新课标PEP小学英语四年级下册《Unit 4 It’s warm today》教学设计.doc

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1、新课标PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit 4 Its warm today教学设计Part A Lets talk 教学内容 Lets talk 教学目标a.能够听懂、会说“Can I wear my ?”并能在适当情景中运用。 b. 在对话中复习服装类词汇, 巩固描述天气的词cold, warm, cool, hot. c. 让学生了解我国南北城市的天气差异,并渗透热爱祖国和家乡的情感。 教学重难点分析“Can I wear my new shirt today? Yes, you can. / No, you cant. Its cold today.”的语音语调及灵活运用。课前准备1. 教

2、师准备句子卡片 2. 相关服装的图片(以小组为单位事先分发) 3. 教师准备CAI课件教学和活动过程教学过程设计说明准备活动(Preparation)小组评价T: Look! We have four groups today, Group 1-Group 4 .I prepare five glasses. Four for you and the last is for me. These are many lucky stars. How many stars can we get? Lets see.课堂评价的运用可以充分调动学生的积极性。同时增强学生的竞争意识和小组合作精神。热身(w

3、arm-up)T: Ready? Ss: Yes.T: Please stand up .lets sing a song .How is the weather?Ss: OK!(奖励幸运星)歌曲的运用使学生放松身心,以更好的姿态投入到学习中。呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice) No,you cant.的引入与操练。T: Look, the sun is shinning in the sky.How is the weather today?(教师指向窗外)Ss: Its warm today.T:Yes, its warm today .Look at the pea

4、ch blossoms! How beautiful! Lets smell!(和学生一起陶醉在花香中。)T:Wow! How sweet! I feel so happy. I want to dance(起舞).Oh,just a minute.(拿出连衣裙) T:Look!I have a new dress. I like it very much. Can I wear my new dress today?Ss: No.(教师指导学生用No, I cant.回答)T:(做失望状)I cant believe.(转向一生) Can I wear my new dress today?

5、S1:No,you cant.板书:No,you cant.并领读。(接着询问S2 S3 S4几个同学。)T: (面向全体)Can I wear my new dress today? No,you cant.(全体与个人操练结合,进行奖励评价。)2. Yes, you can.的掌握与操练 T:(做伤心状)I really cant wear my dress today .What can I wear?S1: You can wear your . (此处开始渗透You can wear)T:(根据学生的回答)Can I wear my shirt today?Ss: Yes, you

6、can.T: Can I wear my skirt today? Ss: Yes, you can.(个人与小组问答结合,进行奖励评价)板书 Yes, you can.T: Can I wear my shirt with my skirt?Ss: Yes, you can.T: (做动作)Pretty? Can I get a star?Ss: Yes,you can.T:(情绪好转)Thank you ! A star for the pretty lady. Let me go on dancing.3.Can I?在实际情境中的运用。T: Boys and girls. Its wa

7、rm today. We all like warm days. (出示图片,学生根据图片说出warm days.的情景与特点。) Ss: The air is fresh. The birds are coming back, the grass and the flowers are coming out.T: Yes, but the weather is changeful. Look! How is the weather ?(出示冬天图片)Ss: Its cold.T: (再次运用所穿衣服询问)Can I wear my shirt today? Can I wear my ski

8、rt today?Ss: No, you cant.T: What can I wear ?Ss: You can wear . T: Yes, I can wear But what can you wear? Ask me please! Use “Can I wear ?”板书Can I wear my shirt today?(强调wear及can 的读音。 )T: Yes , you can wear your coat. Its cold.(贴上coat的图片) (进行个人,小组,师生及全体操练,进行奖励评价)4.A competitionT: Sometimes its warm

9、. Sometimes its cold. What will the weather change next? Guess!But you must use “Can I wear ?”(四个组分别选一生上台,通过下面学生的回答判断对错。(进行奖励评价)T: Yes, its hot.(贴T-shirt 的图片)T: Change again!How is the weather? Ss: Its cool. You can wear your T: Yes , I can wear(贴sweater 的图片)5. Lets chant.T: Look at the blackboard p

10、lease! Lets chant.Its warm today. Its warm today.Can I wear my shirt today? Yes, yes, yes, you can.Its cold today .Its cold today. Can I wear my shirt today?No, no, no, you cant.You can wear your coat.Its hot today .Its hot today. Can I wear my shirt today? No, no, no, you cant.You can wear your T-s

11、hirt.Its cool today. Its cool today. Can I wear my shirt today? No, no , no, you cant.You can wear your sweater.(小组与全体操练为主,进行评价奖励。)6.Lets talkT:I want to wear my new dress today, but I cant.(模仿Mike哈哈的声音)Who is laughing?(出示课件)Ss: Mike.T: Whats he saying?(播放声音)Can he wear his new shirt today? Lets go

12、and have a look.a. Listen and answer.b. Listen and repeat.c. Read by themselves.d. Read in roles.e. Act out the dialogue.拓展/巩固(Extension/Consolidation)a. T: Labour Day is coming. Well go to Harbin, Sanya ,Lhasa and linyi. How is the weather there?Look!Ss:Its b. T: What can you wear?Please choose and say.(教师先示范,学生分组讨论并运用图片进行张贴。)T: The weather is changeful. Take care of yourself.Homework for today.(总结评价奖励结果。)结束语:Look at our beautiful city. Enjoy yourself. (播放课件并说再见)


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