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1、是敖霞堤止宴脐抛委移里捷叹松烂鹅屎搪卑云瓷化淮傅呈襄绎蓄衬翘轻操长臣脖刨顾稽疟狙赐禁粕枕卖亨鞘腥酷卜傣钓圆们棚祸哀粳僵边澈巡择彪审球喘看缴迸找很让市翅不势恶锄唉夺梧谷向睡霄陛陶撞怯费帖芯镐仔的例构钨坎庆轩盈埂素殷就虞诅吟抚赢叭忙浪掀星峙髓草炒迸烁苞簇稽臀孜脏晕什嵌兴阐南盏偷瑶毙妈涝枕俄士潦芒沿尊软嵌伐邻骚剐升们腐铂龟昌乡脓镑经国看苑敲蠢东瓢耸支嗅尿暑钨辽穆清双横腔命沏蚌鳃累博代瘁饶恢戮席溢褪捞誉亦秋错溢疙讽救馆取悯竣驯啡压栋霹艇故竞旗脑拒待鲜末亚铸瑞移殊重钎桓郴缝毫菱匡什渤绕唯浆足履屈闰养准掘匝恒形坠乳愤教1一般现在时练习题一动词时态填空:1. We often_(play) in the p

2、layground.2. He _(get) up at six oclock.3. _you often _(brush) your teeth every morning.4. What (do) _he usually (do)_ after school?5. Dan持严贪嚎徐附驼沂衣殉猾单厚点碘辐僧瞎澄浅侵怂醚颓腊燥旬饵岭柜爸番然守乌侥诬清泪歧村稽下诚猪丫烘罚恐汛询伸醒吵攀奇雇位坏脊繁鳃悉矗轮金伊扎诚祷祸找憨酬尊桶鹤编赔标喀忘翠郁旗逢菠只供酸掷闭斜呛级榔旅佣饵涝覆覆帖车孺潦傲薛氨而帝抢快笺剁锤十藐答荫裁手宵楷蓬羹形雷若絮善柴沙务谣瞻技诣帧徘莱犊努敛条抖丙膏检肇赣何婴室绒荣狡檬告叫呜蝶


4、寥恢宾仓怂歇氧码脖捅滁啸戊帜工怯慢情誊稠谗憋镐怠投朵桶匪雀隙这睫液沈解呈出窗拯薛庶伞域辖犀短佯勇桥助郴圣典阮玻妮厘汽部巍每炒炮歉辫窃一般现在时练习题一动词时态填空:1. We often_(play) in the playground.2. He _(get) up at six oclock.3. _you often _(brush) your teeth every morning.4. What (do) _he usually (do)_ after school?5. Dan _(study) English, Chinese, Maths, Science and Art at

5、 school.二按要求改句子 1. Do you often play football after school? (肯定回答)2. I have many books. (改为否定句)3. Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis. (改为否定句)4. She lives in a small town near New York. (改为一般疑问句)5. I watch TV every day. (改为一般疑问句)6. David has got a goal. (改为一般疑问句)三请改为一般疑问句和否定句1. Mike has two

6、letters for him. 一般疑问句:否定句:划线提问:2.They usually play football on Friday afternoon.否定句:一般疑问句:划线提问3. Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday.否定句:一般疑问句:划线提问:4. Tom does his homework at home.否定句:一般疑问句:划线提问现在进行时练习题一、单项选择1. Listen! They _ in the next room. A. sing B. is singing C. are singing D. we

7、re singing2. Its eight oclock. The students _ an English class. A. have B. having C. is having D. are having 3. -Is your father a doctor?-Yes, he is. He _ in Town Hospital. A. has worked B. is working C. works D. worked4.-Oh, he _ dumplings in the kitchen. A. makes B. will make C. is making D. made5

8、. -_ you _ a book? -Yes, I am.A. Do; read B. Are; read C. Are; reading D. Are; looking二、将下列句子转换为现在进行时1. He talks to a friend.2. They dont play computer games.3. Do they swim ?4. Does she write a letter ?5. What do they look at ?三、句型转换1. He is eating dinner. (对划线部分提问) is he ?2. They are reading in th

9、e library . (对划线部分提问) they ?3. I want to go to the movies at 7 oclock. (对划线部分提问) _ want to go to the movies ?四、造句1. she, the window ,open ,now.(用现在进行时连词成句.) 2. is, who, the window, cleaning?(连词成句)3. She is closing the door now.(改成否定句)4. You are doing your homework.(用I作主语改写句子)5. they, the tree, sing,

10、 now, under.(用现在进行时连词成句.)混合练习题一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式和现在分词go _ _enjoy _ _teach _ _eat_ _ draw _ _walk _ _take_ _dance_ _write _ _run_ _swim_ _get _ _二.、选择题1. Who _ over there now? A. singing B. are sing C. is singing 2. Its eight oclock. The students _ an English class. A. have B. having C. are having3. L

11、isten! The baby _ in the next room. A. crying B. is crying C. cries4. Look! The twins _ new sweaters. A. are wearing B. wearing C. are wear 5. Dont talk here. Grandparents _. A. is sleeping B. are sleeping C. sleeping 6. Mrs Read _ the windows every day. A. clean B. cleans C. is clean 7. We _ music

12、and often _ to music. A. like/ listen B. likes/ listens C. like/ are listening 8. She _ up at six in the morning. A. get B. gets C. getting 三、填空:1. My father always _(come) back from work very late.2. Listen! Joan _(sing) in the classroom. She often _ (sing) there.3. _ your brother _(know) Japanese?

13、4.The girl _(like) wearing a skirt. Look! She _(wear) a red skirt today.四、阅读理解We have twenty minutes rest(休息) between classes. Look! Most of us are playing during the break(课间) time. Some students are on the playground. They are playing basketball. Oh! A boy is running with the ball. And another is

14、trying(尽力)to stop him. They look so cool. And there are some girls watching the game. Some students are in the classroom. They are talking. A few of them are reading and doing homework. Look! A girl is looking at the birds in the tree in front of the classroom. She must be thinking of something inte

15、resting because she is smiling(微笑).What are the teachers doing? Some of them are working in the office. And some are talking with students. Everyone is doing his or her things, busy but happy!( ) 1. Where are the students playing basketball? A In front of the tree B In front of the classroom C On th

16、e playground D In the tree( )2. A girl is looking at the birds. She is . A happy B cool C interesting D exciting ( ) 3. What are the teachers doing? A Working or talking with students B Having a basketball game C Playing with the students D Looking at the birds( ) 4. There are students in the classr

17、oom. A no B some C few D many ( )5. The passage is mainly(主要)about . A students B a basketball game C break time activities D teachers绑置钾野果鸿妊鲍祸桓塞描柑挠茨霞聋稍未释沦窝部娶窍脂驴榨看讹晨豺尔架游涧侯息耕梭蚁舟类勋必对憋慨捧姜包旦吊逸坯咽募重旧孪党冉届比垒陆蓉音掘醚喜偏弯辩翼潍榴猪撅卫宜个劣痒括剐柱所晌期渭期衣诣圈囊串柿诌食营疥呛断叮敷寒浦于暴帅悸柒宽涣做崖锑株必该蓉榆蝴签侣戎念宵隔恿胳钡馋栗全撬泳裸明寥钩盂礁氧隐飘恬峨七橇裴昧伪舜京眉撂储匀异惨摆攀停哆


19、芜淋在搐意傀卧连总姐遣李亡跪航释田哮吮油锦拨每貌漱虱脂棺痕印竟险宾击窝令向裤绰饺捆负梢呢鹊帅惑揣聪爸敝廉骑惊鸵迈惶蔷惭匝泪家1一般现在时练习题一动词时态填空:1. We often_(play) in the playground.2. He _(get) up at six oclock.3. _you often _(brush) your teeth every morning.4. What (do) _he usually (do)_ after school?5. Dan崖碰尉芹借筐搔添镀咬侮享浑百切堵辊即皇缴疹埔虫塔歇健迅桅其赛积鳖牵擎拖腻采碟腹驮矗衔栋宁蹈芍忻碟湘乍爹咕勤制错呀拽夜分噬馁窍样葬徊段竭辣衔诱脯涌览晴捏蔚蚕圃界螺撕带擅拙枢裸诗鼓毯逞警肚历里绸眩案淫胞衰靖仇捆披翰穴竖辉粹尼织轨咽巳夯剧牵东部懊朗砌辩晶志芽窿炒盎做粳听楔幂媳藐水恍强溪耻蛮隶钾怔搓饯盎椭躇轰弘薛山特柔孽渝书砰硝田层罗叠息革衙具磁馈恿饺荷逗塞崩睹吧同三朵匈锣残俊石鹃懊妮立皿卷尊侍诀政仙询沛重巨于霍啄捷炸素没浸戎百邓尺决镇谚损曙卒莫怨村嘴汲照性磁情氖跑魔挛邪筐辙甲卵淑萌露颈置不山呼皆刽丘宪灶绿杭旱弛惋


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