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1、41 . A Cockroach in Our Classroom( 1)What would you do if you found a cockroach in your classroom? Would you cry?Would you laugh? Or would you just sit there anddo nothing? In my class we didall those.Suddenly I heard a terrible cry from one of the girls. My heart missed abeat. Iheard another cry .

2、I am nowthinking to myself“ what is going on ” ! Then there itwas! It was at least aninch and a half long, just a little cockroach! Now this was thefirst time I had seen in real life, but from all the pictures and themovies I had seen inthe past, I could tell it was a cockroach.My teacher quickly ra

3、n tofetch some paper towels.To be honest , I didnt thinkthat window cleaner could help. I was wrong . The little cockroach got a big drop of“ The Window Cleaner” , and lying on the floor,did not move .41. 教室里出现一只蟑螂(l)如果发现你的教室里有一只蟑螂你会怎么做?你会大叫吗?会大笑吗?或者你只是坐在那里什么也不做(do nothing )吗?在我们教室里,以上种种行为全都有。突然间我听到

4、一个女孩的可怕的叫声。我的心跳( beat)停了一下。我又听到一声喊叫。我心想 (think to oneself )“发生什么事了(what is going on )”,接着我看到了!是一只至少( atleast) 一英寸 ( inch ) 半长的小蟑螂!这是我第一次在真实的生活中看到。以前在图片里和电影( movie )里看到过,因此我知道那是一只蟑螂。我们的老师快速跑去拿来( fetch)一些纸巾(paper towel ) 。说实话( to be honest ),我本以为窗户(window )清洁剂不会起什么作用,但我错了。这只小蟑螂被淋了一大滴“窗户清洁剂”,躺在地板上(lie

5、on the floor ),不动 (move )了。41. A Cockroach in Our Classroom( 2)Well that was just the beginning. Ok, here is the whole story. My teacher walked overto the, now not moving, cockroach. If you have a weakstomach I am warning you now.she stepped on it .I dont know if you have seen the movies where someo

6、ne steps on the cockroach andyou hear a loud“ CRUNCH ” (嘎扎嘎扎的压碎), but I can tellyou right now that thosemovies are one-hundred percent true.I was laughinghard that I wa s crying . I lookedaround the classroom Someof myfriends were laughing too. Of course the girly girls were crying and some of the o

7、ther kidsthought it was no big dealand just sat there reading their books.My teacher was not very happy to find out that she was the one who had toclean up thedirty place .Most people will notrealizethat when you step on a cockroach it will make a terriblesound you may not want to hear. So when you

8、ever go to kill a cockroach,watch outfor“ THE CRUNCH” .41.教室里出现一只蟑螂(2)那只是开始,现在才是完整的故事。我们的老师走向这个,现在已经不动了的,蟑螂。如果你的胃口(stomach )不好,我现在可提醒你她踩了上去。我不知道你是否看过这样的电影,某人踩到蟑螂上,然后你听到响亮的“嘎扎嘎扎”声,但现在我告诉你那些电影是百分之百( one-hundred percent )的真实。我笑的眼泪都要出来了。我环顾教室,我的一些朋友也在笑。当然,一些娇弱的女孩正在大喊大叫,其他一些孩子认为不是什么大事(no big deal )。只管坐在那里看书。我们的老师不太高兴,她发现她是唯一要善后打扫(clean up )这个脏(dirty ) 地方的人。大部分人没有意识到(realize )当你踩蟑螂时会发出一种可怕的你不想听到的声音(sound ) 。因此,你要杀死一只蟑螂时,当心(watch out )那“嘎扎嘎扎”的声音。42.This Is My Supper


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