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1、Oliver Asks for MoreThe room in which the boys were fed was a large stone hall, with alargepotatoneend.Thewarden,helpedbytwowomen,servedthesoup from thispot at meal times. Each boy was allowed one bowl of soupand no more, except on special holidays when he was given another 60grams of bread. The bow

2、ls neverneeded washing, as the boys cleanedthem with their spoons, trying to eat every bit of soup. This never tookvery long, as the spoons were almost as large as the bowls. When they had cleaned their bowls in thisway, they would sit staring at thepotwitheagereyes, as if they wanted to eat it. Boy

3、s usually haveexcellentappetites. Oliver Twist and his companions slowly starved for three months until finally, theybecame quitewild with hunger.There was one boy who was tallfor his age, andwas not used to beinghungry all the time, as hisfather had kept a small cook shop. This boy told his friends

4、 that he had to have another bowl of soupeach day. If he did not, he was afraid that one night he might eat the small young boy who slept nexttohim.Thetallboyhada wild,hungrylookinhiseyeandeveryonebelievedhim.Theboyshadameeting. Theydecided that one of them shouldwalk up to thewardenafter supper tha

5、t evening andask for more food. They wrote their names on pieces of paper and picked one out.It was Oliver Twistwhowas chosen.Theeveningarrivedandtheboyswenttotheirplaces.Thewardenstoodbythepotwithhisassistantsina linebehindhim.Thesoupwasservedanddisappeareddowntheboysthroats.Theboyswhisperedto each

6、 other, and those next to Olivernudgedhim. Oliver, who wasdesperate withhunger and misery, rose from the table and walked towards the master with his bowl and spoon in hishand. Frightened by his own courage, he said, Please sir, I want some more.Thewardenwasafat,healthyman,buthisfacebecameverypale.H

7、estaredincompleteastonishmentatthechildandheldontothepotforsupport. Notuntilatleastthirtysecondshadpassed, was the man able to speak. What? he said finally, in a weak voice.Please, sir, replied Oliver, I want some more.Nosoonerhadtheboyspokenthesewordsthanthewardenhithimontheheadwiththesoupspoon. Th

8、en heseizedOlivers arms and held him, while he shouted for Mr Bumble.ThemanagersoftheworkhousewerehavingameetingwhenMrBumble rushed into the roomin great excitement. Speaking to the leaderof the meeting, he said, Mr Limbkins, I am sorry, sir! Oliver Twist hasasked for more!Thefacesofeveryoneintheroo

9、mshowedcompleteastonishment.Formore!saidMrLimbkins.Thinkcarefully,MrBumble,andanswerme clearly. Do I understand that he asked for more, after he had eatenhis bowl of soup?He did, sir, replied Bumble.Never have I heard anything like it! said Mr Limbkins.Theyllhangthat boy, said a gentleman in a white

10、 jacket. I know that theyllhanghim.Nobodydisagreedwiththegentlemansopinion.Alivelydiscussiontookplace.Oliverwasimmediatelylockedin a room. The next morning a notice was put up on the door of theworkhouse,offering arewardto anybody who would employ Oliver Twist.Ineverwasmoresureofanythinginmylife,sai

11、dthegentlemaninthewhitejacket,asheknocked at the door and read the notice the next morning. I never was more sure of anything in mylife that boy will behanged.Read the passage fromOliver Twistand choose the best summary.The best summary is _.The boys in the workhouse chose Oliver Twist to ask for mo

12、re food. When he did this, the workhouse managers were very angry and sent Oliver out to work.The boys in the workhouse were starving and chose Oliver Twist to ask for more food. When Oliver did this, the workhouse managers were very angry and locked Oliver in a room.The boys in the workhouse decide

13、d that they needed more food. Oliver Twist said that he would ask the warden for more to eat. The workhouse managers decided that Oliver must be hanged.Look at the words and choose the best meaning.1. wardena person whose job is to control the boysa person whose job is to make sure the boys are happ

14、y2. appetitethe feeling of wanting to eatthe feeling of wanting to drink3. pick outto pick something up from the groundto choose one person or thing from a group4. nudgeto push someone a little with a part of your bodyto kick someone5. miserygreat angergreat unhappiness6. hang someoneto put someone

15、in prisonto kill someone by pulling a rope tightly around his / her neckReading and Vocabulary (2)Philip Pirrip, known as Pip, is anorphanwho lives with his sister and her husband. The family ispoor and Pips sister does not treat him very well. One day the boy helps a starvingconvictcalled AbelMagwi

16、tch. Magwitch hasescapedfromprisonbut is soon caught again and sent to Australia in aprisonship.Some months later, Pip is invited to visit a lonely but wealthy old lady called Miss Havisham. At herhouse, Pip meets andbecomes very fond ofa beautiful girl called Estella, who lives there.However,Estell

17、a is cold andcruelto him, always telling him that she is better than him. She is encouraged inthis by Miss Havisham, whose fiance left her on herweddingday, and who, as a result, hates all men.Some years later, Pip learns that an unknown personintendsto give him money every month. Pipbelievesthatiti

18、sMissHavishamwhohasdonethisforhim.Withthismoney,hegoestoLondon,becomes educated and is able to live very comfortably.MagwitchreturnstoEnglandillegally, having madea lotofmoneyinAustralia.HefindsPipandtells him that it is he, Magwitch, who has been giving Pip the money. He has been doing this in orde

19、rtorepaythe boys kindness. Sadly, Magwitch is caught by the police and dies. We learn that Estella isin fact Magwitchs daughter. She marries Bentley Drummle, a wealthy man who treats her very badly,but dies when he is quite young.Meanwhile, Pip leaves England and has a successful career. He returns

20、and meets Estella, who has at last learnt the meaning of love. The two marry.ReadthedescriptionofanothernovelbyCharlesDickens,GreatExpectations. Usethe information in the passage to:Describe the picture.Say what you have learnt about the relationship between the man and the boy in the picture.Readin

21、g PracticeDickens LondonDickenscastof characters lived in London, the largest and richest city in the world. But its wealthwasdistributedunfairly among the population. Everychapterof his novels describes the sights, sounds,and smells of the city, and provides a social commentary of London life.In th

22、e middle of the 19th century, London was afilthycity for rich and poor people alike. Althoughon clear days the air was filled withsparrowsandseagullsflying high above, more often the smokingchimneypipescreated smogwhich was so strong that itchokedthe inhabitants. The River Thames waspolluted,causing

23、diseaseanddeatheverywhere,and ifyoufellin,itwasdangeroustoswallowthewater.The East End was Londons poorest district, where children woreragsfor clothes and the womensearched industbinsfor food. Few people could ever hope toattainan acceptable standard of living.Many people suffered from the effects

24、of poornutritionand evenstarvationbecause of a lack of food,yet theirwelfarewas of noconcernto thetaxpayersof London. Ships from all points of thecompasswould dropanchorhere at the main port of London. South of the river lies Southwark, another poordistrict. The GeorgeInnwas a busy coaching stop wit

25、h food and accommodation for travellers leavingLondon, and forcarrierstaking goods into the city.But some Londoners hadaccumulatedenormous wealth through trade.In the old City of LondonarehousedthemanybanksandcorporationswhichDickensmentions.FurtherwestandoppositeSouthwark stands Somerset House, whe

26、re Dickens father worked for thenavy. Close by are the LawCourts, wherelawyersandtheirclerks,carryingpilesofpaperwork,wouldhurrytothetrials. Thereweremanysquaresandgardenswith waterpumpsandfountains,as well assmartrestaurantsandpubs .Servants would buy fruit and vegetables at Covent Garden market fo

27、r their rich families, andmaidswould buybunchesof flowers to decorate theirmistresses rooms.The West End is the theatre district where Dickens felt at home because, surprisingly, he thoughthe wouldaccomplishmore with his drama than with his novels. It is also the London of government,where politicia

28、ns, ministers,ambassadorsas well as morehumblepedestrianswalked home at nightthrough streets lit with gaslanterns .London is very different today, and few peoplemournthe passing of the old city. But you can stillsee many of the sights which Dickens saw and wrote about in his novels.Choose the correc

29、t answers.1. Few people had a good standard of living because _.there were huge numbers of poor peoplethe taxpayers didnt care about themthe wealth was distributed unfairly among the populationthe city was polluted2. Poverty was so severe that _.the river became polluted and caused disease and death

30、some people were ill because they didnt have enough to eatit was dangerous to swallow the water if you fell in the riverchildren wore rags for school3. The port of London was where queued for work every daythe districts of the East End and Southwark wereships came from all over the world to lo

31、ad and unload their goodsthe poorest people lived4. The old City of London was _.where the Law Courts and many restaurants and squares werethe business and financial district of LondonDickens set his storieswhere Dickens lived5. The further west you went in Dickens London _.the safer it was to walk

32、at nightthe more Dickens felt at homethe less it looks like London todaythe richer and more important the people who lived there were 6. The main idea is that the middle of the 19th century, London was a filthy city for rich and poor people alikeDickens cast of characters lived in London, the l

33、argest and richest city in the worldLondon is very different today, and few people mourn the passing of the old city every chapter of his novels describes the sights, sounds, and smells of the city, and provides a social commentary of London life7. The text type of the passage is argumenta narr

34、ative an essaya descriptionCultural CornerRead the passage and answer these questions.1. What experiences from his own life did Dickens use in his novels?2.What new information have you learnt aboutOliver Twist?3. How did Dickens novels help to improve English society?Charles DickensCharles Dickens

35、(18121870) was born in London. His father was put inprisonbecause he couldnot pay his bills, and two days after his 13th birthday, Dickens started work in a factory, experiencingrealpoverty.Hewasveryunhappy,butlaterinlife,hewasabletowriteverywellaboutpovertybecause he had actually experienced it him

36、self.Dickens always hada huge amount ofenergy. As a young man, he worked for newspapers; and asa political journalist, he met all kinds of people. He used all these experiences in his writing. Dickensstarted writing novels in his early thirties and became successful almost immediately.Oliver Twist,

37、hissecond novel, was published in 1838 and was hugely successful. It told the storyof a youngorphanaloneinthedangerousstreetsofLondon.Thestoryendshappily theyoungboydiscoverswhohisrealparentsareandfindsalovinghome.However,itbroughtchildpovertyto theattentionofthepublic, and for this reason alone it

38、is a very important novel.Overthenext25years,Dickenswrotealarge numberofpopularnovelsthatarestillreadtoday.AmongthemostfamousareDavidCopperfield(18491850),ATaleof TwoCities(1859)andGreatExpectations(18601861).Dickensoftenwroteabouttheproblemsofpoorpeople,andasaresultofhiswork,thelivesofthepoor werei

39、mproved.DickensbookswerepopularinbothAmericaandEngland,andthenovelisttravelled round both countries, reading from his novels. He oftenbecame very excited during these readings. Some people believe that hehad a heart attack as a result of his excitement during the reading of thefinal part ofOliver Twist .


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