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1、1,Lesson91 Poor Ian,2, plan,n. 计划 Do have a plan for your study! 学习一定要有计划! v. 计划;打算 Plan what youre going to do! 计划一下你要做什么!,3,New words and expressions:,still 还,仍旧 move 搬家 miss 想念,思念 neighbour 邻居 person 人 people 人们 poor 可怜的,stl,mu:v,ms,neb,p:sn,pi:pl,p:(r),4,CATHERING: Has Ian sold his house yet?JEN

2、NY: Yes, he has. He sold it last week.CATHERING: Has he moved to his new house yet?JENNY: No, not yet. Hes still here. Hes going to move tomorrow.,课文理解:,现在完成时的标志词,原形:sell 过去式: sold,表示过去的时间状语,be going to 打算做某事,将来时的时间状语,5,move:,1. move home 搬家,2. move into + 宾语 搬入到,3. move to + 宾语 搬入到,4. move in(不及物动词

3、词组后不跟宾语) 搬入,5. move away 离去,迁走,6,move,They moved from Nanjing to Shenzhen. 他们从南京搬到深圳。 感动,打动 This story moved me. 这个故事感动了我。,7,still, adv. 还是,仍然 I still cant decide where to go. 我还是不能决定去哪。 She was still beautiful at the age of 46. 她46岁时仍然美丽。,8,still,adv. 还要,甚至更 She looked very ill last week and this w

4、eek looks still worse. 她上周看起来病得很严重,这周更严重了 adv. 静止地;安静地 He is sitting still. 他一动不动地坐着。,9,CATHERING: When? Tomorrow morning?JENNY: No. Tomorrow afternoon. Ill miss him. He has always been a good neighbour.LIDA: Hes a very nice person. Well all miss him.,将来时的时间状语,思念,想念,错过,person强调单数“一个人”,people 强调复数“许多

5、人,人们”,为集合名词。,have / has been + 形容词 “一直都很”,10,miss v. 想念,思念, v. 想念,惦念 我想你 I missed you. v. 错过;未做到 他睡过了头,错过了他那班火车。 He overslept and missed his train.,11,一般将来时,Ill miss him. 我会想念他的。,表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。,将来时的构成:,助动词shall (第一人称) + 动词原形 OR will(第一、二、三人称)+ 动词原形,注意:现代英语中所有人称都可以用will。但在第一人称的疑问

6、句中,经常用动词shall。,12,neighbour,n. 邻居 He is a good neighbour. 他是个好邻居。 This is a quiet neighbourhood. 这一带很安静。 neighbourhood n.四邻,邻近地区,13,person,n. 人He is a nice/good person. 他是个好人。,14,people,n. 人们 There are a lot of people in the street. 街上有很多人。 the people 民众,人民,国民 民族 person 强调的个体的人,可以有复数形式 persons peopl

7、e 通常是人的统称,单复数形式相同,15,poor,adj. 可怜的 The poor old woman had no one to talk to. 那个可怜的老人找不到人跟她说话。 贫穷的 rich We should help the poor. ,16,poor,笨拙的,差劲的 be good at sth./be good at doing sth. be poor at sth./ be poor at doing sth. 不擅于,17,一般将来时的肯定、否定和疑问句,18,CATHERING: When will the new people move into this h

8、ouse?JENNY: I think that theyll move in the day after tomorrow.LINDA: Will you see Ian today, Jenny?JENNY: Yes, I will.,person的复数,I think + that 从句。 我认为,否定形式:I dont think + that 从句。 我认为不,将来时的时间状语,19,LINDA: Please give him my regards. CATHERING: Poor Ian! He didnt want to leave this house.JENNY: No,

9、he didnt want to leave, but his wife did!,give sb. my regards 替/代我问候某人。,是的, 他不想离开。,一般将来时 表示将来将要发生的动作 tomorrow, next year this month the day after tomorrow the year after the next in five hours time ,结构: 主语+助动词will/shall+动词原形(shall可用于第一人称I, we) I will go to America tomorrow. 明天我将去美国。 Jack will move i

10、nto his new house tomorrow morning. 今晚杰克将要搬进新家。 变疑问句 Will you go to America tomorrow? Will Jack move into his new house tomorrow morning? 变否定句(shant/ wont) I will not go to America tomorrow. Jack will not move into his new house tomorrow morning. 肯定回答及否定回答Yes, I will. / No, I will not. Yes, he will.

11、 / No, he will not. 特殊疑问句When will you go to American? When will Jack go to American?,22,Lesson92 When will ?,23,词汇积累:,rain,snow,leave,get up,arrive,finish work,have a holiday,drive home,have a haircut,telephone me,have a shave,pack his bags,sweep the floor,paint this room,repair my car,make an appo

12、intment,24,句型操练:,When will + 主语+动词(动词短语)?,主语,it,动词,rain,When will ?,it,rain,leave,she,she,leave,finish work,you,you,finish work,25,根据句子意思和首字母完成单词。 Your grandfather doesnt go to work because hes over 60 years old. r You give the food or clothes or drink to others after they pay. s It needs some money

13、 when you want to get or buy it. c It is a small copper and tin coin, 100 of which make a pound. p You feel sure that something is true or right. b,etire,ell,ost,enny,elieve,26,二、请用一般过去时或现在完成时完成下列句子。,She shut (shut) the window 10 minutes ago. I (live) here since 2000. They (swim) across the river th

14、e day before yesterday. I (not speak) to him yet. She (give) me a banana two days ago. A train (leave) for London an hour ago. Jimmy (already have) a haircut. My father (paint) this room white last week.,have lived,swam,havent spoken,gave,left,has already had,painted,27,He went to the doctors yester

15、day.,And she,will go,to the doctors,tomorrow,模仿例句,完成句子,过去式,将来时,过去时间状语,将来时时间状语,28,They got up early the day before yesterday.,And they .,will get up early,后天the day after tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,29,She telephoned him last night.,We swept the floor last week.,And she will telephone him tonight.,And we will sweep the floor this week.,


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