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1、黄冈市 2016 年春季高一年级期末考试英语听力稿、参考答案及解析第一部分听力理解(共20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)1 5AAACB6 10BABAA11 15CBBCA16 20CACAB第二部分阅读理解(共20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分40 分)21-23 AAC24-27 CABA28-31 CDBC32-35 BBCC36-40 FBCGD第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)第一节完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题l.5 分 ,满分 30分)完形填空41-60 CABADCDABCDCABDCABDB第二节(共10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)6

2、1. confidently62. mistakes63. the64. to improve65.possible66. what67. found68. better69. which70. reading第四部分写作 (共两节 , 满分 35分 )第一节短文改错(共 10小题;每小题l 分 , 满分 10 分) 第一处 .I was praising .praising praised 第二处 He says before.,says said 第三处 . make a great .去掉 a 第四处 . my classmate .classmate classmates 第五处 .

3、as if I .as even 第六处 . anyone should learn .anyone everyone 第七处 Heard what .Heard Hearing 第八处 . beat wild.wild wildly 第九处 . made my mind.,made 后加 up 第十处 . . can makes.,makes make第二节书面表达(满分 25 分 )Good morning, everyone!I m Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School. The topic of my speech is“ My Chinese Dre

4、am”.As we know, the education of rural areas is falling behind other areas. And the children there are longing for knowledge. Therefore, the problem about the lack of teachers is especially serious. Itpuzzles me that parents and friends aren t in favor of mygaidearuralofteacherbein. And they think I

5、am foolish. I understand their thoughts and feelings, but I think the children in rural areas are in great need of me. I will study hard to go to college, thus realizing my dream.I won t regret my choice. I will struggle for my dream. Come on and join me !Thank you !1【解析】AAmelia Atwater-Rhodes 分享了她的

6、一些写作经验并给出一些写作建议。21. A 。细节理解题。 根据 How has your writing evolved? 中的 History is one of my passions right now. Sometimes Ill take inspiration from characters in Ancient Egypt, Rome, or Mesoamerica 可知, Amelia 会从一些历史人物中获得写作灵感。22. A 。细节理解题。根据 How did you feel when your book was first published? 中的 It came

7、as a shock Im not dreaming 可知,当 Amelia 第一次看到自己的书被出版后,她很震惊。23. C 。推理判断题。 根据 How do you make time for your writing?中的 Writing is one of those thingsthat you will make time for if you want to do it和 If you love writing, you will make time for it可知,Amelia 认为如果你喜欢写作,你就会留出时间去写,故c 项最可能是她给我们的建议。B一个十七岁少年, 赢得

8、了令人惊讶的 “大满贯” 八所常春藤联合会的大学都向他抛来橄榄枝。24.C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的When l was acceped by all the eight Ivy League colleges以及其 它内容可知,该划线句指的是Rojas 被八所常春藤联合会的大学录取。25.A 。细节理解题。 根据第二段中的The first callCornell University, Columbia University, HarvardUniversity and Princeton University可知,康奈尔大学属于常春藤联合会的大学。26.B 。细节理解题。根据第四段中的

9、 he settled on Yale, which costs $64,000 a year with room and board. He is responsible for $6,000, and Yale scholarships cover the rest 可知,耶鲁大学每年的费用是 64,000 美元, 而 Rojas 只需要支付 6,000 美元,所以 Rojas 每年得到的耶鲁大学的奖学金是58, 000 美元。27.A 。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的Rojas attributes his academic success to hard work and theguid

10、ance of his elder brothers 可知,哥哥们的帮助是Rojas 成功的原因之一。C城市也应该注重生态系统的建设,为动植物提供生存空间,同时也有益于居民的身体健康。28 C。推理判断题。综合前两段可知,第二段中提到的研究结果是用来说明城市生态与居民健康之间的关系的。29D 。推理判断题。根据第五段中的The recent research conducted by Mark Goddardconfirmethe importance of natural spaces within an urban setting 可推断, Goddard 应该会赞赏柏林所取得的成就。30

11、. B 。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 Without animals and plants to keep us company, it is a dark future 可知,作者在本段引用这些数字是为了说明城市生态系统的重要性。31. C。标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文通过一些研究成果说明了城市也应该注重生态系统的建设。为动植物提供生存空间,最终对居民的健康有益。C 项作标题最佳。D老师可以通过自贬的方式来达到幽默效果,但不可以嘲弄学生。32. B 。推理判断题。根据第一段中的 They were intended to be -hearted“light ” and the teach

12、ers didnt mean anything bad. One young man was recognized for his academic difficulties with the2award 可推知,老师给出那些奖项只是为了让学生们开心一笑。33. B 。细节理解题。根据第三段中的 That young man got the message that he was a loser; he would never forget those teachers; he would head to high school without a lot of confidence 可知,作

13、者认为这个奖项会对那个小伙子产生不好的影响。34. C 。细节理解题。根据第四段中的 I also thought it was okay, until the day when she came to me after class and told me that it hurt her feelings and shed like me to stop 可知,那个女学生对作者针对她开的玩笑很不高兴。35. C 。推理判断题。 根据末段中的 You can make fun of yourself in a self-deprecating way, but never make fun o

14、f your students 可知,老师不应该开学生玩笑来达到幽默效果。第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)第二节完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题l.5 分 , 满分 30 分)完形填空41-60 CABADCDABCDCABDCABDB【解析】我们在与人相处时要接受被拒绝,但这种拒绝并不意味着我们不被爱或者不重要。41. C根据上句中的 new fountain 可知,小区里新建了一个喷泉,我女儿在那儿玩得很兴奋(excited) 。42. A与本空前的内容构成转折。她们并不很熟,但是(but)以前见过面。43. B根据本空后的 enjoy 可知,我很高兴 (glad) 有小朋友

15、和女儿一起玩。44. A根据文章首句中的 fountain 可知,女儿有同龄人一起玩水 (water)。45. D根据最后一段的首句可知,我的女儿得到(learn) 了一个重要的社会教训。 46. C根据第 41 空前后可知,我女儿跟着小朋友高兴地(happily) 来回跑动。47. D48. A 根据第 47 空前的 aloud “ No!可知”,第 47空与后面的 shock 构成并列, 莉莉不和女儿玩,跑开 (ran off) 了,我看到女儿脸上满是失望(disappointment) 和惊讶。49. B我女儿说莉莉不想和她玩 (play) 。后文中的多处 play 有提示。50. C5

16、1. D 我认为她们之间一定有误会(misunderstanding) ,就告诉女儿应该好好(nicely) 问问莉莉是否愿意和她玩。52. C一般来说,这个方法能起作用(work) 。53. A54. B 根据上文中的 another loud No!可知”,当女儿再饮被拒绝后,我给了女儿一个拥抱 (hug) ,告诉她没关系 (okay) ,还有妈妈、爸爸和小妹妹跟她一块几玩。55. D56. C 57. A我告诉女儿, 并不是所有人都想跟我们一起玩。如果一个人不想在你身边(around) ,那也并不意味着你就不被爱(loved) 或者对别人不重要了。58. B我认为我解释 (explain

17、ed) 得很清楚了。59. D根据下句中的memory 可知,虽然女儿没有再提及这件事,但我永远忘(forget) 不了。60. B我永远忘不了当时她脸 (face) 上的表情。第 47 空前韵 face 有提示。3听力原文:Text 1M: What a nice watch! How much did it cost?W: Four hundred dollars. A little more than its real worth.Text 2W: I like the names Scott and Michael.M: I don t think our boy should be

18、named ScottThat. is our dog s nameHow.does Robert sound?Text 3W: Your Apple watch is very beautiful. Where did you buy it?M: Actually I didn t buyItis ita. gift from my brother. He gave me on my 20th birthday.Text 4W: I m going to buy some new paint for the living room.M: I thought you loved the yel

19、low color.W: I liked it when I had a purple couch, but now my furniture is brown and it makes the wall look ugly.Text 5M: I lost my ID card. What do I do to replace it?W: Fill out your name and social security number on this form, and stand behind that line. I ll take your picture here.M: OK. I m re

20、ady.W: I ll print you thenew ID card in about a minute.Text 6W: Sorry, Kevin. I am sorry for breaking your glass. I was tidying up your desk.M: You re supposed to be more careful.W: I m on duty todayI. m really sorryI. ll pay for it and try to be more careful in the future.M: There is no need to pay

21、, but be sure you re more careful from now on.W: I will. Sorry again. Text 7W: What are you reading?M: It is a book written by a guy who was born without arms or legs.W: What? So, how does he get around?M: He can actually walk pretty well, but he can t moveHe alsothat hasfast.an assistant who helps

22、him. He is actually quite successful.W: He must have worked pretty hard.M: Yeah. He travels around the world and gives speeches to young people. He schanged many people s livesEven. when nothing seemed possible, he stayed positive and put in even more effort.Text 8W: Hello, School of English Studies

23、.M: Hello, I saw your advertisement in the newspaper. Can you give me some information, please?4W: Yes, of course. What would you like to know?M: Well, first, how long are the courses?W: They are 6 or 9 months long and (10)the next course begins next Monday.M: (11)How many students will there be in

24、the class? Not too many, I hope.W: (11)Usually, there are 15. We find that a good number.M: OK. Now, I saw the price of the course in the newspaper, but will I have to pay for anything else?W: Only for the textbook, which costs twelve pounds ninety-nine.M: I see. When can I come and pay?W: (12)Well,

25、 the school is open from 8 am to 7 pm Monday to Friday and on Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm.M: OK.I see. Well, thank you very much. Goodbye. Text 9W: Are you looking at some funny pictures? You ve been laughing all this time.M: (13)I was watching a video on YouTube. It was really funny.W: What s it ab

26、out?M: It was a news reporter, reporting a story about an old man who lives under a big tree.W: How could that be funny?M: Well, (14)as he was reporting the story, hundreds of bees attacked him. The reporter had to dive into his SUV and drive away. But he was unlucky.W: Did he have an accident?M: No

27、. Some bees followed him into his car.W: I hope he got to the doctorJack,squicklyhow. about a walk in the park?(15)It s a beautiful daytoday.M: But I don t feel likewalking outside now. There are so many funny videos on this website. I just can t stop watching them.W: Come on, Jack. You can t sit in

28、 front of the laptop all dayIt s not good for your eyes.M: You re right(16)I. ll go to the park with you.Text 10W: Welcome to our park. My name is Linda. I m very glad to be your guide today(17)You. have made a right choice to be here in spring, the best time of the year, because summer is a bit hot

29、, and winteris too cold. Our park is famous for its 20-kilometer long valley.It s home to thousands of plants andanimals. For today tour,s (18)we have a 50-minute valley walk in the morning. You will see beautiful flowers and strange rocks. Animal lovers can also have a close view of different wildlife. In the afternoon, you llhave a chance to experience some interesting activities, such as boating and fishing. (19)If you like, you may have a picnic by the lake, the best-loved activity in our park. Now,(20) let s get on the bus and go to the entrance of the valley.5


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