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1、1,Do you know what the picture is ?,2,3,Greek ruins,4,Greek Mythology,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,Greek mythology,Gods story,Heroes lore,12,love stories,Zeus and Athena,Apollo and Daphne,gold apple,13,One day, Apollo laughed at the archery(箭术) of Cupid, which let Cupid very angry. Then Cupid shot two special ar

2、rows, the first gold arrow, will make people fall deeply in love. Second lead arrow, it will make people refuse to love. The first arrow hit Apollo, and second arrow hit a beautiful girl named Daphne, who was the daughter of river god.,14,Apollo madly in love with Daphne, but the girl admire the moo

3、n goddess, willing to follow her into an eternal virgin(永恒的处女). One day, Apollo met Daphne in the woods , he wanted to talk to her. But because of the arrow of Cupid, she kept away from him. Daphne was very panic and shouted loudly to God for help. God became her into a laurel tree(月桂树).,15,Athena i

4、s the daughter of Zeus, her mother is the wisdom of Goddess(智慧女神)Judith. Judith felt that her daughter will be particularly, and she warned Zeus she will pose a threat to his right. Then Zeus swallowed Judith.,16,Zeus suffered bad headache. All the gods, including Apollo God of medicine(药神)have atte

5、mpted to implement(实施) an effective treatment for him, but its in vain.,17,Zeus had asked Hephaestus to open his head . When his head cracked(裂开), Athena out, she is not dead, but accept fathers power and mothers wisdom.,18,When the goddess of the sea(海洋女神) get married, she did not invite disputes g

6、oddess(纠纷女神). she is very angry, in retaliation(报复), she put a golden apple in a place, writing above: to the most beautiful goddess.,19,Because of the apple, Venus, Hera, Athena quarreled madly. They asked Zeus to judge who is the most beautiful goddess. Zeus made Apollo judge. Apollo put this task

7、 to the mortal(凡人) Paris.,20,Finally, Paris took the apple to Venus and Athena, Hera are very angry, causing up to a war lasting 10 years. Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, all participated in.,Battle of Troy,21,InChinesemythology,gods and demons(魔) have a strict distinction.man is man,stand on ground,industr

8、ious(勤劳) and brave,unity and friendly.God is God,holy(神圣),noble(伟大), great andlimitless power.But thedemonsis demons,evil istheirpatent(专利),they are cruel,bloody,is beneath contempt(鄙视). Bothheroes andfairy people,menandgodsin Greek mythologyseemstoo unbearable(不堪). InGreek mythology,almostimpossible to findtall big and up(高大上)typewho meet the eye everywherein Chinesemythologycharacters.,22,Chinese mythology is the myth of good. Greek mythology is the myth of beauty .,23,Thank you!,


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