with his family.Their new house has a garden, but the garden is very small. Jimmy isn t happy.Is therenear here? ” He asksis mother on the first morning. His mother answers, “ Nothere isn but there is a nice park n ear here and

8、 there池塘)niipoWie re going there this after noon.”Jimmy is happy now.After lunch Jimmy and his mother go to the park. Jimmy wants to walk n ear the pool, but there is a sig n(标记)before it. His mother reads it to him,警告 ):ThiBqciDg( is dangerous(危险).367 people fell into( 掉入)it. ” Jimmy looks into the

9、 pool carefully, and he says,“ But I can tsee them. ”()46. Jimmy likes playi ngvery much.A. in the parkB. in the garde nC. in the river()47. Jimmy s father works.A. in the countryB. in the big cityC. i n the park()48. There isnear Ji mmy s new house.A. a riverB. a garde nC. a park()49. Jimmy goes to

10、 the park with.A. his fatherB. his mother C. his teacher()50. Which isTrue?A. Jimmy s family move to the big city.B. There are 367 people in the pool.C. Jimmy fell into the pool.BTom and Mike are good frien ds. They are kind to childre n. They want to find summer jobs. Oneday Tom tells Mike that Bei

11、daihe Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports, music and computers. They are both very glad to hear(听说)this.Tom can play basketball and volleyball, and he can swim, too. Mike can play the violin, the trumpet, the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike like computers very much. Can they join theSummer Ca

12、mp?()51. Tom and Mike want toB. be good with childre nA. help with sports, music and computersC. join the Summer Camp()52. What does the Summer Camp need help with?A. Flying kites .B. Sports, music and computers.C. Making cakes.()53. Tom can playC. musicC. basketballC. Swimmi ng.( 跳舞 ) and playing t

13、he guitar.A. ballsB. computer games()54. Mike can play.A. the drumsB. volleyball()55. What do Tom and Mike both like?A. Football.B. Computers.六、单词拼写:(10分)56. I like57. Deng Zhiqi is her favourite (歌手)58. She is Chin ese, but she(说)En glish very well.59. We all like (吉他) and sports.60. He is (擅长于)pla

14、ying pingpong.61. She is a(音乐家).62. Can you(表演)us how to play the guitar?63. She says she likes(画画).64. He(参力口) the art club in the evening.65. Do you want to go to the( 象棋)club.七、句型转换:(10分)66. Are you free on weekends?(做肯定回答)67. She can sing and dance.否定句)Shedance.68. Li Lei can play the violin.( 一

15、般疑问句)Li Leithe violi n?69. She wants to join the music club.(就划线部分提问)to joi n?70. Tina can play volleyball. She can play soccer.(用 but 连成一句话 )八、书面表达七(3)班要举办艺术节,请同学们展示一下自己的才艺,下面是部分同学的才艺,请 根据内容写一篇短文向大家做一下介绍。(不少于5句话)提示词: Bob: play basketball Peter:Chin ese kung fu Rick: play the pia noTina: swim and dance Gina: tell stories


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