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1、1,Using Language a Good Example for Me,2,3,4,5,6,7,Name: Date: Home place: Occupation: Work:,林巧稚,1901-1983,Xiamen,Fujian china,a specialist in womens illness,妇科肿瘤学,Gynecologic oncology,Before the lesson please tell us something about Lin Qiao zhi.,8,1.what was the writers problems? 2.what did he dec

2、ided to do at last? Why ? 3. Which words can we find in the text used to describe Lin Qiaozhi ? 4. What are Lin Qiaozhis achievements mentioned in the passage?,Fast reading,9,What was the writers problems?,The writer did not know which subject to choose to study at university among English, biology

3、and chemistry.,2.what did she decided to do at last? Why ?,She chose to study at medicial college, because she was moved by Lin Qiaozhi and wanted to help others just like Lin Qiaozhi.,10,3. Which words can we find in the text used to describe Lin Qiaozhi ?,hard work determination good nature kindne

4、ss consideration,11,1.write down three of Lin Qiaozhis achievements after reading the passage a.- b.- c.-,She got a medical training for her career.,She became a specialist in womens disease.,She had made sure that about 50,000babies were safely delivered to their mothers.,4. What are Lin Qiaozhis a

5、chievements mentioned in the passage?,12,Careful Reading 2. Answer the following questions,1.For whom and for what purpose did Lin Qiaozhi write a book about how to look after babies? 2.Which period did Lin Qiaozhi live in? 3.Was it easy for a woman to get medical education at that time? Give a reas

6、on.,She wrote a book for mothers in the countryside who were not able to get a hospital easily.,She lived in the early twentieth century.,It was not easy for a woman to get medical education at that time for education was for men first and women second.,13,One day,the writer did some on Lin Qiaozhia

7、 in womens diseases.He found something about this great woman: she did her to study medicine and wrote a book for the women in the and all her life to her patients and medical career.She won from people.After getting this information,the writer decided to study at medical school and get training to

8、help other people.,research,specialist,best,countryside,devoted,respect,medical,Finish the summary.,14,Language points,1. was to change 属于 “be +不定式” 的结构,此处表示“不可避免的,命中注定的事”。 e.g. They were sure that he was to become a very famous person.,15,还可以表示计划,打算 She is to go to Raoping tomorrow. 还可以表示命令,意为“必须,不

9、得不” e.g. You are to do your homework before you have lunch.,16,In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they_. A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive,B,17,It was a book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by following

10、 some simple rules for keeping babies clean and healthy.,现在分词做定语,修饰book, 相当与 一个定语从句 which explained how,一本介绍如何在妇女怀孕到护理婴儿的过程中,通过一些使婴儿保持清洁的简单规则来降低死亡率的书。,18,3. Be intended for,解释“为而准备, 预定” e.g. The chair was intended for you but she took it away.,19,5. carry on (with) sth. carry on doing sth. 解释为“进行继续进

11、行” e.g. 1. Carry on with your work while Im away. 2. Carry on working while Im away.,20,Explain the following phrases.,吸引了我 要遵守的规则 死亡率 为-而准备 更多的阅读 接生孩子 迫不及待地想做某事 继续工作 高考,catch my eyes,2. rules to follow,3.death rate,4 be intended for,5. further reading,6. deliver a baby,7. cant wait to do something,

12、8. carry on,9. university entrance examination,21,Useful sentences,碰巧我遇到了一篇文章介绍一位叫林巧稚的妇科专家。,2. 我突然想到在那个时候女性要得到医学培训是多么的困难。,3. 是她的努力工作,坚定信念和温和脾气使她进入了医学学校。,4. 后来使得她成功的是她对病人表现出来的善良和善解人意。,By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist In womens diseases.,Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.,It was hard work and determination as well as gentle nature that got her into medical school.,What made her succeeded later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients.,


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