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1、2019 全国卷 3Text1W: Excuse me, Howcan I findthe book calledthe classof 1998?M: Oh, Im afraid it was sold out.W: ITs all right. Thank you. Text2M: How did your dancing lesson go today?W: Exciting. But it was hard work. I really need a rest now.M: Yeah, I can see that. Go and get relaxed. Text3M: How mu

2、ch is that in total?W:Onehundred dollars. But if you have a membership card, I can give you a twenty percent discount.M: Great. This is my membership card. Text4M: Jane, Im going out for a while.W: But you have an appointment with Mr. Douglas at three oclock.M: Well, please make it another day. Text

3、5W: David said he would quit his job at our school.M: Really? Why would he do that?W: His friend started a firm in London. She wanted David to help her.Text6W: Im going out for shopping. Do you need anything?M: Oh, yeah, I cant find my umbrella. Can you buy one?W: Shouldnt it be in the cupboard?W: I

4、mpossible. That was where I usually put it. Did you check the balcony?M: Yes, of course. Couldnt find it. Well, just get a new one, then.Text7M: Hi, Lucy! How was your weekend?W: Great. You know, we went mountain climbingin the forestpark.The air was so different from the city, cool and fresh.M: Sou

5、nds great.W: Yeah, there wasnt a cloud in the sky. And we could see for miles from the top. What about you? What did you do?M: Busy packing?W: Oh, yes, of course, I forgot! You and Jenny are moving into a new house. ITs on Wednesday, isnt IT?M: Yeah, two days after, I didnt realize there are so many

6、 things to do.W: Can I help out with anything?M: Um, it be nice if you could take care of Henry for a couple of days.W: Henry.M: Yes, my dog.W: Oh, sure. No problem. You just focus on the move. Text8M: Hello, can I speak to Mr. stone? Please?W: Hello, but I am afraid Mr. stone is in a meeting until

7、lunchtime. Can I take a message?M: Well, yes, Id like to make an appointment to see him. Its Harrison White here.W: Just a second. Mr. White. Ill look in the diary. So whens convenient for you?M: Sometime today? Ifpossible?I hear hellbe away tomorrow.W: Yes, thats right. Hell be on a business trip f

8、or a week.M: I need to talk about my new program with him before he leaves. Its urgent. So would this afternoon be okay?W: Let mesee. Okay, Mr. stone is free this afternoon after three oclock.M: Well, three o clock is a bit difficult, but I could make it after three thirty.W: So, shall we say a quar

9、ter to four this afternoon in Mr. stones office?M: Thats great. Thanks. Text9W: Hello!M: Hi, Cindy. This is Jake Lee at Fixit Corporation. How are you today? Oh, hi, Jake! Im fine! How are you?M; Good. The reason Im calling is that wed like to offer youthe position you were interviewed for last Thur

10、sday.W: Oh, thats great. I was really impressed with Fixit.M: Im glad to hear it. And were prepared to offer you a starting salary of fifty five thousand dollarsW: I see. And vacation time?M: O, you ll get one day per month in your first year. Thatis,youllhave twelvedays inyourfirstyear,and thenincr

11、ease if you stay longer with the company,W: What would be my job title?M: Youd be a junior specialist, and youd be working under Monica Stansfield, the department manager.W: Okay? Is the salary negotiable at all?M: Well, this is typical for a new staff. W:I see.M: Why dont you think about it? I need

12、 to hear back from you by Wednesday.Will that work?W: Sure. No problem. Ill let you know Tuesday afternoon. Text10Hello, everybody. Today Id like to share with you something about John Audubon.John was born on April26,1785. He spent much of his childhoodinFrance, where he spentmany hours each day ou

13、tdoorspaintingpictures.At the age ofeighteen,he movedto the UnitedStates.Well,actually,John began hislifeintheUS as a businessman.However, insteadof takingcareofhisbusiness,John was oftenoffexploringnature.At first.John spenthis timehunting forfun.Then he found thatthe animalsaround were verybeautif

14、ul.And he particularlyenjoyed observingthe birdshe saw. He beganstudying them, trying to learn the differences between thebirdsand noticing theyre different behaviors. Therefore,hepaintedthe birdshe observed a lot.In1919, John realizedthathe didnthave enough moneytopay hisbills.He was veryupsetthat he couldnt earn enough money to support his family. Sohe spent time improving his painting skills and began to sellhispaintings.He discovered thathe could earn some moneywhiledoingsomethinghe really enjoyed. Weareluckynow to have somany paintings of American birds by John Audubon.


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