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1、A rich American went to Paris and bought a picture painted by a French artist. The Americanthought the picture to be very fine because he_1a lot of money for it. When he came tohishotelhe wantedto hang the2 upon thewall.He 3 itfora longtime,butcouldn t_4_ which was the top and which was the bottom(底

2、部 ) .The American_5the picture thisway and6, but still couldnt7 .So he had8 .He 9thepictureinthediningroom and invitedthepainterof thepictureto10 .Whenthepaintercame, theAmerican said 11tohim aboutthepicture.12theywent into the dining room to have dinner. He looked13 at the picture several times. Th

3、enhe put on his14 andlookedat thepictureagain and again.At lasthe15thatthepicturewas up side down.1.A. costB. spentC. paidD. took2.A. mapB. capC. pictureD. kite3.A. looked afterB. looked atC. looked forD. looked up4.A. tellB. sayC. talkD. speak5.A. paintedB. turnedC. usedD. wrote6.A. thatB. itC. one

4、D. another7.A. seeB. readC. decideD. look8.A. a way B. a penC. a roadD. an idea9.A. putB. hungC. stoppedD. lent10.A. teaB. riceC. breadD. dinner11.A. nothingB. somethingC. helloD. sorry12.A. At first B. At lastC. At onceD. at all13.A. heavilyB. loudlyC. straight D. carefully14.A. glassesB. coatC. tr

5、ousers D. hat15.A. watchedB. understoodC. satD. opened名师点评一位美国人在巴黎买了幅画,回去挂上又怕上下颠倒,最后只好请来画家本人。全文通俗易懂,选词时要根据事情的发展过程。答案简析1.C 。上文说:他认为这画很好。推断下文:因为他买这画付了许多钱。句中的介词for 是个重要提示。2.C 。上文说:那美国人买了画。推断下文:回到旅馆,当然要把画挂起来欣赏。3. B 。意思说“他看了好长时间,还是分不清上下”。4. A 。短文最后一句说:画被挂倒了。推断此句:因此,那美国人辨别不出哪边是画的顶部,哪边是画的底部。5. B 。由于上下不分,所以那美国人就把画反复颠倒看。6. A 。句中的 this 是个重要提示。7. C 。尽管颠来倒去,还是不能断定上下。8. D 。他最后想出了办法。9. B 。他先在餐厅挂上画。10.D 。接上文(他在餐厅中挂了那副画)可推断下文:美国人邀请画家来进餐。11.A 。美国人邀请画家的目的是:看画家本人有什么反应。因此,对那副画他一言不发。12.A 。首先他们进入餐厅吃晚饭。下文中的短语 At last是个重要提示。13.C 。 look straight at表示“盯着 看”。14. A 。画家也被搞糊涂了,他戴上眼镜并将画看了又看。15. B 。他终于明白了那画被挂到了。


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