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1、1,Lesson 41 Pennys Bag 彭妮的提包,2,Can you do me a favor? 可以帮我一个忙吗?,Everyday English,3,What s your bag like?,Louis Vuitton 品牌 路易威登,4,读一读:,路易威登(Louis Vuitton),他是法国历史上最杰出的皮件设计大师之一,于1854年在巴黎开了以自己名字命名的第一间皮箱店。一个世纪之后,路易威登成为皮箱与皮件领域数一数二的品牌,并且成为上流社会的一个象征物。如今路易威登这一品牌已经不仅限于设计和出售高档皮具和箱包,而是成为涉足时装、饰物、皮鞋、箱包、珠宝、手表、 传媒、

2、名酒等领域的巨型潮流指标。从早期的LV衣箱到如今每年巴黎T台上的不断变幻的LV时装秀,LV (路易威登)之所以能一直屹立于国际时尚行业顶端地位,傲居奢侈品牌之列,在于其自身独特的品牌DNA。,5,New words and expressions,cheese 乳酪 bread 面包 soap 肥皂 chocolate 巧克力 sugar 糖 coffee 咖啡 tea 茶 tobacco 烟草 (注意元音字母或字母组合的发音!),6,cheese n. 乳酪,干酪(不可数名词) a piece of cheese 一块乳酪 two pieces of cheese 两块乳酪,7,bread

3、n. 面包(不可数名词) a loaf of bread 一块未切好的面包 two loaves of bread 两大块面包 a piece of bread 一片面包,8,soap n. 肥皂 a bar of soap 一块肥皂 five bars of soap 五块肥皂 soap bubble 肥皂泡 soap opera 肥皂剧,bar n. 条;块 He has just had a chocolate bar. n. (门、窗的)闩;杆 He is now behind bars. 他现在被关在监狱里。(bar指窗上装有铁栅栏, behind bars是一种非正式固定用语,意为

4、in prison,关在监狱里) n. 酒吧(间) The bar is very crowded.,9,肥皂剧,肥皂剧一词起源于早期的欧美电视,原因是在晚间 ,电视台会播放一些搞笑的短片 ,没有深度 ,只求一笑,在这些断片里经常会夹杂着一些肥皂的广告。久而久之,大家都以肥皂剧来称呼这些断片。 再接下来, 短片不断的拍摄 , 形成连续剧的形式 ,现在人说的肥皂剧大体和以前的含义差不多 , 但是主要的意思比较贬义,含有无聊 拖沓的意思。 在英美等西方发达国家,每周都会有固定的播出时间给几部持续几年甚至数十年的肥皂剧(老友记(friends),欲望城市(sex 而sweet则指的是甜品,甜点,另外

5、它还可以用作形容词“甜美的”来解释; candy指我们平常所吃零食的小型糖果,喜糖等。,14,coffee n. 咖啡(不可数名词) a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡 black coffee: coffee without milk不加牛奶的咖啡 white coffee : 加牛奶的咖啡,15,tea n. 茶(不可数名词) 绿茶 green tea 红茶 black tea 一杯茶 a cup of tea,16,tobacco n. 烟草,烟丝(不可数名词) a tin of tobacco 一听烟丝 two tins of tobacco cigarette n. 香烟(可数

6、名词) a pack of cigarettes 一盒香烟,cigarette,17,18,cheese n. 乳酪,干酪 bread n. 面包 soap n. 肥皂 chocolate n. 巧克力 sugar n. 糖 coffee n. 咖啡 tea n. 茶 tobacco n. 烟草,烟丝 以上单词有什么共同点? 不可数名词(可以用量词来形容,没有复数形式),19,不可数名词,不可数名词指表示的事物不能用数来计算。 不可数名词没有词性变化,需要计量时,要加表示量的单位词。 即:单位+of+物质名词的形式 一杯咖啡 a cup of coffee,20,物质名词: 表示无法分为个体的

7、事物。 物质名词是不可数名词。 如: tea(茶), water(水), coffee(咖啡),butter(奶油),21,表示物质名词的量,可用以下的方法: 用容量表示: 单数 一杯茶 a cup of tea 一瓶牛奶 a bottle of milk,22,复数(在容器后面变复数,加 “s”) 两杯茶 two cups of tea 五瓶牛奶 five bottles of milk,23,1. 六杯茶 2. 两瓶牛奶 3. 一个面包 4. 一块巧克力 5. 三块乳酪 1. six cups of tea 2. two bottles of milk 3. a loaf of bread

8、 4. a bar of chocolate 5. three pieces of cheese,24,量 词,a loaf of bread a bar of soap a piece of cheese a bottle of milk a pound of sugar a quarter of a tin of tobacco,一块/条/个 (棱角不分明的长方体),一块/条 (棱角分明的长方体),一张/块/片/条 (薄片切片等较薄的),一瓶,一磅 (0.4536KG=0.907斤),四分之一,一听,25,26,造 句,there be句型 表示某地有某物 There is a/an +可

9、数名词单数 There is some +不可数名词 在盘子里有一些乳酪。 There is some cheese on the plate.变疑问 Is there any cheese on the plate? 在盘里有几片面包。 There is some bread on the plate. 变疑问 Is there any bread on the plate? 在盒子里有一些香皂。 There is some soap in the box. 疑问 Is there any soap in the box?,27,变疑问,some 用于肯定句 any用于疑问和否定句 若是可数

10、名词怎么变疑问句呢? spoon? 盘子里有一个勺子 There is a spoon on the plate Is there a spoon on the plate?,28,Text,SAM:Is that bag heavy, Penny? PENNY:Not very. SAM: Here! Put it on this chair. Whats in it? PENNY:A piece of cheese. A loaf of bread. A bar of soap. A bar of Chocolate. A bottle of milk. A pound of sugar.

11、 Half a pound of coffee. A quarter of pound of tea. And a tin of tobacco. SAM: Is that tin of tobacco for me? PENNY:Well, its certainly not for me!,29,SAM: Is that bag heavy(重的), Penny? PENNY: Not very(口语化). 省略形式:口语中回答问题时,常把主语、动词和宾语都省略,只剩一个副词、一个副词词组或一个动词不定式短语等. 全句: It is not very heavy.,30,SAM: Here

12、! Put it on this chair. Whats in it? 放这儿!放到椅子上来。里面是什么东西啊? it 指bag Whats in it?里面是什么东西? 在不知道里面有什么东西的情况下我们一般用系动词单数形式is ,而不用are. e.g. -Whats in your bag? - Three books.,31,在没有扶手的椅子上用on,在有扶手的椅子上用in。如: sit on a chair坐在椅子上 sit in an armchair 坐在扶手椅里,32,PENNY: A piece of cheese. A loaf of bread.指西餐中切成片吃的整个面

13、包。 A bar of soap. A bar of Chocolate. 指一长条巧克力糖。这种形状的巧克力有时也可称为一块巧克力。 A bottle of milk.,33,PENNY: A piece of cheese. A loaf of bread. A bar of soap. A bar of Chocolate. A bottle of milk. 一块肥皂,一块巧克力,一瓶牛奶,34,A pound of sugar. Half a pound of coffee. A quarter of pound of tea. And a tin of tobacco. pound

14、 1) 磅(重量单位) three pounds of sugar 三磅糖 2)英镑(货币单位) one pound 一英镑 three pounds 三英镑,35,A pound of sugar. Half a pound of coffee. A quarter of a pound of tea. And a tin of tobacco. half 一半 half a year 半年 half a pound 半磅 half a pound of sth. two and a half hours两个半小时.= two hours and a half,36,A pound of s

15、ugar. Half a pound of coffee. A quarter of pound of tea. And a tin of tobacco. 四分之一磅茶叶 quarter 四分之一,一刻钟,一季 a quarter of . .的四分之一 a quarter of a pound 一磅的四分之一(四分之一磅),37,A pound of sugar. Half a pound of coffee. A quarter of pound of tea. And a tin of tobacco. 一听烟丝。,38,SAM: Is that tin of tobacco for

16、me? PENNY: Well, its certainly not for me! for 给, 为. e.g. This bottle of milk is for him. 这瓶牛奶是给他的。 Its not for me! 它不是给我的。 it = the tin of tobacco,39,SAM: Is that tin of tobacco for me? PENNY: Well, its certainly not for me! certainly 当然 of course You bet. Sure. Its certainly not for me. Its of cou

17、rse not for me.,40,Lesson 42 Is there ain/on that?,41,bird n. 鸟 any det. 一些 some det. 一些,New words and expressions,42,不定代词:some & any,都可表示“一些” some 一般用在肯定句 any 一般用在否定句或疑问句 -Do you have any money? -Yes, I have some. No, I dont have any. 注意:当你想得到对方肯定的回答时,可用some来提问 Do you have some money?,43,Practice,D

18、o you have _ apples? I have _ bananas. He is going to have _ milk We have _ food, but we dont have _drink. I want _ meat, please. She doesnt need _ help! 我可以要些巧克力吗? 抱歉!没有了。,44,Keys to the written exercises,A 1 Is there any bread in the kitchen? 2 Theres a loaf on the table. 3 Theres some coffee on t

19、he table, too. 4 There isnt any chocolate on the table. 5 Theres a spoon on that dish. 6 Is there any soap on the dressing table?,45,B 1 Is there a spoon here? Yes, there is. Theres one on the plate. 2 Is there a tie here? Yes, there is. Theres one on the chair. 3 Is there any milk here? Yes, there

20、is. Theres some on the table. 4 Is there a hammer here? Yes, there is. Theres one on the bookcase. 5 Is there any tea here? Yes, there is. Theres some on the table.,46,6 Is there a vase here? Yes, there is. Theres one on the radio. 7 Is there a suit here? Yes, there is. Theres one in the wardrobe. 8 Is there any tobacco here? Yes, there is. Theres some in the tin. 9 Is there any chocolate here? Yes, there is. Theres some on the desk. 10 Is there any cheese here? Yes, there is. Theres some on the plate.,


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