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1、工程安全基础知识,深圳赤湾胜宝旺工程公司 CHIWAN SEMBAWANG ENGINEERING CO. LTD,欢迎光临 Welcome,工程安全基础知识,深圳赤湾胜宝旺工程公司 CHIWAN SEMBAWANG ENGINEERING CO LTD,安全培训 SAFETY INDUCTION BLUEWATER BOHAI PHASE II SYMS,工程安全基础知识,方针OHS Policy,质量与职业安全卫生方针 建立并保持一个有效的质量与职业安全卫生管理体系,持续改进,以合理的价格,按期为顾客提供安全优质的产品和完善的服务。公司承诺严格遵守国家的法律、法规和相关标准的要求,为全体员

2、工和相关方提供安全卫生的良好工作环境. Company Quality Zero Accident, Incident and Lost Time Injury (LTI) 保持良好的卫生,安全与环境状态; Provide and maintain safe working conditions, good housekeeping; 保持安全的工作体系,车间和设备/设施; Provide and maintain safe work systems, plant, equipment and facility; 对可能的人员提供充足的培训、教育、信息和监督以便使他们能够识别和避免潜在 的危险

3、; Ensure the provision of adequate training/education, information, instruction and supervision to enable personnel to recognize and avoid potential hazards; 做好处理和管理灾害性事件的准备. To remain at all times, in a state of preparedness to address and manage the occurrence of disaster.,目的 Safety Targets,工程安全基础

4、知识,三项基本劳保 Basic PPE Requirement,来访者劳保用品存放室 PPE Changer Room,工程安全基础知识,其他劳保用品 Other PPE,高处作业需使用全身式安全带. When working at height of 2 m or above, wear a full body harness. 吊笼作业时,使用带缓冲绳的全身式安全带. When accessing man cage, to use double lanyard with shock absorber.,工程安全基础知识,特定的区域和作业需使用耳塞 Designated Area and A

5、ctivity - Must wear ear protection,工程安全基础知识,禁烟规定Smoking,Bluewater导管架建造场地禁止吸烟 Smoking in the Bluewater jacket fabrication site is not permitted. 禁烟区域悬挂有禁烟标识,其他禁烟区如下: No smoking areas are posted with warning signs and are as follows: CSE办公楼内 Inside CSE office 库房 Warehouse 柴油罐 Diesel storage 气站 Gas sto

6、rage area 危化品 Dangerous and chemical materials 违反者将被罚款RMB 500 Offender will be fined RMB 500,工程安全基础知识,酒精和违禁药品 Alcohol And Drugs,工作期间场地及办公楼禁止饮酒和服用违禁药物,违 者将被罚款,重犯者将被开除. Intoxication or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs is strictly forbidden on site and office.Violator will be stopped work immedia

7、tely and disciplinary action will be taken.,工程安全基础知识,作业许可Permit-To-Work,各监督 / 领班负责办理作业许可证。需办理作业许可证的作业: The Supervisor / foreman required to obtain permit for the following activities : 重大有害作业 Hazardous work permit 受限空间 Confined space work permit 室内及船舶明火作业 Hot work permit on vessel / near to flammabl

8、e materials 室外射线作业 Out-room radiation operation permit 喷漆/受限空间进入许可证 Painting / confined space entry permit 大型吊装审批单 Heavy Lifts,工程安全基础知识,文明生产Housekeeping,根据CSE管理规定,施工者必须保持施工现场的整 洁,这是每个人的责任. Good housekeeping on the CSE construction site is mandatory. All employees must do their part on a daily basis

9、to keep jobsites clean to ensure safety and efficiency.,物品分类摆放,使用完的物品放回原处. “A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE”.,工程安全基础知识,安全标志Safety Signs,禁止 Prohibited 指令 Mandatory 警告 Caution 指示 First aid / Emergency exit,工程安全基础知识,脚手架Scaffolding,脚手架检查卡悬挂脚手架入口. -架子监督每周检查脚手架,并在检查卡上记录. Scaffold tags i

10、s hung at the entrance. -Weekly inspections conducted by scaffold supervisor.,工程安全基础知识,高空作业T卡管理Scaffolding T-card System,进入:“红色”; Before accessing the scaffold turn T-card to be red 离开:“绿色” After getting down the scaffold turn T-card to be green.,工程安全基础知识,受限空间Confined Space,施工前的要求: Requirement prior

11、 to commencement of work 必要时,要制订施工工作程序 Work procedure to be developed if necessary. 做 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Job Safety Analysis (JSA) must be conducted. 获取工作许可获取工作许可 Application for Permit to Work must be approved. 气体检测 Space must be tested for presence of gas. 工作时的要求: Requirement while performi

12、ng the job. 要有监护人 Stand-by person must be always present at the work site. 要有监护人 Suction blowers must be provided for ventilation. 应急的安全绳 Personnel tug line must be provided.,工程安全基础知识,起重作业Lifting in case of major incidents,工程安全基础知识,事故事件报告Accident / Incident Reporting,发生事故、事件要立即向监督或经理报告. Report immed

13、iately to supervisor or manager. 如果需要对伤者急救处理. Seek medical attention if required. 每个人都有责任报告事故、事件. Personal responsibility to report all incident / accident.,工程安全基础知识,急救First Aid,靠在场地大门口处建有一个急救站,整个场地设有6个急救点。 One first aid station is established near the main gate to the yard. Additional six first aid

14、 kits are allocated around the yard. 公司已有24个受过SOS培训急救员。 24 certified First aid responder are readily available in the yard. 有SOS证书人员将在帽子上贴有急救员标识。 A sticker will be put on their helmets for identification.,工程安全基础知识,工程安全基础知识,安全培训标识Induction Stickers,所有参加本培训的人员将获得带序列号的培训标签,并将其贴于安全帽之上. All personnel tha

15、t have attended this induction need to obtain an induction sticker that shall be placed on your helmet. 安全帽上没有帖带序列号标签的将不可以进入Bluewater导管架建造现场. Personnel will not be permitted to work on the Bluewater Project without a sticker on their helmet.,工程安全基础知识,大家有没有问题 Any Questions,?,工程安全基础知识,谢谢大家 Thank You For Attending,深圳赤湾胜宝旺工程公司 CHIWAN SEMBAWANG ENGINEERING CO LTD,


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