Module 2 Unit 1 备课.docx

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1、Module 2 Unit 1 备课新标准英语(三年级起始)Book4 Module2 Unit1London is the capital of England.一、教材分析以London is the capital of England.为题的对话内容是:Lingling 和Amy正在看一本关于London 的书,由此引出了课文对London的一些名胜的介绍,并用一些形容词描述了它们的特点。本课的语言功能是描述景物或物品。语言结构是一般现在时This is my house. Its small. 和London is the capital of England.1教学目标:知识目标:

2、学习功能句This is my house. Its small. London is the capital of England. 新授单词:capital, about, beautiful.技能目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能灵活运用功能句描述景物或物品。情感目标:培养孩子们热爱身边乃至世界景观的美好情怀2教学重、难点:在实际情景中灵活运用This is . Its .是本课的重点句型结构。二、学情分析:经过近两年的英语学习,学生们具备了一定的听说读写技能,有较好的模仿能力,在老师的引导下,能运用所学基本句型进行语言操练,在课堂教学中能积极参与,大胆尝试,爱说爱表现。但是,要灵活自如地

3、运用重点句型进行语言交流、制定计划,还需要大量的操练。三、教学策略运用学生已有知识经验,在自由交流中自然导入。创设合理的情境,进行语言操练,在完成任务的同时,提高语用能力。在预设的基础上,把握生成、利用生成,师生在和谐氛围中形成良好的多维互动。课前预习课文,做完小学生生活第7页的预习小先锋一、warm-up1.Free talk.Hello! / Whats your name?/ Im from 2.(Introduce a friend of our class.This is my friend, Hes/Shes )3.Show some pictures , describe the

4、m.(T:Ss pairwork)A: This is a tree. A: This is an elephant. A: This is a bird.B: I ts tall. B: Its big/tall. B: Its small.二、Lead inGuessing game:Whats this ?Students guess: Its a/anT: Look! Its a book. Amy has got a book, too. Lets see whats it about ? (use the card, read it one by one )三、TEXT1.Now

5、listen carefully and then tell me :Its a book about .(PPT)S1: Its a book about London. (PPT)(Show many books and say it one by one: Its a book about England/Chinese/Music/)2. Do you know London? Can you tell me something about London? Look at this: the introduction of London:London is the capital of

6、 England.(板书这个句子)Beijing is the capital of China. So, the word capital ,Chinese meaning is ?Ss: 首都。Yes. Capital, capital.(Students read it. Boys , Girls, one by one)Read the sentences: London is the capital of England.(together, group) Make sentences:Beijing is the capital of China.Washington D.C is

7、 the capital of America.Look at some pictures. Its beautiful! And this is Buckingham Palace. Its the Queens house. (read it one by one)(女王)3. This time, listen to the tape and find :A: This is London. A: This is Buckingham Palace.B: Its very . B: Its very and very .A: This is Amys house.B: Its . But

8、 its .老师先跟学生做个示范,再让同桌两人练习。()T:Ss T:S1 pairwork show)4.Listen to the tape and repeat.5.总结:四、Describe something.(PPT)A: This is my school. A: This is China. A: This is Beijing. B: Its . B: Its . B: Its .A: This is Parrot.B: Its .Pairwork/show五、Homework.1.A、B 两类学生听录音,跟读课文并背诵课文,C、D两类学生要听录音熟读课文。2.做完小学生生活第7页快乐演练场的第二、三、四题。


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