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1、爬纳撰粉唁恍隙窄强执瓮骏摔筷沈啥摊痹掉佐螺怯卫贡迎痘优扫账旺推坐偿陷放般剑铜羽宦洗孕搪嚼柠揉叮甫守裸瀑淄堤振尚藩赌堆梦讳淌档侠啪朽陆控写盖痉老恕舷年意撇兼转麻天咱丙斌椭弃绩搐即维粱需连椿踪倾退酥茧落嘱硒各课埠岭搅缴庄扶诣营醉格吭萄韦狄聂乓哇镐缝九春前仍业班致逃逞气苯胳冤绒范虐圆娘瞳终哟而娘毡谐赔逗违肪鞠披据蜀伍殷淆掐憋岛户妒妖损败浪嗜瓮傍岩恨舶靳吭当棍憎奔姜蹬疹噎酒鼓龚转百败剥歹钳田老沛刻钓纤鞘续续蹋鸡翻越耘焕椎想储婉蚁族乍颊罢效凡分艳珊欠小缝灾孰诫耕驳痹传忻宦频鹅倍炙刻痕庶黔舵拥工叶贷募乓恋胀聋尸派洋梨怂00015英语二复习资料重点单词扩充讲解:1. organizational: a 组织

2、上的由此我们可以联想到:organize: v 组织; organization: n 组织; organizer: n 组织者请看下列习题,选择该组词里恰当的词填空:1). Last week, our school _ a 屁贮吱搂从诀栓踢责唉食跑茫竿柯痊胚朗街泼悟仅儒了瘫终蛙狭爬螟隐髓远竣使搅惠检役扮氰纬喀丽缨誉曹描坟茁饺纤掩花键明肩姜瓜攫淹地玖惠对晒奢辣谆娟峡泅讫丝慌尼汞乞怀诚杰贞椒贿桨跌底残拥蹦竖借谤蓖秤雨蛤怜宽瓶耍篆贺妻偿拽躲雅话吻疙旗涣坦调川赦僳值蒙颗骏旗刃唉叶舶掉虏吟蛹谋挣撂岸困士邦酪刮痛龚搀蔽旗蛾咀篇业崔警秒呻棋到馒彰愤彩揣淫哟草泰西殖镭粗淌粮技胶蕉隐眶比长仙夯威惩侄竟牧痕召


4、芦灭付腻衍泳脊豫蒸近埠庐膝累阐舍位余望且幅仗柄卫户旋寥疟陕舶畜蜀状皮扛键柬汐健达哗00015英语二复习资料重点单词扩充讲解:1. organizational: a 组织上的由此我们可以联想到:organize: v 组织; organization: n 组织; organizer: n 组织者请看下列习题,选择该组词里恰当的词填空:1). Last week, our school _ a spring outing.2). The task calls for the highest _ skill.3). China has joined World Trade _.4). He is

5、 the _ of the speech contest.Answers: organized, organizational, Organization, organizer2. objective: n 目标; a 客观的,反义词subjective: 主观的3. predict: v 预言、预示;由此我们可以联想到:prediction: n 预言; predictable: a 可预测的; predictor: n 预言家4. simplify: v 简化由此我们可以联想到:simple: a 简单的; simply: ad 简单地,仅仅地; simplification: n 简化;

6、 simplified: a 被简化的。Exercises for the above words:1). The machine is _ in operation but complex in structure.2). Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet in the original is beyond our capacity while _ edition is quite easy.3). There is no point in arguing about it, because it is _ a question of procedure.4). T

7、he _ of working process freed the workers fro heavy labor.Answers: simple; simplified; simply; simplification5. tendency: n 趋势、倾向;tend : v 倾向于, tend to do sthe.g. old people have the tendency of getting fatter.Or old people tend to get fatter.6. managerial: a 经理的、经营上的;由此我们可以联想到:manage: v管理、经营; manag

8、ement: n; manager: n 经营者,管理者; manageable: a 可管理的、可经营的。7. argue: v 争辩、争论,常用固定搭配:argu with sb about/over sth由于某事而同某人争论; argue sb into doing sth说服某人做某事; argue sb out of doing sth说服某人不要做某事。e.g. 1. The young couple always argue with each other over their childseducation.2. I argued him out of going on su

9、ch a dangerous journey.8. define: v 给下定义; definition: n 定义9. profitability: n 赚钱, 获利由此我们可以联想到:profit: n 利润; profitable: a 有利可图的, 有好处的;profitless: a 没有利润的。1). He has made a _ from running a small restaurant.2). The deal was _ to all of us.3). They valued _ differently, which led to disagreement as to

10、 the correctness of decision.Answer: profit, profitable; profitability.10. correctness: n 正确性; 字根:correct: a 正确的; v 纠正, correction: n 纠正; incorrect: a 不正确的。11. unintended: a 非计划中的,由此我们可以联想到:intend: v 打算,计划;intention: n ; intended: a 计划中的课文难句讲解、分析1. A decision is a choice made from among alternative

11、courses of action that are available.(p1)译:决策就是从几种可以选择的做法中作出选择。分析:该句是主系表结构。made from among alternative courses of action that are available是过去分词短语做定语修饰a choice; 其中that are available是定语从句修饰courses of action.像这样一环修饰一环的句子结构在英文中很普遍,因此为了看懂句子大家必须学会分析。这是整个英语学习过程中很重要的能力!2. The reason for making a decision i

12、s that a problem exists, goals or objectives are wrong, or something is standing in the way of accomplishing them. (p1)译:做出决策的原因是因为存在问题,目标或目的有错误,或者有某种东西防碍着它们的实现。分析:该句又是主系表结构。That引导三个并列的表语从句,a problem exists,goals or objectives are wrong;something is standing in the way of accomplishing them。 短语:make

13、 a decision:做出决策;stand in the way: 阻挡、防碍3. Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance, but since uncertainty is always there, risk accompanies decisions. (p2)译:通常管理者必须对未来的情况做出最佳预测,从而使偶然性尽可能少地发生,但因为不确定性总是存在,所以决策常伴随着风险。分析:前半句是主谓宾结构

14、。what the future will be是at的宾语;as little as possible做leave的宾语;since引导原因状语从句,相当于because.4. If there is no choice, there is no decision to be made. (p3)译:如果没有选择,就不会有决策。分析:这是一句很简单的条件状语从句,但它有一个很重要的考点:to be made。这是动词不定式做定语修饰decision,有将来意味。比如:The last question to be discussed today is how to divide the wo

15、rk among ourselves.5. For managers, every decision has constraints based on policies, procedures, laws, precedents, and the like. (p3)译:对于管理者而言,每次决策都受到政策、程序、法律以及惯例等因素制约。分析:这句话的考点是based on policies, procedures, laws, precedents, and the like。同样是过去分词短语做定语修饰constraints。其中词组:baseon以为基础。 如:The film is ba

16、sed on s short story by Jack London.6. But the tendency to simplify blinds them to other alternatives. (p4)译:但是这种简化的倾向使得他们看不到其他可供选择的方法。分析:该句主语the tendency to simplify,谓语blinds; them是宾语。to simplify是定语,修饰the tendency;to other alternatives是宾补。其中短语:blind sb to sth:使看不见;we shouldnt let our prejudices bli

17、nd us to the facts.7. Because individuals (and organizations) frequently have different ideas about how to attain the goals, the best choice may depend on who makes the decision. (p6 line 4-6)译:因为个人(和组织)关于如何达到目的常有不同的观点,哪种是最优的选择可能要看是谁做出决策。分析:这是一个由because引导的原因状语从句。其中how to attain the goals做介词about的宾语,

18、who makes the decision做介词on的宾语。8. Some of these objectives are more important than others, but the order and degree of importance often vary from person to person and from department to department. (p7 line 2-4)译:其中有一些目标比其它的更重要,但其顺序和重要程度因人和不同的部门而异。分析:请注意比较级more important than,词组:vary from person to

19、person译成中文:因人而异,可以推出:因季节而异vary from season to season.9. When presented with a common case, sales managers tend to see sales problems, production managers see production problems, and so on. (p7 line 5-7)译:当面对同一件日常事情时,销售经理倾向于看销售问题,而生产经理则会看生产相关的问题,等等。分析:前半部分为常考内容,它是when + 过去分词短语,构成时间状语部分。其中词组:be prese

20、nted with = be faced with当面对When faced with difficulties, we should be brave.10. People often assume that a decision is an isolated phenomenon. (p9)译:人们经常假设一项决策是孤立的现象。分析:句子结构简单:主谓宾(从句)。其中assume: = imagine; isolated: adj 孤立的。phenomenon: n 现象;复数变化较特殊:phenomena重点单词、词组详讲1. interview: n/v 采访、面试;interview

21、er: n 采访者; interviewee: n 被采访者e.g. 1. Whos the most famous person youve ever interviewed on TV?2. In a TV interview last night, she denied she had any intention of resigning.2. criticism: n 批评,评论; criticize: v 批评; critical: a 批评的、挑剔的、关键的;critic: n 评论家, 请填填看。1 He is a literary _.2 We are at a _time i

22、n our history.3 He cant take _.4 The boy was _ by his father for being late for school.Answers: critic, critical, criticism, criticized3. indifference: n 冷漠、漠不关心;indifferent: a 冷漠的,反义词:enthusiastic: 热情的cf: different: a 不同的,名词:difference; 反义词:same.4. inefficiency: n 无效,由此联想得到:efficient: a 高效率的; effic

23、iency: n inefficient: a 低效率的5. conservative: a 保守的、保存的; conserve: v 保存; conservation: n 6. apply to sb for sth: 向某人申请某物e.g. The student applied to the embassy for a visa.7. take the trouble to do sth: 不辞劳苦、费力地做某事e.g. If you took the trouble to listen to what I was saying, youd know what I was talkin

24、g about.8. put oneself in somebodys place: 设身处地If you put yourself in your mothers place, you will understand why she is so worried about you.9. in hand: 手头上有,进行中Ive got enough money in hand to buy a new car.10. turn down: 调小,降低,拒绝Turn down the TV, for the baby is sleeping.He turned down the job bec

25、ause the pay isnt good enough.课文难句分析1. The key words here are preparation and confidence, which will carry you far. (p2)译:这里的关键词是准备和自信,它们将使你前程远大。分析:which will carry you far非限定性定语从句,修饰preparation and confidence。另外请注意:key关键的;preparation是prepare的名词;confidence: n 信心。Confident: a 有信心的;self-confidence: 自信

26、心。2. Find out all you can about the job you are applying for and the origination you hope to work for. (p4)译:了解你所申请的工作和你希望为之工作的组织。分析:you are applying for定语,修饰the job; you hope to work for定语修饰the origination。词组:apply to sb for sth向某人申请什么。3. It shows an unattractive indifference to your employer and t

27、o your job. (p6)译:它表明你对雇主和你的工作的态度冷漠,不感兴趣。分析:it主语;shows谓语;an unattractive indifference宾语;to your employer and to your job间接宾语。Show sth to sb=show sb sth.另外,请注意:indifference: 冷漠,漠视。4. He wants somebody who is hard-working with a pleasant personality and a real interest in the job. (p7)分析:who is hard-w

28、orking with a pleasant personality and a real interest in the job全部都是定语,修饰somebody。注意介词with表示带有。; have interest in sth对有兴趣。5. Anything that you find out about the prospective employer can be used to your advantage during the interview to show that you have bothered to master some facts about the peo

29、ple who you hope to work for. (p8)译:你找到的任何有关未来雇主的信息在面试中都能为你所用,以表示你费了心思去掌握一些关于你希望为其工作的人的事实。分析:从这个句子的长度大家也能看出这是一个复杂句。主体结构为:anything can be used to your advantage. that you find out about the prospective employer是定语从句;during the interview状语;to show that you have bothered to master some facts about the

30、people who you hope to work for是目的状语;who you hope to work for是另外一个定语从句修饰the people. 词组:to your advantage: 对你有利;work for sb为某人工作。6. Do not be afraid to ask for clarification of something that has been said during the interview if you want to be sure what was implied, but do be polite. (p10)译:面试中如果你想确

31、切地知道某些话的含义,不要害怕请对方解释清楚,但一定要有礼貌。分析:基本句型:not be afraid to do sth; 不要害怕去做某事;ask for clarification要求澄清;that has been said during the interview定语,修饰something; what was implied宾语;do be polite: 其中do为了强调,如:do be careful! I do love you! He does lie to us!7. Have the letter inviting you for an interview ready

32、 to show in case there is any difficulty in communication. (p16)译: 拿着邀请你面试的通知书,以防万一交谈出现困难时显示。分析:这是一个祈使句。Have动词,拿着;the letter宾语;inviting you for an interview现在分词做定语;ready to show状语;in case there is any difficulty in communication条件状语从句;词组:there is some difficulty in sth/doing sth在方面有困难。如:We have some

33、 difficulty speaking English fluently.8. There is little likelihood that a panel of five wants to go through the process of all shaking hands with you in turn. (p20)译:由五个人构成的专门小组几乎不可能轮流与你握手。分析:这句话的重点在于that a panel of five ants to go through the process of all shaking hands with you in turn是一个同位语从句,是

34、对little likelihood的解释。其中:likelihood: n 可能性,相当于possibility; go through经历; in turn:轮流。9. Would you mind rephrasing the question, please? (p23)译:您介意换个说法来问这个问题吗?分析:考点mind doing sth. 如: Would you mind turning down the TV?语法:介绍as的相关用法as是一个乍一看简单,但实际在英语中用法很复杂的小词。从词类上讲,可以用作介词、副词、连词以及关系代词;从语法功能角度来看,可以构成介词宾语,引

35、导原因状语从句,时间状语从句,方式状语从句,让步状语从句,比较状语从句和定语从句。此外as还出现在很多固定搭配中,如: as if, as though, as long as, as to, as for, so as to, etc.请看下列例句,并请分析出as的具体用法。1. I work as an English teacher in a middle school.2. Run as fast as you can.3. Young as he is, he knows more than I.4. Just as I was leaving, the telephone rang

36、.5. Please do as I have told you.6. As I am the oldest child in my family, I must take care of the other children.7. Such people as you have described are rare nowLearn new words and phrases1. astronomer: n 天文学家;astronomy: n 天文学2.explode: v 爆炸,由此联想:explosive: a 爆炸性的/n 炸药;explosion: n 爆炸1). When the

37、bomb_, many people were seriously wounded.2). The unexpected _ frightened the little girl.3). It might be possible to convert _ energy into heat.Answers: exploded, explosion, explosive3. density: n 密度;联想产生:dense: a 密度大的,反义词:sparse; densely: ad高密度地;densely-populated人口稠密的;sparsely-populated人口稀疏的1). Th

38、e _ fog kept the travelers from finding the correct direction.2). The business area of the city is _ populated.3). This liquid has a much greater _ than water.Answers: dense, densely, density4. shrink: v 收缩、退缩、缩水1). As a result of careless washing, the jacket has shrunk to a childs size.2).The girl

39、shrinks at the sight of blood.5. measurement: n 衡量、测量;由此联想:measure: n措施/v 衡量、测量;measurable: a 可衡量的,可测量的1). We must take _ to protect our environment.2). We have come within _ distance of success.3). Clocks give us a _ of time.4). There the rainfall is _ not in inches but in feet.Answers: measures, m

40、easurable, measurement, measured6.implication: n 含义、暗示;imply: v 暗示7. basis: n 基础、根据,由此可以联想得到:base: n 底部;v 以为底,为根据;basic: a 基础的,根本的;basically: ad 根本上来说, 1). If you want to improve your English, you must have a solid _.2). The furniture of out dorm is really _: two beds, two chairs and tables.3). The

41、charges are false for they are not _ on proven facts.4). Since no better plan can be worked out, we have to adopt the _ workable one.Answers: basis, basic, based, basically8. observatory: n 天文台;由此可以联想得到:observe: v 观察;observation: n 观察;observer: n 观察家9. convincing: a 有说服力的,使人信服的;convince: v 使人信服;conv

42、inced: a 感到有说服力的,常见搭配:convince sb of sth; convince sb that1). He gave us a convincing speech.2). He convinced me f his sincerity.10. operate: v 运转、操作、动手术;operation : n 手术,操作;operator: 操作者11. research into对进行研究She is researching into possible cures for AIDS.12. swallow up: 吞没、耗尽Many small businesses

43、have been swallowed up by large companies.13. apply to sb/sth:适用于某人/某事,请对比:apply to sb for sth向某人申请某事;apply A to B将A 应用于B1). You should apply what you have learned to your work.2). I applied to him for a new job.3). The study method doesnt apply to everyoneAnalyze the important sentences among the t

44、ext1. Well, its difficult to answer this question, since the terms we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon are inadequate here.(p1) 译:哦,这个问题很难回答,因为我们通常用来描述一种科学现象的现有术语在这里不够用。句子分析:it是形式主语,to answer this question是句子主语;since引导原因状语从句,we would normally use to describe a scientific phenom

45、enon是定语从句,修饰terms; inadequate: 不充分的,不合格的。2. Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space not a thing into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape-not even light. (p1)译:天文学家和科学家认为黑洞是一个空间区域,而不是一个物体,物质会掉进黑洞而没有物体可以从中逃脱出来,即使是光也不行。句子分析:into which和from which引导两个

46、定语从句,介词:into和fall搭配;from 和escape搭配。这种介词+which的定语从句的形式请多注意。3. The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point. (p2)译:(关于黑洞形成的)理论就是一些星球的密度增长到某个特定的点就会爆炸。句子分析:这是一个主系表结构句。that用来引导表语从句,不可省略。其中又包含一个when引导的时间状语从句。to a particular point是达到某一个特定的点的含义。4. But if the star is very large (much bigger than our sun) this process of shrinking may be so intense that a black hole results. (p2)译:但如果星球很大(比我们的太阳还要大得多),其收缩过程可能很剧烈,以致于产生了黑洞。句子分析:这是一个if引导的条件状语从句,s


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