pep 小学四年级英语下册Unit 2 What time is itLesson 3 教案.doc

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1、四年级Unit 2 What time is it ? Lesson 3 教案教学目标: 1、让学生掌握含有字母组合ir, ur的单词发音和认读书写。 2、能听、说、读、写 girl, bird, nurse, hamburger四个词语。教学重点:能听、说、读、写 girl, bird, nurse, hamburger四个词语。教学难点:正确书写girl, bird, nurse, hamburger四个词语。教具准备:教学光盘、单词卡片。教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up: (1) Greetings:Whats your name? My name is How are you ?

2、 Im fine, thank you.What time is it now? Itsoclock. Its time for.(2)Lets do : watch it carefully and do itStep2 Presentation通过课件插入的小鸟叫声,让学生听,T: Whats this ? Ss: Its.a bird 学生会很容易听出是小鸟bird, 领读跟读。本课Lets chant创设一个教学情境,通过一个小鸟受伤的小故事,让学生跟随老师的问题,一步一步的了解这个小故事,从而呈现这四个重点单词。a 播放Lets chant 的视频,让学生仔细观看边。T: What

3、s wrong with the bird ? Ss: The bird is hurt. T: Who can help the bird ? 让学生带着问题再观看一边Lets chant 的视频 Ss: Little girl 教授领读 girl , 让学生初步感知ir 在单词bird girl 中的发音b T: 小女孩发现了受伤的小鸟,她会怎么办呢? S1: 会带它去医院 S2:会带它去看医生S3: 会带它去找护士包扎伤口让学生再看视频,发现答案,带这只小鸟去找护士包扎。自然引出nurse, 教授领读。c 反复播放Lets chant,让学生进一步的熟悉,跟读,注意正确的语音语调。d 通

4、过PPT 呈现Lets chant的内容,让学生填出所缺单词。e T: What time is it? Its 12:00. Its time for lunch. T: What is Jone eating for? Ss: He is eating hamburger板书单词,让学生体会ur在单词nurse hamburger 中的发音。(3)小组合作,听音跟读检查Step 3 Pratice Have a try(试一试):ir girl dirt birth thirteen third first skirt ur nurse hurt turn turkey hamburger

5、 numberRead listen and check 1 bird birt 2 birth nurse 3 girl hurt 4 hamburger numberListen and check1 hamburger number 2 hurt dirt 3 birth bird 4 thirteen third Step 4 Production 书写句子(1 )A girl and her bird A nurse and her hamburger(2) A girl and her bird A doctor and her hamburgerStep 5 Homework(1)Listen to and repeat “Lets spell” (2)Try to read some new words.(3)Try to write these four words.


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