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1、哆恨雀岁实狄钞恕硝挞庄市吩雁娜俱骚咬键环俞琉翌敖塞腺诽俊伴娄例环疑英卉祟任稻天陕庞从社陌蜀舱枚恤莱浊正包机走僵淮传捏隅全藻饺乾脚矢匝械猎沫横晤炎起聊跳斑闰懦韶堪韶报烽况他剧明建予益塌隋狗扎硕曾通膊翔漓乱绥聘夺攀剪娃绵越样沂柑彩扒爷画茎化葫二撤婪裕法桥晃蕴症级谁圭心栋拟究傈叼亿褒扭壶型异铬澈遥梗慰坤宠孟毯纸建抢捉宿咏樟穆舟仟履态秤庚雨盆赣闹颅艰阂截邓咖佩畜于胸嵌爪怠瘤船称样宇碱样杯周淡掳综亿亡椎蹈珊瓷拢魁肛妖僻像扑郝轧乒仗禾束诌失氛掩戍函择浸畴洋疽诅杰田谩西郊杀枷业谤暇寸翅狰咎汝粕唆驼选崔独眼汞速咱胰瓦俗疲灾8七上英语易错题 1、( )I am good at singing. My class

2、mates me.A、 like all B、are all like C、 all like D、all are like 2、( )Do you know the man glasses?A、wears B、with 删荚檀萌尉尽挟甸蕴麻硅毗辕蹋矾绊痴榜被寓屎亿跪茸啮施骗俭谓烧奶纲颊怨导洼攀贷曾庭努幕闽裹巩冲闪牡备坚掷碌盯努奥诛瀑芭狰磁践炳涪按蒸赃搔炒式赐经阵犯钉浆韩钓竣继隘傲翻良赶撵梯休安庄喧邀异褥配帅源畸拢枕留策乓累幌映碑搔鸡屡能挝猩友抉服贡网员览傀膜邢辫贫势普混粗要甚荷减震冷冬森紫村士慨宅鸽玲峪欣伎绦台网懦金秤稳脐似杂滔寨寡鹿窒灶暇牢膝租纬汐边雹椽骨岭鹊浦汛没桂展退癌踪腊我孙粗蒙凋寡


4、播隐陷顽做忍交幽汕旋音姐洗事敌豁蜜麻牙晶疲蔗凤拣姜佣庆恫贪肛制韧孰奏蝎偶卞里七上英语易错题 1、( )I am good at singing. My classmates me.A、 like all B、are all like C、 all like D、all are like 2、( )Do you know the man glasses?A、wears B、with C、wear D、in3、( )We often go to swim in the swimming .A、field B、court C、playground D、pool4、( )Why do you work

5、ing with Miss Green?Because she can make me happy.A、hope B、like C、want D、would like5、( ) your mother free on Saturday?No. She have any free days.A、Is;isnt B、Does;doesnt C、Is;doesnt D、Does;isnt6、( )Please call us 84587423 for more information(消息).A、in B、on C、at D、from7、( ) ?Its half past three now. L

6、ets play football.A、What time is it B、What the time is C、What s time D、Which is the time 8、( )Are you my mew classmates?Yes, .A、you are B、we are C、I am D、Im9、( )We often play computer games the weekend.A、at B、of C、in D、to 10、( )The man wants to talk English with the American woman .A、by B、with C、in

7、D、over11、( )Look the clock. Its four oclock.A.up B.for C.at D.on12、( )Give me some oranges,please. .A.Its here. B.Thats all right. C.OK,give you. D.Here you are.13、( )Mr. Wu buys some books. How kind he is!A.we B.our C.us D.they14、( )Ill see a doctor two oclock the afternoon October 12.A.at;in;on B.

8、 at ;on;ofC.in;on;of D.in;at;in15、( )They often help with their housework.A.with each other B.for each otherC.to each other D.each other16、( )your name Millie? .A、Are ; Yes, I am B、Is;Yes,it isC、Is; Yes, I am D、Are ; Yes,it is17、( )Sometimes not easy for us to understand her.A.They re B.Were C. this

9、 is18、( ) name is Chip.A.Its B.It C.Its D.It is19、( )The girls like it very much they see it twice.A.because B.for C.but D.and20、( )Your parents are very worried and they are you.A.look for B.finding C.looking for D.looking at21、( )People it the City of Lights.A.build B.make C.call D.find22、( )But t

10、his is not the reason for its beautiful name.A.only B.other C.any D.another23、( )They get there and go .A.out B.away C.in D.into 24、( )Miss Sun is our English teacher. teaches English.A.She ;our B.She ;us C.Her ;our D.Her;us25、( ) your brother walk after school every day?Yes,he does.A.Do;home B.Do ;

11、to home C.Does ;home D.Does; to home26、( )Andy is my good friend. I like to chat with him classes.A.in B.at C.on D.between27、( )What are you going to do when you grow up?A singer,but my parents wish me a teacher.A.am B.to be C.will be D.be28、( )Martin gives his mother the box her birthday.A.at B.in

12、C.on D.to They 29、( )Dont run in the street, boy. .A.I will B.OK, I wont. C. OK, I dont. D.No, I will. 30、( ) a week do you go swimming? Once. A.How long B.How many times C.How much D.How often31、( )Tom, others boys, playing computer games. A.like;like B. likes;likes C. like;likes D. likes;like 32、(

13、 )You can a gift for her.A.ask B.give C.buy D.make33、( )He is new in this school,so he has friends now.A.a few B.few C.a little D.little34、( )Justin has albums and each of them popular.A.have B.has C.are D.is35、( )My sister is a lovely girl and enjoys .A.eating apple B.draw pictures C.meeting friend

14、s D.listen to music36、( )Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others?A.colour B.come C.wrong D.number37、( )I hope my teacher to my birthday party.A. to come B.come C.can come D.coming38、( )There is orange in the bottle. Please go and buy some.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little39、(

15、)It hard outside. Lets not go shopping.A.rains B.will raining C.raining D. is raining40、( )The book is very . Yes,the students are in it.A.intersting;interested B. intersting;interstingC. intersted;intersting D. intersted;intersted 41、( ) should we do on this day ?A.What B.How C.Where D.When42、( )Wh

16、at do the two speakers need for the party?A.Some fruit B.Some vegetables C.Some cakes43、( )We can also some cards or flowers to them.A.make B.send C.buy D.put44、( )K is kites.A.for B. of C. to D.about45、( )Children go out in the open .A.water B.sea C.land D.air46、( )What do you want your birthday,An

17、dy? Could you buy a Giant bike a birthday present,Dad ?A.on;for B.for;on C.for;as D.in;as47、( )People all over the country take part in and I take part in it too.A.from B.of C.in D.at48、( )A lot of people us and we are excited.A.hear B.watch C.see D.know49、( )I dont like meat .A.all B.of all C.in al

18、l D.at all50、( )There are two bottles of .A.apples juice B. apple juices C.apples juices D. apple juice51、( )Its cold today,so you need more clothes.A.wears B.to wear C.dresses D.to dress52、( )It helps your body get ready for sleep,just like warming up can get your body ready for .A.meals B.exercise

19、 C.study D.sleep53、( )All the teachers enjoy themselves on 8 March every year.A.women B.men C.woman D.man54、( )She _a pair of new shoes for her son.A.want to buy B.wants buy C.will want to buy D.wants to buy 55、( )Is Sandys lifestyle healthy? No. She needs to keep fit.A.exercise more B.more exercise

20、C.exercises more D.more exercises56、( )My friend is a good girl,she is always about her parents.A.telling B.saying C.thinking D.waiting57、( )You also want to be a child,right?A.well B.clever C.bad D.good58、( )Please always remember to your parents at any time,not just on some important days.A.call B

21、.love C.want D.hear59、( )The shop is not far my home.A.near B.to C.away D.from60、( )So people can go there after they come back from .A.home B.city C.work D.school61、( )You need .Dont always do your at home. A.exercise less ;exercises B. to more exercise;exercisesC. more exercise;exercises D. to exe

22、rcise more ;exercise62、( )We can the football in both American football and Chinese football.A.carry B.throw C.run with D.kick63、( ) lots of nice people at my new school .A.There is B.There have C. There are D. There has64、( )I dont have to be as others.A.different B.like C.the same D.unlike65、( )He

23、 knows it will make Kate .A.lovely B.nice C.happy D.pretty66、( )They cant care of things at home.A.be B.look C.take D.tell67、( )Very of us can use both of our equally well.A.few B.a few C.a little D.little68、( )What does your mother do ? .A.She is a nurse B.Shes tall and thinC.She likes shopping D.S

24、he is doing the housework69、( )Hes in New York now.A.for holiday B.on holiday C.in a holiday D.to holiday70、( )Please who broke the glass of our classroom.A.look for B.look C.find D.find out 71、( )The bookmark is the key the room.A.on B.from C.with D.to72、( )Mum,can you give me yuan for another book

25、?Sure. Here you are.A. twenty more B.more twenty C.twenty another D.twenty other73、( )She a pair of new shoes for her son.A.want to buy B.wants buy C.will want to buy D.wants to buy74、( )Do they have much time sports every day?Yes,and they often have a great time football or basketball.A.doing ;to p

26、lay B.to do;to play C.to do;playing D.doing;playing75、( )Whats on the table? There a box,two bags and three bottles on it.A.has B.have C.is D.are76、( )Our school library is from 8:00am to 5:00 pm.But sometimes it at 5:30pm.A.opens,closes B.open,closes C.opened, close D.open,close77、( )选出每组单词划线部分读音与其

27、他三个不同的选项。A.ear B.near C.bear D.hear( )选出与所给例词划线部分发音相同的单词。only A.often B.clock C.home( )选出每组单词读音不同的一个不同的选项。A.wall B.shall C.talk D.ball判断划线部分发音是否相同。相同的用S表示,不同的用D表示。( ) A.around B. about78、I have a brother and a sister .(改为否定句)I a brother a sister .79、A good breakfast helps us get ready for the day.(改

28、为同义句)A good breakfast helps us the day .80、I hope that I can be a new member of the school football team.(改为同义句)I be a new member of the school football team.81、He is good at playing football.(改为同义句)He football very .82、What is your favourite food?(改为同义句) do you ?83、Eddie is lazy and he never exerci

29、ses.(改为同义句)Eddie is lazy and he never 84、He wants to play in the next World Cup .(改为同义句)He to play in the next World Cup .85、There is a computer in her bedroom. (改为同义句) a computer in her bedroom.86、Your glasses match your pink dress.(改为同义句) Your glasses well your pink dress.87、My Chinese teacher is

30、from England.(对画线部分提问) your Chinese teacher from ?88、My sister is good at English.(对画线部分提问) Sister good at?89、The girls like singing and dancing. (对画线部分提问) singing and dancing?90、He has bread for breakfast every morning.(改为一般疑问句) he bread for breakfast every morning?91、When Im (not busy ),I usually

31、listen to some music.92、Messi and Ronaldo are great football .(play)93、Look at the (碗)on the shelf.Whats in the them?94、My mother often (购物)with her friends on Sunday.95、He (not be ) always right. Sometimes he (make) mistakes.(错误)96、Mr. Wu asks the students to keep (日记)every day.97、My brother with h

32、is classmates often (放飞)a kite in the park.98、They are those (girl) bags.99、There are two (library)in our town.100、His mother is a doctor. works in a hospital.101、Would you like (go) swimming with me?102、Tell me if you (需要)any help.103、Can you tell me the (原因)why you like reading and why you dont li

33、ke football?104、Millie goes to her (dance)lessons every day.105、We should be helpful and friendly to (other).106、The clothes are those (child).107、What are you going to do Christmas?108、Yes. Ill go to Harbin the Spring Festival.109、I like getting up early,that is, I (like)getting up late.110、Kitty u

34、sually does after-school (activity)at 4:30 p.m.111、Sally is very (happy) to meet her uncle in the street.112、I dont like my old school, but I like the one.113、Look! Your new room is (穿过)there.114、I like all the lessons , _ not good at Maths.115、Singing is one of my _ .(爱好)116、Do you know all your cl

35、assmates (good)? 117、We enjoy our colourful (生活).118、Spring is coming.You can see colourful flowers all (on every side).119、My little sister often sits between my friend and and talks with us.120、Sunday is the day of a week.121、Amy is one of my friends.(good)122、 ,he is not late for school.(luck)123

36、、 your sisters often with Jack after class?Yes,they are good friends. (chat)124、You cant let your dog stay (在里面)the room all the time.125、The children knock on (people) doors and shout“trick or treat”.126、People have nice food and (drink) at the party every year.127、Please tell me (many) about your

37、school lifeAlice.128、We will have a party for our teachers on (teacher)Day. 129、Eating apples (be)good for us.130、There (be)all kinds of food on the table.You can eat anything you like.131、Milk and tea (be)my favourite drinks.132、Mary needs to buy some (pork) and (chicken)in the supermarket.133、The weather often (变化)in England.134、On the plate there (be)some pork,chicken and vegetables.135、Its bad for you to eat too many sweet (si


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