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1、教学设计(教案)修改稿基本信息学 科英语年 级九年级教学形式公开课教 师柏法成单 位蚌埠市怀远县唐集中学课题名称9A Unit 2 colours Reading 1学情分析1、初中英语的教学重点是基础知识和基本技能,因此教学应面向全体同学,争取做到人人基本达标。在教学过程中学生学习出现差距是不可避免的。一旦出现,就应该及时找学生谈,分析他们掉队的原因,动之以情,晓之以理,使学生从思想上认识到学习外语的重要性。这学期开始就有的同学出现了向下滑的趋势,下课下及时找她们谈话,了解她们的内心想法,驱除她们的不正确的思想,同时给予学习方法的指导,耐心帮助他们补习功课。2、外语教学和其他学科一样,有严谨

2、的系统性和连贯性。学生在初一阶段所获得的语言技能,能否在初二初三年级得到继续发展,是防止分化的又一个问题。课堂上,少讲空话,多做实事,精讲多练,以学生为主;对每个单元进行考查、总结,分析存在问题,及时补遗,帮助学生过关。平时作业或测验得到好成绩或有进步的,一定在班上进行表扬,给予肯定;对作业错漏较多的当面批改,及时订正。通过这学期的实践,我发现表扬的效果远远大于我的预测,原先上课走神,做小动作的同学都会很认真的听课,偶尔犯错我仍然鼓励他们,在平时的课上能看出他们在努力地改变,我很欣喜看到他们的怒力,我会再接再厉,坚持下去。教学目标Teaching aims:1. To understand w

3、hat colours represent.2. To recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions.3. To match colours to the characteristics.教学过程Step 1: RevisionRevise different kinds of colours by asking students:Whats your favourite colour?Step 2: Presentation.1. Tell students that different colours can give people

4、different feelings.2. Let students enjoy a series of pictures, including different kinds of colours and let students discuss:Whats your feeling after looking at the pictures?Encourage students to say as much as possible.3. Then teachers make a conclusion: Blue & white can make people calm and peacef

5、ul. Blue can also represent sadness and white is the colour of purity. Yellow and orange make you feel warm, happy and contented. Orange represents joy while yellow is the colour of wisdom. Green makes you feel energetic. It represents new life and growth. Red represents power. It is also the colour

6、 of heat and strong feelings.Step 3: Discussion.Let students think about:How can colour change peoples moods?Encourage students to express himself using his / her own words.Step 4: Reading comprehension.1. Ask students to scan the passage quickly and then match the colour with what they represent.2.

7、 Ask students to read the passage again carefully and then fill in the blanks according to the passage. moodscolourscalm coloursBlue is good for the _ and body and it represents _.White is the colour of _. You should wear white when you feel _.warm coloursThese colour give you a happy and _ feeling.

8、 Orange represents _. It can bring you _ and _ you up.Yellow can remind you a _, _ day. It is also the colour of _.energetic coloursGreen can give you _ because it represents _ and _. It is also the colour of _ and the colour of money and _.strong coloursRed represents _ and it is the colour of _ an

9、d _ feeling.Step 5: Language points.1. Ask a student at a time to read a paragraph. After each paragraph, ask students to say which parts of the text they do not understand.2. Explain some difficult language points to students.e.g. remind sb. of sth have difficulty (in) doing sth. make/ find / think

10、 it + adjective + to do sth.Step 6: Discussion1. Ask students what they think about the article. Do they agree with what it says or which part of the text do they like most?Ask students to tell the class any interesting facts they know about colours.Step 7: SummaryStep 8: Homework.1. Read and try to

11、 recite it.2. Finish off the learning paper.板书设计1、比较remind sb. of sth,remind sb of doing sth,remind sb to do sthremind sb of sth = 使某人想起某事 remind sb of doing sth = 提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生)提醒某人做过某事 remind sb to do sth = 提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)2、have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难:其中difficulty是不可数名词;可换为trouble

12、 ; problem; fun等3、make/ find / think it + adjective + to do sth.这里用到了一个宾语补足语的结构,可翻译为使得make/发现find/认为consider/认为think of 做某件事情是怎么样的作业或预习Homework.3. Read and try to recite it.4. Finish off the learning paper.自我评价这节课我精心的准备,同时也积极接受了一些建议,尽量照顾到每个学生的需求,符合新课改精神,实现了以学生为本的设计理念,当然肯定也有一些问题有待进一步的改进。我以后会进一步加强学习,争取新的进步。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 评议一单位: 姓名: 日期:


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