四单元教案 Unit 4Don’t eat in class.(第1课时).doc

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1、课 时 教 案课时进度 课 题Unit 4 Dont eat in class.(第1课时)教学目标Master the new words: rule, hallway, classroom, and fight, Ms。 Target languages: Dont listen to the music in class. Dont eat in class. Dont play in class. Dont run in the hallway.教学重点the new words Dont eat in class.教学难点Dont listen to the music in cla

2、ss. Dont eat in class课 型新授课教具录音机教法、学法及个性化设计教学内容与过程I. Warming-up1. Greetings: T and Ss say hello to each other.2. Appreciate an English song to draw their attention to the new lesson.II. Pre-task T and Ss have a free talk in order check the main contents of the last period.III. While-taskla This acti

3、vity introduces the key vocabulary.Focus attention on the five rules written under School Rules. Read the list to the class. Then read the list again, using simple explanations or acting out some rules to make clear the meaning of each one. Arrive late for class. Repeat. Dont arrive late for class.P

4、oint out the students in the picture and the boxes next to them. Say, Each of these students is breaking one of these rules. Write the number of the rule each student is breaking in the box next to him or her. Point out the sample answer.Check the answers.1 b This activity gives students practice in

5、 understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Point to the five rules in activity la. Ask a different tudent to read each rule to the class.Point to the picture. Ask different students to say the ules that the students are breaking in the picture.Say, This conversation tells about three

6、students. The students are breaking rules. Point out the direction line and the space after each name. Say, Write the number of the rule next to the name of the student who is breaking that rule.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Play the recording a second time. As they listen

7、to the recording this time, students fill in the number of the rule after each name.Correct the answers.IV. Post-task 1 c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Point out the example conversation. Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.Say, Now work with a

8、partner. Student A is from another country. He or she doesnt know the rules of this school. Student B tells him or her rules from activity la.As the pairs talk, move around the room monitoring their work. Offer language or pronunciation support as needed.Ask several pairs to present one or more of t

9、heir conversations to the class.Say, Now lets talk about the rules of our school.Student B is from another country. Student A tells him or her about the rules of our school.V. Brief Summary Ask a student to make a summary about this lesson and the teacher adds if necessary.VI. Homework1. Recite the

10、new words of this lesson.2. Preview the next period of this unit.板书设计Unit 4 Dont eat in class。Dont listen to the music in class. Dont eat in class. Dont play in class.Dont run in the hallway.课后反思组长签字:课 时 教 案课时进度 第 周第 课时(学期第 课时)课 题 Unit 4 Dont eat in class.(第2课时)教学目标 Master the new words: outside, di

11、ning, hall, have to, class, sports shoes, and gym Target languages: I have to do sth. Can we/you/he/she do sth? I/We/He/She cant do sth.教学重点Master the new words Use the target languages freely.教学难点Master the new words Use the target languages freely.课 型新授课教具录音机教法、学法及个性化设计教学内容与过程I. Warming-up1. Greet

12、ings: T and Ss say hello to each other.2. T and Ss have a free talk.II. Pre-task1. Check the homework.2. Check the new words.III. While-task2a This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Ask students to tell what they are doing. (Theyre talking.)

13、Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Play the recording a second time. Students put checkmarks next to the activities they hear.Correct the answers.2b This activity provides further listening practice using the target language Play the recording and have students circle the answer

14、s.Correct the answers.IV. Post-task2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Point out the sample conversation and have a pairo students read it to the class.Say, Now work with a partner. Student A is Alex am student B is Christina. Alex tells Christina about the rules

15、 at your school Change roles so that both of you practice both parts.3a This activity introduces more key vocabulary.Call attention to the three pictures. Read the sentences in the speech bubbles, saying blank each time you come to a blank line.Then point to the three words. Say the words and ask st

16、udents to repeat each one.After that, ask students to fill in the blank in each picture with one of the words from the box. Check the answers.3b This activity provides oral practice using the target language.Point out the conversation in the speech bubbles and ask two students to read it to the clas

17、s. Ask students to explain what have to means. (It means something is necessary. It must be done. You have no choice about it.)Ask several pairs of students to read the conversation to the class.Ask pairs of students to make up their own conversations. Move around the room offering language support

18、as needed.Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.V. Brief Summary Ask a student to make a summary about this lesson and the teacher adds if necessary.VI. Homework1. Recite the new words of this lesson.2. Preview the next period of this unit. 板书设计Unit 4 Dont eat in class.I have to

19、 do sth. Can we/you/he/she do sth? I/We/He/She cant do sth.课后反思组长签字:课 时 教 案课时进度 第 周第 课时(学期第 课时)课 题 Unit 4 Dont eat in class.(第3课时)教学目标 Master the target languages: Dont after school. Dont on school nights. Practiceevery day.教学重点Master the target languages 教学难点Try to make a survey about family rules课

20、 型新授课教具录音机教法、学法及个性化设计教学内容与过程I. Warming-up1. Greetings: T and Ss say hello to each other. 2. T and Ss have a free talk.II. Pre-task1. Check the homework. 2. Check the new words.III. While-taskSection B1a This activity introduces more key vocabulary.Ask students to ell what they see in each picture, u

21、sing whatever words hey can. If necessary, supply the words or sentences and sk the class to repeat. Say a sentence or two about each icture. Whats he doing? Hes doing homework.Repeat. Hes doing homework. The class repeats.Point out the list of rules. Say each rule and ask students to repeat. .Then

22、ask students to match each rule with one of the pictures. Say, Write the letter of each picture on the blank line in front of one of the rules. Point out the sample answer.Check the answers.2a This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.Say, This time, please put

23、a checkmark under Emily or Dave after each rule that Dave has at his house and each rule that Emily has at her house. Point out, the sample answer. Play the tape again and have students make check- J marks. You may wish to play the tape more than once at this point.Correct the answers.2b This activi

24、ty provides listening and reading practice using the target language.Play the tape. Students only listen.Say, Now number the rules in the order Dave and Emily talk about them. The first rule Emily talks about is Dont go out on school nights. The number 1 is in the blank in front of that rule to show

25、 that it is the first rule that Dave and Emily talk aboutPlay the tape again. This time students write in the numbers 1-4 as Dave and Emily talk about each rule.Check the answers.IV. Post-task2c This activity provides guided listening and speaking practice using the target language.Say, Now talk abo

26、ut the rules in your house. What, can and cant you do? What do you have to do? Word with a partner.As students talk, move around the room, monitoring conversations and offering language support as needed.Have some pairs of students present their conversations to the class.V. Brief Summary Ask a stud

27、ent to make a summary about this lesson and the teacher adds if necessary.VI. Homework1. Recite the new words of this lesson.2. Preview the next period of this unit 板书设计Unit 4 Dont eat in class.(第3课时)Dont after school. Dont on school nights. Practiceevery day.课后反思组长签字:课 时 教 案课时进度 第 周第 课时(学期第 课时)课 题

28、Unit 4 Dont eat in class.(第4课时)教学目标 Master the new words: Dr, by, wash, later, the Childrens Palace, no talking and loudly Target languages: the drills in the article.教学重点Master the new wordsThe drills in the article教学难点Master the new wordsThe drills in the article课 型新授课教具录音机教法、学法及个性化设计教学内容与过程I. War

29、ming-up1. Greetings: T and Ss say hello to each other.2. T and Ss have a free talk.II. Pre-task1. Check the homework.2. Check the new words.III. While-task3a This activity provides reading practice using the target language.Call attention to the letter and point out the opening, Dear Dr Know. Explai

30、n that this is a letter to a newspaper writer. Zhao Pei is writing to get some advice.Read the letter to the class or ask a student to do this.Answer any questions students may have.Ask students to work alone. Have students read the letter and write the numbers 1 through 8 in front of the senF fence

31、s that talk about rules.Then ask students to write the rules on the blank Hnes next to the letter.Correct the answers.3b This activity provides guided writing practice using the target language.Call students attention to the pictures. Ask different .students to explain what the pictures mean.Point o

32、ut the sample answer. Say, Now you have to write rules to match the rest of the pictures.Students do the activity individually. Check the answers.3c This activity provides personalized writing practice using the target language.Say, Now write a letter to Dr Know. Tell Dr Know about the rules in your

33、 house. Remind students that they talked about these rules in activity 2c.Ask several students to read their letters to the class.IV. Post-task4 This activity provides listening, speaking, reading and writing practice using the target language.Ask students to make a list of the rules in their houses

34、. Have some students read their lists to the class.Make language corrections as needed.Point out the sample question and answer in the speech bubbles. Ask two students to read it to the class.When student A finds another student with the same rule, student A writes the other students name next to th

35、at rule on his or her list.Alternative: If you would prefer not to have your students move around the room, you can ask them to do this activity in groups of four. They survey the other members of their group to find who has the same rules as they do.V. Brief Summary Ask a student to make a summary

36、about this lesson and the teacher adds if necessary.VI. HomeworkFinish the exercises of this unit. 板书设计Unit 4 Dont eat in class.Try to be a good student.课后反思组长签字:课 时 教 案课时进度 第 周第 课时(学期第 课时)课 题 Unit 4 Dont eat in class.(第5课时)教学目标 Use the main knowledge what we learned to do the exercises. 教学重点The mai

37、n content of this lesson Using the main contents of this unit freely and skillfully.教学难点The main content of this lesson Using the main contents of this unit freely and skillfully.课 型测试教具录音机教法、学法及个性化设计教学内容与过程一 单词变化(10分)1.rule(复数)_ 2.outside(反义词) _ 3.wash(单三)_4.get to (同义词)_ 5. late(反义词)_ 6.loud (副词)_

38、7.could (原形)_ 8.with(反义词)_ 9.piano(复数) _10.snow (形容词) _二单词填空(10分) 1. We have to wear sports shoes for g_ class.2. Youd better not break the r_. 3. _ (not fight) with each other in the classroom. 4.We can eat in the d_ hall every day5. Dont run in the h_. Its dangerous. 6. No _ (talk) in class!7. Gra

39、ce is wearing the school u_ today. 8. The girl often comes back early on s_ nights. 9. What _ your teacher look like? She is tall and thin. 10. _ (read) in the sun is bad for your eyes.三选择填空(20分)( ) 1.We can eat in the cafeteria. But we _ eat in the classroom. . A. dont B. didnt C. cant D. arent( )

40、2.When Jim goes _ the classroom the teacher is having class. A. to B. in C. out D. into( ) 3.-_ I take some photos in the hall? No, you_.A. Can, neednt B. Must, mustnt C. Could, wont D. May, mustnt( ) 4.Dont forget_ me this evening. A. to call B. call C. calls D. calling( ) 5.Dont talk _ in the libr

41、ary. A. loud B. loudly C. low D. lowly( ) 6.I have _ rules in my home. We have _ homework to do today. A. too many, too much B. too much , many too C. too many, much too D. much too, many too( ) 7.-Can your brother swim? -_. A. Yes, he cant B. Yes, please. C. No, he cant D. Yes, he does( ) 8.Its raining all day, so I _ stay at home. A. must B. have to C. must to D. can( ) 9.Hes never _ class. A. arrive B. late for C. arrive late D. late( ) 10.He has to _ by 10:00 oclock. A. be in bed B. is bed C. stay bed 板书设计课后反思组长签字:


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