[评析]《 Around town》课例点评.doc

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1、评析 Around town课例点评评 课 人: 东胜区教研中心 刘 静讲课教师: 东胜区实验中学 白维娜课 题: Module 8 Around townUnit 1 How do I get to the Forbidden City?(外研社新标准英语初二年级上册)教学过程及点评:Step1 Present the titlePresent the title of this unit, How do I get to the Forbidden City? And introduce what we are going to learn in this period. We are g

2、oing to learn how to ask for directions, and how to give directions.用简明的几句话导出了课题,并说明本课将要学的主要内容。Step2 New wordsLook at some pictures on the screen, and teach the new words: bank, market, supermarket, square, swimming pool. Read the words and get them to remember by themselves.Look at a map on the scr

3、een, and ask the Ss, Where is the bank/supermarket/? If they dont know, they can ask the boy on the screen. And the boy answers them the questions, and teach them, on the left/right, between, opposite, on the corner.Get them to work in pairs, ask and answer, Where is the bank/supermarket?And practic

4、e the prepositions above. Then get several pairs to act out.首先用课件展示图片的方法来形象直观地教授了五个地点名词;接下来在引出表方位的介词和介词结构时,她独特的教学设计一下吸引住了学生,让学生问,屏幕上的小男孩回答,这种人、机对话的学习方式学生倍感新鲜,积极性被调动起来了,个个跃跃欲试,很快就引出了所要学的介词。此时连听课的老师们也感到耳目一新,并为之赞叹。在导入新知识时往往是老师问学生答,老师牵着学生走,而她却打破了传统的教法,把主动权交给了学生;最后给学生展示图片让他们合作操练。Step3 Teaching how to ask

5、 and give the directions.Look at a map, and get the Ss to find out where the places are. The boy in the map asks them: Where is the bank/square?Then the teacher ask them, I want to go to, how can I get there? Get the Ss to think about it, and then learn: go straight ahead, turn left, turn right. Get

6、 the Ss try to give the directions.Step4 PairworkLook at the map on the screen, and a little boy ask for the directions. Get the Ss to work in pairs, one is the boy, asks for the direction, and the other gives the direction. Then get some pairs to act out.在引入了问路和指路的句型后,又让学生即时操练,学生很投入,效果很好。老师来回走动帮助有问

7、题的学生,并注意观察学生活动情况,当她发现所给的时间到了,但学生还余兴未尽,于是又多给了几分钟让学生继续操练。在大赛课上往往是以教师为中心,很少关注学生,没有几人敢这样做。这也是她讲课的一个风格,踏实到位,不走过场。Step5 Guiding the places of interests in Beijing.Look at the pictures, and learn the names of the places.Step6. Listening and ReadingLook at a map of Beijing, and get the Ss to be familiar wit

8、h the places of interest in Beijing. Then listen to the tape and get them to find out where the Forbidden City is. After listening, get them to answer the question.Get the Ss to look at the map of Beijing, read the dialogue in their book, find out how we can get to Beihai Park, and how we can get to

9、 Wangfujing Dajie. After reading, ask the Ss to give the directions.再次通过演示文稿及图片呈现新知识,听、读之后适当操练,检验效果。Step7. Reading PracticeShow another dialogue about giving directions. Get the Ss to look at the map and find out what places are on the map, and where they are. Then read the dialogue in groups.A :Exc

10、use me. How can I get to the supermarket?B: This is Hepingjie, go straight ahead, turn left into Tangrenjie, its on the right.待添加的隐藏文字内容2A: Is there a park?B: Yes. Its opposite the supermarket.A: Yes, I know. I want to go to a bookshop first. Can you tell me the way to the bookshop?B: Certainly. Go

11、along Hepingjie. And turn right, Its on the right.A: Thank you very much.这个扩展练习比教材上的文本容易,但浓缩了本课的重点,这样既检验了学生的知识掌握情况,又是对本课的一个别出心裁的概括总结。Step8 WritingA little girl is at our school now, and she wants to go to No.2 Middle School, but she doesnt know the way. Get the Ss to write her a letter and tell her

12、the way.由于时间限制,没能在课上完成这一步,留作了当天的作业。就这一题的设计思路来说很好,但开放性不够。让我们稍做改动看看:(Class! We have learnt some useful language, and lets try to use them.) Please write down the way from our school to your home and draw a simple map on a piece of paper. Maybe I will go to your home someday according to it.这样是不是学生的情绪更


















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