电子教案 (2) Lesson Planning.docx

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1、Lesson PlanningSchool: _Anshun No.2_High SchoolTeacher: Zheng DeminStudents: About 60 senior high school students, Class_2_, Grade_1_Materials: The Great Sport Personality, Module _5_, Book _5_, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press!Type of lesson: Writing Lesson duration: 45 minutes Date: Ap

2、r., 2018Aids: Blackboard, PPT, video, pictures, etc.Contents: - Vocabulary about sport (sportswear,marathon,logo) and some phrases- Reading materialsObjectives: 1. Instructional aimsAt the end of the lesson, students are able to:1) grasp the meanings of the words and phrases;2) express their opinion

3、 about a person by use of some words ;3) catch the specific information with the help of some reading skills. 2. Educational aims At the end of the lesson, students are able to:1) increase their interest and confidence in reading English;2) cooperate with others better in their reading process.3. Pe

4、rsonal objectives1) Teacher can try to adopt PWP model in teaching reading; 2) Teacher can stimulate students interest and confidence in English learning;3) Teacher can manage the class efficiently and know her students well.Focal/ Difficult points:1) Students are able to have a better understanding

5、 on the grammar structures ;2) Students are able to catch the information in the reading by prediction and catching the main idea.Procedures and Time AllotmentStage 1 Greeting ( 1min) T: Class begins. Good morning class. T: Sit down, please. T: How are you today?Stage 2 Present the new words and rea

6、d the passage(28mins)T: Share a story about my shopping experience yesterday.(讲解生词)T: Show the students a video about Li Ning.T:Students can express their opinions about Li Nings excellent skills.(一边讲解,一边展示相应的单词)T:Get down to the topic of this module.T:Read the passage individually and finish a matc

7、h.T:XXX,please share your answers with us.(让程度一般,注意力不是很集中的学生回答。)Ok,now lets get to know more about it.Please turn to page xxx,read the passage and try to figure out the numbers.T:Read Para.2 and check the true statementsT:Read Para.3 and answer the question.T:Read Para.4 and choose the best answer.T

8、:Read Para.5 and translate the sentence into Chinese. Stage 3 After reading (15mins)T: Read for the last time and fill in the blanks.(挑学生回答,最后一个问题让程度好的学生回答。)T: Invite the students to think about other sportsmen/sportswomen.T: Students work in groups to talk about their favourite athletes.T: Voluntee

9、rs share their ideas. T:Ask the students to think about the question.(What kind of person do you think Li Ning is?What can you learn from him? )Stage 4 Homework (2min)T: After class,put your thoughts about Li Ning into a short passage. Stage 6 Additional Activity If there are still a few minutes left, I will ask student to finish some exercises in the newspaper.


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