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1、1,Lines and Circles:A Contrastive Study of Western and Chinese Cultures环性与线性 中西文化比较(Part III),Zuo Biao,左 飚,2,Contrast in respect of :,Worldview (宇宙观) Core values (核心价值观) Outlook on time (时间观) Modes of thinking (思维模式) Linguistic expression (语言表达) Outlook on Arts (艺术观),3,1. Worldview 宇宙观,Linear divisi

2、on and circular enclosure (线分环合),Western: one dividing into two (一分为二) Chinese: two combining into one (合二为一),Opposites: Western: independence and opposition Chinese: interdependence and integration,西方文化呈线性,人与自然、凡与神均一分为二,界线分明,强调二元的并存与对立; 中国文化呈环性,人与自然、凡与神均合而为一,环抱涵容,注重二元的依存和统一。,4,2. Core Values价值观,Lin

3、ear individuality and circular integrity 线单环整,W: individualism-oriented and right-based C: collectivism-oriented and duty-based,西方文化以个体主义为导向,以权利为基准; 中国文化以团体主义为导向,以义务为基准。,5,3. Outlook on time 时间观,Linear extension and circular rotation 线伸环旋,Western: extension, sense of time shortage, future valued Chi

4、nese: rotation, sense of time abundance, past cherished,西方文化视时间如直线延伸,单向飞逝,去而不返,因而有时间紧缺感,往往向前看,着眼于未来; 中国文化视时间如圆环旋转,冬去春来,周而复始,故而有时间充裕感,常常向后看,立足于过去。,6,4. Mode of thinking 思维模式,W: Dissecting things into parts and analyzing their relationships, thinking in terms of logic (逻辑思维)and abstract reasoning (抽象推

5、理),Linear dissection and circular synthesis 线切环综,C: Synthesizing parts and examining the whole, thinking in terms of images (形象思维)and intuitive insight (直觉顿悟),西方文化如同直线切划,细分明析,注重抽象推理 ,善长逻辑思维。,中国文化犹如圆环内封,综观合察,寻求直觉顿悟 ,善长形象思维。,7,5. Linguistic expression 语言表达,Linear branch-like connection and circular wa

6、ve-like moving 线枝环波,English: tree-type sentence structure with different parts connected like branches and sub-branches to the trunk line,Chinese: topic-prominent sentence structure and wave-like moving of the discourse,西语的线性特点表现为句子结构以直线枝形铺排,由主到次,递相迭加,犹如枝繁叶茂的大树。,汉语的环性特点体现在语段以环状波式流动,浪花无律,形散意合,好似波涛滚滚的

7、大江。,8,English tree-like sentence structure英语的线性树式句子结构,Trunk line: S + V + (O) 主干线:主语+谓语+(宾语) Branches and sub-branches : Adverbials and attributes支线及分支线:状语和定语 Hypotactic, connectives 形合语言,连接词语 explicit cohesion 显性联接 Product and facilitator of abstract thinking and formal logic 线性语言是抽象思维和形式逻辑的产物,反过来又

8、促进抽象思维和形式逻辑的发展。,9,English: linear tree-like sentence structure (线性树式结构),As a nation of gifted people who comprise about one-fourth of the total population of the earth, China plays in world affairs a role that can only grow more important in the years ahead. Jimmy Carter 吉米卡特,Branches and sub-branch

9、es : Adverbials and attributes,Trunk line: S + V + (O),10,Chinese: circular bamboo-like sentence structure (环性竹式结构),从前这里有一个渔村,村里住着十户人家,这十户人家全靠打鱼、种地 为生,生活艰苦,但很安宁。 开始家人是不让父亲抽烟的,得了绝症后,想开了,抽吧,拣好的买,想抽就抽。,The chunks of a sentence seem to be connected and yet separated, like sections of a bamboo linked by

10、the joints and yet relatively independent and self-contained.,句子的各部分似分似连,形散意合,像竹节那样,相对独立,但意义又相互关联。,11,English: fixed point of sight(视点固定),“我会揍你的。” “不,你不会。” “是的,我会的。” “不,你不会的。” “我会的。” “你不会的。” “会!” “不会!”,“I can lick you.” “No, you cant.” “Yes, I can.” “No, you cant.” “I can.” “you cant.” “Can!” “Cant!

11、”,12,“I can lick you.” “No, you cant.” “Yes, I can.” “No, you cant.” “I can.” “you cant.” “Can!” “Cant!”,我要揍你。 你敢! 敢又怎么样? 那你就试试吧! 试试?哼,你等着瞧! 等着瞧?我才不怕呢! 不怕,好,那你休想逃走。 谁逃了?来呀,你揍啊!,Chinese: moving point of sight(视点流动),13,我要揍你。 你敢! 敢又怎么样? 那你就试试吧! 试试?哼,你等着瞧! 等着瞧?我才不怕呢! 不怕,好,那你休想逃走。 谁逃了?来呀,你揍啊!,“I can lick

12、 you.” “No, you cant.” “Yes, I can.” “No, you cant.” “I can.” “you cant.” “Can!” “Cant!”,Please compare:,14,can,can,can,can,cant,cant,cant,cant,揍,敢,试,瞧,怕,逃,15,Chinese moving point of sight (视点流动 环环扣紧),English fixed point of sight (视点固定 一线到底),Contrast Between English and Chinese,16,Chinese wave-like

13、discourse汉语的环性波状语篇,Paratactic: fewer connectives and lack of inflections意合语言:少用连接词语,缺乏形态变化 Implicit coherence 隐性连贯 context and language feel上下文和语感 Topic: prominent Structure: flexible Composite construction: loose and plastic 话题突出,结构灵活,以神统形,组合自由。 Discourse: evolve freely in wave-like manner语篇展开犹如环弧状

14、的浪花,此起彼伏,似连似分,高低无序,但却沿着一定的(语义)方向流动。,17,Rhythmic speech or writing is like waves of the sea, moving onward with alternating rise and fall, connected yet separated, like but different, suggestive of some law, too complex for analysis or statement, controlling the relations between wave and wave, waves

15、 and sea, phrase and phrase, phrases and speech.,H. W. Fowler (1858 1933) :,节奏感强的语言或文字犹如海浪向前推进,浪峰、浪谷似分似合,彼此相像,又各不相同;隐含着某些规律,但却过于复杂,难以分析或表述;这些规律规范着波浪与波浪、波浪与大海、词组与词组、词组与语段之间的各种关系。,18,The Advantages of Each Type of Linguistic Expression The linear language rigid in structure with emphasis laid on expli

16、cit cohesion is a facilitator of logical thinking. The circular language flexible in structure with importance attached to implicit coherence promotes thinking in images.,两种语言表达方式各有所长 线性语言结构严谨,重形式上的显性连接,有利于促进逻辑思维的发展;环性语言结构自由,重意义上的隐性连贯,有利于促进形象思维的发展。,19,5. Linguistic expression 语言表达,Linear branch-like

17、 connection and circular wave-like moving 线枝环波,English: tree-type sentence structure with different parts connected like branches and sub-branches to the trunk line,Chinese: topic-prominent sentence structure and wave-like moving of the discourse,西语的线性特点表现为句子结构以直线枝形铺排,由主到次,递相迭加,犹如枝繁叶茂的大树。,汉语的环性特点体现在

18、语段以环状波式流动,浪花无律,形散意合,好似波涛滚滚的大江。,20,6. Outlook on Arts艺术观,Linear strength and circular grace 线刚环柔 W: sky-oriented outlook displaying strength C: earth-based outlook exhibiting grace,西方文化的艺术观表现为直线朝上,向往天空,展示刚性的力度;中国文化的艺术观表现为环顾四周,眷恋大地,展示柔性的优雅。,21,C-W Difference in Terms of Choreography (舞蹈艺术),Chinese Nat

19、ional Dance Curves, grace Looking earthwards Walking and running Circular hand movement 中国民族舞蹈曲线美,优雅型; 拧倾曲圆,眷恋大地; 走跑为主,环形手势。,Western Ballet Lines, strength Looking skywards Hopping and bouncing Linear hand movement 西方芭蕾 直线美,力量型; 开绷直流,向往天空; 蹦跳为主,线形手势。,22,梅兰芳,23,杨丽萍,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,戴安娜王妃,32,Ch

20、inese: Curves and circles Closeness to the earth Integration with Nature 中国古典建筑 多曲线美 飞檐反宇 亲近大地 天人合一,Western: Lines and pinnacles Scraping the sky Separation from Nature 西方建筑 多直线美 平顶尖拱 向往天空 天人分离,C-W Difference in Terms of Architecture,33,北京四合院,34,上海石库门,35,36,37,38,对景,39,桥廊,40,41,42,福建土楼,43,上海博物馆,44,4

21、5,46,47,48,49,50,Architectural Contrast 建筑艺术对比,Circular:Closeness to the earth;reality and stability stressed.,Linear:Piercing the sky;fantasy and innovation valued.,环性:环抱大地 重视现实和稳定,线性:刺破苍穹 重视幻想与革新,51,6. Outlook on Arts艺术观,Linear strength and circular grace 线刚环柔 W: sky-oriented outlook displaying st

22、rength C: earth-based outlook exhibiting grace,西方文化的艺术观表现为直线朝上,向往天空,展示刚性的力度;中国文化的艺术观表现为环顾四周,眷恋大地,展示柔性的优雅。,52,Worldview Linear Division and Circular Enclosure,宇宙观 线分环合,53,Core Values Linear individuality and circular integrity,价值观 线单环整,54,Outlook on Time Linear Extension and Circular Rotation,时间观 线伸环

23、旋,55,Mode of Thinking Linear Dissection and Circular Synthesis,思维模式 线析环综,56,Linguistic Expression Linear Branch-like Connection and Circular Wave-like Moving,语言表达 线枝环波,57,Outlook on Arts Linear Strength and Circular Grace,艺术观 线刚环柔,58,Farming Culture Fishing & Hunting Culture,Land Culture Ocean Cultu

24、re,Tranquil Culture Moving Culture,Harmony and Stability Stressed Exploration and Innovation Stressed,Inward & Inclusive Culture Outward & Enterprising Culture,Strength in Image Thinking Strength in Logic Thinking,Unified Integrity Advocated Individual Independence Respected,Integration &Implicitnes

25、s Sought Division & Explicitness Valued,59,农耕文化 渔猎文化,大陆文化 海洋文化,喜静文化 爱动文化,追求和谐稳定 强调开拓进取,内向的涵容型文化 外向的斗争型文化,长于形象思维 强于逻辑思维,倡导整体统一 尊重个体独立,善长综合追求含蓄 善长分析推崇清晰,60,Conclusion 结论,Western culture is comparatively linear.,Chinese culture is relatively circular.,西方文化 相对以线性为特征,中国文化 相对以环性为特征,61,No generalization ca

26、n be pushed to an extreme, but Prof. Zuo does not push. On the contrary, his symbolic contrast between Western Anglo-American and Eastern Sinitic worldviews is insightful, stimulating, challenging and potentially useful in fostering intercultural understanding.,Magazine Review 学术刊物评论,John Algeo, Uni

27、versity of Georgia, Emeritus professor and Editor of the Quest magazine,概括不能推向极端,而左教授没有把他的概括推向极端。相反,他对西方文化(英美文化)及东方文化(中国文化)所作的带象征意义的对比见解独到,发人深思,而且对促进不同文化之间的理解具有潜在的实用价值。,约翰埃尔杰奥 乔治亚大学终身荣誉教授 求索杂志主编,62,Afterthought 追加的话,Difference: a matter of degree差异只是程度之差 Exceptions and counter-evidence不乏例外和反证 Purpos

28、e: not to judge, but to promote understanding比较的目的并非判定孰优孰劣,而是促进理解。 The moon of the west is not rounder and the sun of the east has its spots as well. 西方的月亮并不更圆,东方的太阳也有黑子。,63,中西文化互相融合,取长补短,64,线与环的结合: 线以环的形式伸展 环以线的形式旋转,The integration of the line and the circle: The line extends in the form of a circle. The circle rotates in the form of a line.,65,Create an even more splendid world civilization!创造更加灿烂辉煌的世界文明!,Thank you!,66,Email: ,


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