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1、三年级英语教案(四课时)Module 3Unit1 Point to the door.Part 1Teaching aims:Point to Stand upSit downVocabulary:the,door,window,blackboard,bird,please,point to,stand up,sit down, TweetTeaching time:Forty minutesTeaching procedures:A. Warmer:a. GreetingSs:Hello,Miss Wang.T: Good moring,boys and girls.Ss: Good mo

2、ring,Miss Wang.T: How are you ?Ss: Im fine.And how are you?T:Im fine,too.Thank you.Good,sit down,please.b. Review1.Sing a song: Good morning,Sam.2.Point and say. The teacher points to the objects and the Ss. say thewords.c. Demonstrate the meaning of point to, stand upand sitdown. Do the actions as

3、you say the words. Say the words in English. Write the words on the board.d. Say, Point to the door.Point to any door in the room andhave the Ss. do the same. Do a lot of examples.e. Say to the class. Stand up, and then Sit down.Do theactions and have the Ss. do them too.B. New lesson:1.Listen and p

4、oint.a. Get the Ss. to look at the book.Ask them questions in Chineseabout the pictures,e.g. Who are the characters? What is happening?What is Lingling doing in Picture 4? Which animal comes into the classroom?b. After the Ss. have listened to the tape and pointed to thepictures, play the tape again

5、. This time they have to follow Ms Smarts instructions,i.e. they have to sit down, stand up, point to the door, point to the window and then point to the blackboard. They should point to the objects in the textbook, but if they are capable, you can play the tape again and they can point to the objec

6、ts in their classroom.c. Play the tape several times. Try to get the students to followthe instructions without looking at their books.2.Listen and say.a. Play the tape again, pause it after each utterance and get theSs. to repeat the sentences.b. Explain that you will give instructions and that the

7、 Ss. haveto listen and point to the correct pictures.3.Say and do.a. If you want to extend this game, add the words boysandgirls to the instructions.ExampleT: Boys, stand up.Ss(boys stand up)b. You can use the word class, so all of the Ss. should followyour instructions.C. Homework:1. 小组完成:画一画自己的教室或

8、房间,然后与同伴交换,并进行指图游戏。2. 个别完成:复习本单元内容,预习下一单元内容;从课堂上所做的游戏中选取自己最喜欢的,回家和家人一起做。Writing board:Unit 1 Point to the door.A:Point toB:Stand upC:Sit down教学反思:Part 2教学目标1、知识与能力目标:全体学生能初步运用Point to.door,window,desk,chair.能理解point,to,door,sit,down,stand,up,window,blackblard,bird.部分学生能理解:the.听懂、会说、会读:Point to.Stand

9、 up!Sit down!全体学生能感知和运用Point to the doorwindowdeskchair.表示教室里物体的词汇及发出的指令。通过发出指令来准确认识教室里的物体,并且能灵活运用这些词汇和语句,全体学生能感知英语韵句的节奏,培养学生自主评价的能力。2、情感态度目标:培养学生参加英语活动的兴趣,鼓励学生敢于开口,积极参与,乐于模仿和表达,在学习中互相帮助,形成合作意识。3、学习策略目标:参与英语游戏,进一步培养学生学习英语的兴趣,参加指令活动,乐于发指令,形成积极参加活动以及乐于掌握主动权的主动性。4、文化意识目标:简单了解中西方文化的差别,了解英语游戏,了解英语韵律,能简单地

10、用英语来表达教室里的物体。教学重点和难点1、教学重点:、基本能听懂、会说、会读door,window,blackboard,bird,tweet 教室里的物体.。、运用Point to+物体的语句结构发出正确的指令。、能听懂,会说Stand up!Sit down!2、教学难点:教室物体词汇的发音及分辨,发音要到位。教学方法:直观教学法、提问法,精讲多练,充分发挥学生的主体作用,在活动中,通过合作学习,游戏法学习,建立团队意识和集体责任感。教学过程Step 1 warmer1、Greetings:T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning,

11、Mr Zhang.T: How are you, today? S: Im fine . thank you. And how are you ?T: Im fine,too.T:Whats your name,boygirl?S:Im.T:Hello,S:Hi,Mr Zhang.2、Sing a songStep2 Presentation1.The teacher plays the CD-ROM, listen and chant about Activity 1.Then show the PowerPoint and teach the words: point ,to .Play

12、it again, make the students follow the teacher and do it.2.The teacher says:Now ,boys and girls, stand up, please. sit down, please.Boy,stand up,please.Girls,stand up,please.Boy,sit down,please.Girls,sit down,please.Show the PowerPoint and teach the words:sit,down,stand,up.Today,we learn some new wo

13、rds:door window,blackboard,bird.(Show the PowerPoint and teach the words).The teacher says:Point to the door,window,blackboard,bird.makethe students chant and do them :D oor door door, point to the door;Window window window,Point to the window;Blackboard blackboard,blackboard,Point to the blackboard

14、;Bird,bird,bird,point to the bird.3.The teacher plays the CD-ROM of Activity2 two times ,then the students read it.Ask two students to act out.Step3 Practise.T: The teacher shows the pictures of the classroom things and gives a chair,ask two student to act out .One student says: Stand up,please!Poin

15、t to the the word ;the other student points to the door,window,blackboard,bird.when the student is right,let himher sit down or stand up.A:Stand up,please!.Points to the door.B:(Stand up,please!.Points to the door.)sit down,please!A:Stand up,please!.Points to the window.B:(Stand up,please!.Points to

16、 the window.)sit down,please!A:Points the blackboard.B:(Stand up,please!.Points to the blackboard.)sit down,please!A:Points the bird.B:(Stand up,please!.Points to the bird.)sit down,please!Sing a song Step4 SummaryToday we learnt some new words :door,window,blackboard,bird.and “point to.stand up ,si

17、t down.”Step 5 homeworkRead the new words and listen to the CD-ROM.Listen to the instructions.Step 6 Blackboard designModule 3Unit 1 Point to the door.door.Point to the window .blackboard.Bird.Stand up! Sit down!教学反思:Unit 2 Point to the desk.Part 1教学目标知识与技能目标:1.学生能够听说认读新单词desk chair2.能借助图片听懂课文,并会运用正

18、确的语音、语调来认读课文。熟练的运用句型:Point to .3学唱歌曲:Please stand up 教学重点: 学生能够听说认读新单词desk chair能借助图片听懂课文,并会运用正确的语音、语调来认读课文。教学难点: 运用正确的语音、语调来认读课文。学唱歌曲:Please stand up 教学过程:Step1 : 热身与导入Warm up and lead inPlay a game : I say, you do.T: Stand up./ Sit down./Point to the desk.(引领学生指桌子,进而导出本节课课题Point to the desk.)Step2

19、 : 出示目标Show the aims1.学生能够听说认读新单词desk chair2.能借助图片听懂课文,并会运用正确的语音、语调来认读课文。熟练的运用句型:Point to .3.学唱歌曲:Please stand up Step3: 课文学习Text learningIn Moudle3 u1 , we know Ms Smart says three orders. What are they?S:Point to the door/ blackboard/ window . Today lets look at partU2.师提前出示问题:1Who are they ?2. 听大

20、明发了哪些指令?听课文,回答;31.师运用教室内实物desk chair对单词进行教读,然后优生领读单词,男女生比赛读单词单词操练I say,you point. (我来说,你来指)I point,you say. (我来指,你来说)4. 跟读课文。2. Part 2 : 整体感知、认读课文(1)第一次听录音,初步感知课文。T:Listen to the tape and answer What can you see?师预设(Daming Sam window door desk chair point)(2)第二次听录音,教学生找出文中指令。(3)第三次听录音,让学生跟读并模仿其中的语音、

21、语调。(4)师领读(5)小组内读,每个学生充当一个角色Daming Sam Amy Lingling 师巡视指导,重点辅导每组4号(6)分角色朗读,生表演,每个学生充当一个角色Daming Sam Amy Lingling( 7) 游戏巩固同学扮演成小鸟,发指令。Step 4: Sing a song .1.Listen to the song .2.sing follow the tape .Step5: 小结(让学生说说本节课学习了什么,师加以补充说明)Step6达标题:homework教学反思:Part2教学目标:1、掌握单词desk 、window 、door、 blackboard、

22、 bird、chair。2、能够听懂会说本课句型Point to the window /door / blackboard并能做出正确的反应。教学重、难点:教学重点:听懂并说出desk 、chair、 window ,door, blackboard, bird,classroom。能用Point to the!对别人正确发出指令和听懂并执行听到的指令。教学难点:单词 blackboard的读音。教学过程:课文导入Ok,point to the desk.学生不会,老师在教室里边摸桌子边说desk,然后出示单词卡片,(贴在一个显眼的桌子上)教读。让学生一边摸桌子一边说desk。板书单词des

23、k。同样的方法学习chair ,window ,door, blackboard ,classroom.(此环节教师要观察学生的学习状态并及时鼓励学生“摘苹果”。)上节课飞进教室的小鸟Tweet-Tweet今天又来到了教室里,于是Sam, Amy, Lingling 和Daming开始利用这个机会练习他们在课堂上学到的语言。让我们一起来看一看他们的表现怎么样?课文教学1.首先听录音,请学生边看边听,Da Ming, LingLing , Amy 和Sam分别对小鸟说了什么,小鸟是怎样做的。2再听录音,听完后复述所听到的内容。设计思路:听录音练习,一方面可以提高学生的听力能力,另一方面可以使小学

24、生感受到更多纯正的语音。同时教师及时发现听得认真的学生和能复述所听到的内容的学生“摘苹果”。3分角色表演课文内容。鼓励扮演小鸟者为自己的角色设计丰富的动作。巩固练习1、猜单词。邀请一个学生上前,通过模仿动作表演教室中的物品,请其他学生猜测该学生所要表现的是什么物品。2、教师叫起8个学生就站在自己的位置上教师说 point to the desk、 point to the chair、 point to the window、 point to the door找一名小老师来发号指令,其余的学生做相应的动作。3、创编一个chant(拍手) point to the desk ,point to

25、 the chair ,point to the window, And point to the door.设计思路:运用游戏巩固知识,让学生在不知不觉中掌握所学内容,从而突破重、难点4、拓展完成任务完成任务三listen and circle完成任务四listen and say,then sing and do the actions。首先放录音,请学生熟悉曲调和歌词。然后放朗读歌词的录音,请学生逐句跟读。再次放歌曲录音,请学生一边唱一边执行歌词中的指令。完成任务五找一个学生到讲台上去,老师在她后面出示图片或单词卡,其他学生说相应的单词,然后在讲台上的同学下去找相应的实物。完成任务六两人

26、一组一人下指令,另一人做动作。先找一组示范,再让学生模仿做。最后检查。(课前画好的教室图)设计思路:运用任务型教学法,熟练、巩固所掌握的知识。总结归纳总结:今天我们又学习了新的单词和chant。现在你也起来说说这节课你得了多少sticker,you are a small Apple Tree now .And I know you can be a big Apple Tree one day .I hope you happy and healthy growth .家庭作业1.回家把今天学的教给爸爸妈妈,让爸爸妈妈给你下指令,你做动作,然后你下指令,让爸爸妈妈做动作。2把今天学到的歌谣说

27、给他们听。教学反思:Module 4Unit 1 Its red .Part 1教学目标:1. Master new words “red” “green” “pink” “purple” “blue” “yellow” “white” “black”.2 .Can read the passage .教学重点难点:New words and sentences教学步骤:一、课前展示1.Have students to look at the objects and get them todescribe the colours.2.Teach the new words in differe

28、nt ways.red, yellow, blue,black, green3.师强调:Its=It is二、导入新课1.ChantGet the students to read the chant.red,red是红色,画个太阳是红色yellow,yellow是黄色,画个香蕉是黄色。green,green是绿色,画片草地是绿色。blue,blue是蓝色,画个天空是蓝色。black,black黑色,画个黑板是黑色。2.Chant and doRed,red,its red.Yellow,yellow,its yellw.Green,green,its green.Blue,blue,its

29、blue.Black,black,its black.三、教学活动活动1.Listen,point and say.1.Have the students to look at the pictures.2.Let the students point to the correct pictures.3.Read the text.活动2 Practice1.Listen and colour.2.Listen,colour and say.3.Listen and draw.四、巩固训练1、请几组同学上前表演课文,表演好的学生要给予表扬。2、小组可用看口型猜单词。五、总结评价Ask stud

30、ents what we have learnt in this lesson: We have learnt I ts red to describe the colours of objects.六、Homework1.Recite the words and text.2.Ask and answer the colours with friends.教学反思:Part 2教学目标:1、能够听、说、读并应用常用颜色:red, green,black,white,blue,yellow等。2、能够运用“What colour?”“Its red.”对颜色进行提问并进行相应的回答。教学重点难

31、点:New words and sentences教学过程:Warm-up: 11、Greetings.2、Sing the song: Stand up.Lead in:3Who is the fastest:1、T show pictures of window, door, desk, chairSs point to the picture as the Ts order.2、T show chairs of different colors, and ask the Ss to point to the chair.Ss may get puzzled, then the teach

32、er ask “how to distinguish them?” -Ss:颜色Teacher tell the Ss that is what we going to learn today.-color(板书)Steps:15Step 1: learn the six colorsW e live in a colorful world, everything around us has its color.Show different pictures and teach the six colors.1、1national flag:red yellow bluered: one by

33、 one-girlsboys-together 师读单词时把单词卡片分发给读的较好的学生。yellow: one by one-girlsboys-togetherT: what color? Its Ss: redyellow.T: The flag is beautiful in the sky. What is the color of the sky?Blue: one by one-in groups-together2、panda:black whiteblack: one by one-in groups-togetherwhite:one by one-in groups-to

34、getherT:The panda is native to China. What does it eat?bamboo: greengreen: one by one-girlsboys-togetherstep 2: consolidation1、check:T show cards of different colors. 生读,并把手中的单词卡片贴到相应颜色下方。T: what color?Ss: red.T: who has a “red”, put it here.Ss:red,red 红色的。2、game:show me your penSs show their color

35、pen as the teachers order.Say “red red” while showing.group work:Color the rainbow.Do you want to use these colors to paint?Show a blank rainbow on the screen. Ask the Ss to pain it following the order.1 is red.2 is white.3 is yellow.4 is green.5 is black.6 is blue. Show Ss the right answer.Step 3:t

36、extPart 1、观看教学视频“大象画画”10Wow, all of you are great painters. Look, here is an elephant. It can also draw well.(Show picture of the elephant.) Lets look.1、What color have you seen?2、what color will you get if you mix yellow and blue together?(把不同颜色的两种液体混合,查看颜色变化情况。)3、Listen and repeat.4、listen and imi

37、tate.Part 2:13The elephant is great, yes? There is another friend who is even more magic than the elephant. It can change its skin color, do you want to know him?观看变色龙简介视频。1、Listen .(what color? Its red.-Kami what color? Now, its red. 讲解now)2、Listen and point.3、listen point and repeat.4、Listen and f

38、ind.(randam)5、Who want to read one sentence.4、Practice: (1)师用卡纸做成可以变色的kami,学生操练句子:Now,its(2)播放“变脸”视频,练说:Now,itsHomework :Read the text to your parents.教学反思:Unit 2 Its a black dog .Part 1Teaching aims:New words : dog , cat, cap .New phrases : Its a dog / cat / cap .The Ss can describe the colours of

39、the something .Teaching importants :1.The new words learning .2.The Ss can describe the colours of the something .Teaching difficulties :3.All of the ss can describe the colours of the something . Teaching procedures :Step 1 Warm up1.Sing the song “Please stand up ” together .2.Show them the colour

40、cards .T : What colour is it ? s : Its .(red , blue , yellow , green ,black .)3. Devide the ss into 4 groups . (Red group , Blue group , Green group , Black group .)And draw a face instead it .Step 2 Presentation1.Game : Show them some pictures by the internet .(blackboard ,door , window , desk , ch

41、air , bird .)The ss use “Its a ”toanswer.2.Show them a pic of a dog .T: Whats this ?S: Its a dog .3. T write it on the bb , then teach them to read .4. Ask some ss to read it .5. T : What colour is it ?S : It s black .T : Yes , so we say : I ts a black dog .6. T write the title “I ts a black dog .”o

42、n the bb , ss read it for twice .7. Listen , a voice of a cat , T : Whats this ? S : Its a cat .Teach cat .T show the pic , “Yes , its a cat . What colour is it ?”S : Its .8. T write “cat ” on the bb .9. T show them a blue cap . T : Whats this ? S : Its a cap .Teach cap . T : What colour is it ? S :

43、 Its blue10 . Practice the new words .A:T ask 4 ss to the front , T say the words , and the ss point it on the bb . And then , encourage them .B : The ss look at teachers mouth , and guess the word .11. Read the new words together , and do the actions .Step 3 Learb the text .1.Look at part 1 . Pic 2

44、 : Its a blue / green / black cat . Listen and repeat .2.Look at part 2 . Today Panpan is a magician . Listen and watch the video.3.Underline the new words .4.Read follow the record .5. Read the text together .Step 4 Extending practice1.Part 3 . Look , find and say .Eg. Its a yellow cap . / Its a re

45、d cap .Its a red dog . / Its a yellow dog . 2. Say sth like “Its a red , Its a yellow ” around them in theclassroom .3. Play the game .Put the colour cards in a box , and put other cards ( cap , door ,window , cat , dog ) in another box , ask 2 ss to the front , eachchoose a card , and say “ Its a ”

46、.4.Do the exercise book .Step 5 . Homework .Draw and say画一样自己喜欢的动物或物品,然后用学过的颜色加以涂色,并用Itsa .的句式向家人或朋友介绍。教学反思:Part 21.教学重点学会并会运用句型It s a +adj+n来描述周围的人或事2.教学难点词汇a 和 an 的用法区分3.教学任务A 学习任务:学习It s a +adj +n的语言结构学习词汇dog desk chair orange purple.B运用任务:1、运用自编韵律来巩固本课所学的句型,并完成活动用书活动1、2、2、通过学习本课的韵律和歌曲,让学生学会初步了解如何将指识点改编成好听又好记的歌曲。4、教学用品:教师自备的橘色、黑色等各色实物卡片,录音机、磁带、音乐节奏带。教学课堂程序1、启动活动1、复习歌曲第一模块第2单元的歌曲活动2、问候语互答2.导入活动1、让学生展示自己的小作品,好的挑出来表扬,并让大家说出它的颜色。3.呈现活动1、告诉大家今天也有个人想当魔术师,猜猜是谁?让学生听录音,告诉老师你觉得是谁?活动2、让学生打开书,


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