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1、学习必备欢迎下载Period 2 Reading & Language points课前预习必背短语1.be anxious for sth.2. be anxious to do3.see sb doing sth4. head towards/5.catch/have/get a cold6. make sure7.have a sweet tooth8. anything like that类似的事情9.a bit of 有一点儿10. be enough to do sth. 足够 做某事11. take a lot of exercise做大量锻炼13. because of由于12

2、. be crazy about.为 疯狂14. would rather do sth.宁愿做某事课堂学习一、课文理解Reading comprehension()Zhou Kai (1)Activity 1: Read quickly and find out the answers to the following questions.1. Why is Zhou Kai s mother anxious?_2. What does she think will happen?_3. What does she ask him to do?_Activity 2: Work in gro

3、ups to make a flow chart about how Zhou Kai caught a cold.Activity3:Careful-Reading :Fill in the blanks.When Zhou Kai s mother saw him _ towards the front door _ a jacket_, she _ himanxiously. She asked him where he _ going. Zhou Kai _ his mother he _ going to play football _the park. And his mother

4、 said he _ catch a bad cold _ he didn t _ his jacket _. In additioraining. _ Zhou Kai wouldn t listen at first. _ his mother advised him again and again, he did _ he_ told.()Zhou Kai (2)Activity 1: Decide if the following statements are true or false.1.Zhou Kai s family eat a lot of vegetables, frui

5、t and fish.2. Zhou Kai is very lucky because he hasna sweet tooth, although he eats sweets every day.3. One week ago, Zhou Kai caught a bad cold.4. Two years ago, Zhou Kai hurt his leg while playing football.5. Zhou Kai is crazy about football and is captain of the Senior high team. Activity 2: Fill

6、 in the blanks and finish the following two tasks.Zhou Kai is a _boy. He eats _. Fresh fruit and vegetables are part of his _. He lives nearthe sea and he has fish often. He doesn t eat much fat _ sugar so he doesn t have a _.too heavy, so he doesnaveto t h.He _ gets colds or things like flu, becaus

7、e he takes a lot of exercise.He is _ about football and is _ of the class team. Because of this, he has a good diet and this isnproblem because his mother _ him so well.学习必备欢迎下载Activity3: Summary.ReadZhouKai(1)and ZhouKai(2) again andwriteZhou Kai according to the following words and phrases.anxious

8、, play in the rain, catch a bad cold, sweets, have a good diet, not have a sweet tooth,fresh frui t and vegetables, be crazy about footballa shortpassage to describe_二、 Language points1. WhenZhouKai smothersaw himheading towards thefrontdoorwithout ajacketon, she eyed himanxiously.当周凯的母亲发现他没穿夹克就朝门口走

9、去时,她焦急地注视着他。1) see sb. doing_ see sb do _ see sth done_译: 我看见他们在操场上打排球。I saw them_ on the playground.我看见他走出了办公室。_.2) head 可以是动词, 意思是, 也可以是名词, 指身体部位。短语: have a good head for_head for _Practice :用 head 的适当形式填空。(1)Use yourand you will have a good idea.(2)Whothe department?(3)The thirsty animalsfor the

10、water.(4)两个人的智慧胜一人。_3)without a jacket on.with的复合结构充当状语,表示行为方式,伴随情况、时间、原因或条件。to do结构:doingwith /without sb/sth+doneadj/ adv,介词短语译: 他手里拿着一本书进来。He came in, _.学习必备欢迎下载这个年轻人走了进来,后面跟着一条猎犬。The young man walked in _.不要满嘴食物说话。Don t speak _.有很多棘手问题要解决,这位老板日子很难过。The boss had a hard time _.她眼含泪水说再见。She said go

11、od-bye_.2. You can at least go and get your jacket.at (the) least _at (the) most _not (in) the least (not at all) _译: (1)至少你应该试一试。_(2)这男孩至多十岁。_(3) - 我吸烟你介意吗?- 不,一点也不。 Do you mind my smoking here?3.“ No, I won t. I ll be fine.Zhou Kai went and did as he was told. 知识分析 as 的用法结构 No, _.” said Zhou Kai,

12、as he opened周凯the说door,. 他一边打开了门。周凯走了,并且按照他被告知的那样去做了。as : 引导 _状语从句,表示两个动作同时进行,相当于when 。as : 引导 _状语从句 , 意为“按照 的方式.”as 用法练习:她总是一边洗澡一边唱歌。She always sings _.入乡随俗。 When in Rome, do _. “随着 ”(主句的情景随着as 从句所表达的时间变化而变化)。随着年龄的增长我们会变得更明智。We get wiser_.作为 (身份)。作为作家他很出名。_4. My mother has always made sure we eat v

13、ery healthily.make sure把某事情弄清楚;确保常用搭配 make sure of ., make sure (that)译: (1) 他说他将尽其所能来确保我的幸福。He said he would do anything he could to _.(2) 母亲在睡觉前确定她已经关掉了所有的灯。_拓展: be sure of ,be sure that感到“ _”be sure to do 表示说话人推测“_”。(1)我有把握能赢得比赛。_(2)我们确信他会很快回来。_(3)沙莉一定会拒绝他的。Sally_5. A lot of my school friends eat

14、 sweets every day but I m lucky because I don t have a sweerather eat a nice piece of fruit.1) have a sweet tooth= like sweet things2) 宁愿做某事:would rather do sth.would rather that sb did sthwould rather do than do译: (1)他宁愿你星期天来。_(2)我宁愿休息一会儿,而不是工作。_(3)现在他宁愿回家。_6. But that was because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain. 知识分析be adj./adv.+ enough to do “足够 ”(1)他敢于与盗贼搏斗,很有男人气概。He is_.(2)你已经大到可以自己做决定的年龄了。You are _.


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