人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 2 Poems》教案.docx

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1、人教版高中英语选修 6Unit 2 Poems 教案人教版高中英语选修 6Unit 2 Poems 教案【一】 教学准备教学目标教学目标(Teaching Aims)知识与技能(Knowledge and Skills)1. 了解教学大纲关于语法填空的命题特点。2. 能够根据语法填空的命题特点自己编语法填空的题目3. 掌握语法填空的解题方法与技巧过程与方法(Process and Methods) 让每一位同学都能参与到课堂教学与活动中来,以小组或结对 的形式进行相互学习和讨论。 情感态度与价值观(Feeling, Attitudes and Values) 学习应对语法填空是与课文相结合,让

2、学生在了解各种不同诗歌形式的背景下学习语法填空的设题与解题特点,从而更加理解英语诗歌的特色,更加懂得如何阅读和 欣赏英语诗歌。教学重难点教学重点(Important Points) :1. 让学生了解语法填空的命题特点2. 掌握语法填空的解题方法与技巧教学难点(Difficult Points):语法填空中词性的转换教学过程(Teachers Activities)Step I: Lead-in Review the new words and expressions of this unit by themtogether, and then do Task 1-speak out the

3、other forms according to the giv en words Listen to the song Jingle Bells and try to fill a word into each blank.Step II : Pre-practising1. Questions1 Do you think it is difficult to complete the items of blank-filling with grammar knowledge?2 Have you figured out the characteristics of the item? 2.

4、 ExplainingIn this item there are 10 blanks for you to fill in with less than one proper word1 some blanks with a given word while others with none2 fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given word according to its grammatical and logical meaning.3 choose a preposition, pronoun, conjunction

5、 or an article to fill in the blank without any given word.3. DiscussionHow can we finish the items step by step with our grammar knowledge?1 _.2 _ _.3 _.Step III : While-practising1. Making an item of grammatical blank-filling based on the para graph of the text.1 more than 5 blanks.2 some blanks w

6、ith given word.3 others with none.2. exchange the item you made for your partner to complete it .3. The whole class finis h the one the teacher prepared for them.Step IV : Post-practising1.Check some of the students anwsers and give comments. 2.Draw a conclusionStep V: Homework Assign ment1. Further

7、 improve your skills of dealing with the grammar filling.1. Complete Ex.2 on Page 10, Nanfang New Class人教版高中英语选修 6Unit 2 Poems 教案【二】 教学准备教学目标Teaching goals1. Target languagea. Important words and phrasesPoem, poetry, recite, aspect, convey, nursery, rhyme,diamond, cottage, balloon, sparrow, tease, s

8、alty, endless,translate, nursery rhyme, take it easy, run out of, make up of b. Important sentencesWhich poem is about things that dont make sense?Poets use many different forms of poems to express themselves.I hadnt taken my eye off the ball.We hadnt taken it easy.The poem is made up of five lines.

9、A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English. Thetranslations have a free form that English people like to copy. 2. Ability goalsa. Enable Ss to talk about different types of poems: nursery rhymes; list poems; cinquain,; haiku; Tang poemsb. Enable Ss to talk about different purposes of writ

10、ing poems.c. Understand the main theme of each poem.d. Enable Ss to chant some of their favorite poems.3. Learning abilityEnable Ss to distinguish different types of poems教学重难点Teaching important points1. Talk about five main types of poems.2. Understand the main purpose of writing the poems. Teachin

11、g difficult points1. Find the rhythm of each poem.2. Chant the poem.3. Understand the main purpose of writing the poems.教学过程Teaching procedures & waysStep 1. GreetingsStep 2. PresentationAsk Ss to think back and try to remember poems from their early childhood, either in Chinese or in English.Talk a

12、bout some famous poets both home and abroad, either ancient ones or modern ones.Brainstorming: What will you think of when we talk about the word “poem”?Step 3. Warming upRead the questions in this part, reminding Ss what theynotice about the above poems.(e.g. they have a strong beat, orthey have rh

13、yme, or they play with words and sounds, or perhaps some of them are funny because they make no sense.)Tell Ss that there are many reasons why people write poetry.Give the examples on the Bb. Ask Ss why they think the poetswrote the poems they have just recited. Write their suggestions on the board.

14、Give Ss a time limit of a few minutes. Divide the class intogroups of four to discuss the purpose of writing poems. Ask oneperson from each group to read their groups list and add theirsuggestions to the list on the board. (Suggested reasons: tocreate certain feelings or images in the reader; to sha

15、re afeeling or experience; to describe something in detail or givean impression; to get the reader to think about an idea; toexpress a point of view; to make the reader experience the sight,sounds, smells, feel and tastes of something; to create a mood, to play with words- their sounds, rhyme and rh

16、ythm.)If time permits, in small groups or as a class, discuss thekinds of topics that poets write about.( people, animals,nature, landscapes, the sea, the seasons, stories, death, war,youth and old age, feeling and experiences, emotions like love, hate, sadness, regret and desire, etc.)Step 4. Pre-r

17、eadingPeople from different countries write different kinds ofpoems. Get Ss to discuss the questions on Page 9 with theirpartners: Do you have a favorite poem in Chinese? Why ? Do you have a favorite poem in English? Why?As to exercise 2, give Ss practice in an important readingskill: scanning a tex

18、t, that is, looking through a text quicklyto find specific information. Read the table in exercise 2 withthe Ss. Tell them that they are going to look for the informationin the table, just in the poems themselves, not in the otherparts of the text. They are to look only for those pieces ofinformatio

19、n and not read every word. Do an example with them. Suggested answers to exercise 2:Step 5. ReadingScanningGet the Ss to read the passage quickly and accurately andmeanwhile help the Ss to form a good habit of reading. Teachergives Ss a couple of minutes to look through the whole passage.Tell them t

20、o read the text silently and then ask some detailedquestions about the text on the slide show . Teacher should encourage Ss to express their ideas.Q1. Why do people write poetry?Q2. How many forms of poems are mentioned in the passage? What are they?Q3. What does “nursery rhyme” mean? Why do they de

21、light small children?Q4. Whats the characteristic of “list poems”? What about “cinquain”?Q5. Why do English People like “Haiku”?Q6. Are you familiar with Tang Poems? Do you know the title of the last poem in the text?ListeningBefore Ss read the text, have them close their books andlisten to the text

22、 with their eyes closed. This gives Ss theopportunity to listen to the sounds or“music” of the poemsbefore reading them in detail. Tell them that it doesnt matter if they dont understand every word.F irst readingG et Ss to read the text carefully, finding the one sentencethat sums up the paragraph o

23、f each part. Underline the topic sentence.S econd readingT ell Ss that they are going to look at the rhythm of twoof the poems. Make sure they know what rhythm is. Read thelimerick aloud and have Ss listen for the strong beats. Thenhave them clap the strong beats as you read. Mark the strong beats o

24、n the limerick on the board.There was an old man with a beardWho said “it is just as I feared”.“Four insects and thenTwo birds and a henHave all made a home in my beard”.Now read the poem A & B. Ask them to mark the strong beatson the two poems that have a strong rhythm. Check their answers .Then pl

25、ay the tape and get them to clap to the strong beats in those two poems.Third readingJust as any scene can serve as the subject of a painting,so any part of daily life can provide material for a poem. Ofcourse, the choice that the artist or poet makes relates to hisor her purpose. Poetry is usually

26、short and compact, so itshould be read several times, preferably aloud, to appreciateits meaning. Read the last poem (Poem H), and answer the following questions:Q1. What parts of the poem suggest that the woman loves her husband?Q2. How do you understand the sentence” Should thejourneyer return, th

27、is stone would utter speech.”? Explain the sentence in your own words.Q3. What picture do you have in your mind when you read the above sentences?Q4. Do you know the Chinese title of this poem? Do you know the Chinese version of the poem?Step 6. Make a short summary of this period.课后习题Homework1. Surf some websites to find out more information about poets.2. Review the content of the reading passage.3. Finish the exercises on Page 12& 13.


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