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1、 第一单元检测1. 单项选择( )1I could look after _when I was five .-Really? I cant believe it .A. myself B. herself C. himself D yourself( ) 2 This English newspaper is very easy for the students because there are _new words in it .A little B a little C few D a few( )3. What good weather it was! We decided _for

2、 walk .A to go out B not to go out C to not go out D not going out( )4 How _the people there ?A is B was C were D did( )5-Where did you go on vacation ?-I _New York City.A went B visit C went to D did( )6.She _at home last night .A dont B doesnt C didnt stay D didnt stayed( )7They decided _you .A he

3、lp B to help C helping D helped( )8-_was the weather in Moscow?-It was windy .A When B Where C How D What( )9-How do you like her new movie ?-It was windy.A When B Where C How D What( )10.Many pigs dies _the bad weather.A but B because C because of D and完成句子,根据所给中文意思,完成下列句子。1 你弟弟假期到哪儿去了?去夏令营了。_ _ yo

4、ur brother _ _ vacation? He _ _ summer camp.2 他想知道你住在哪里?He _where _ _ . 3昨天我们等了一个多小时的火车。We _over an hour _the train yesterday . 4她经常帮我打扫房间。She often _ _ _ the room. 5我认为这本词典不贵。I _this _ is _. 第二单元检测习题1 单项选择( )1._do you exercise ?Everyday.A When B How C How often D How many( )2 John _goes to bed at n

5、ine ,seven days a week.A always B never C sometimes D often( )3_good eating habits _very important.A Having ;is B Having; are C Have ;is D Have; are( )4 Her father was ill, so she had to _him at home .A look after B look at C look for D look like( )5 Tina often helps her mother _at home on weekends

6、.A do homework B doing homeworkC does homework D to do housework( )6_Mary has good eating habits?Yes, I think so . She has many good eating habits.A Do you know B Are there C Do you think D How many( )7He stays with his parents for _a year .A sometimes B some times C some time D sometime( )8_speak t

7、o me when I met them .A All the students B The all studentsC Whole the students D The whole students( )9. He is lazy .He never does _ work.A many B no C some D any( )10 How many times have you been to Beijing ? _.A One B Two C Twice D .The third time根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。1 现在是晚上九点钟。他们正在家看电视。Its nine oclock

8、.They are_ TV at home . 2 彼得每年回2次纽约。Peter goes back to New York _a year.3 下班后我们去超市吧!Lets go _in the supermarket after work .4 大多数读者喜欢这本书。Most _like this book.5 她说这对你的健康有好处。She says its good for your _. 第一 二单元测试习题单项选择( )1Did you go to the park last Saturday?_.A Yes,I did B Yes ,I have C Yes ,I went.

9、D Yes ,I did .( )2How were the people there ?_ unfriendly.( )3 I have quite _friends .I never feel lonely.A. a few B few C little D a little( )4. Im ill. I dont feel like _anything now .A eat B to eat C ate D eating( )5 There is _with my bike .It doesnt work .A nothing wrong B anything wrongC someth

10、ing wrong D wrong anything( )6Where did she go on vacation ?_.A She stays at home B He went to the moviesC She went to New York D She went to go to Hainan( )7 Where did you go on vacation ?_.A somewhere warm B anywhere warmC warm somewhere D warm anywhere( )8 Did you go to the mountains with _last S

11、unday? Yes, I went with my uncle.A someone B anyone C no one D everyone( )9.Our PE teacher asked us _everything he did .A. looked carefully at B to look careful atC to look carefully D to look carefully at( )10.Who always _ loudly in the next room ?A is singing B sang C sings D song句型转换1 He went to

12、summer camp on vacation(改为一般疑问句) _he _ to summer camp on vacation?2 Ann did her homework last night.(改为否定句) Ann _ _ her homework last night . (对画线部分提问) _ _ they go last Saturday._ _ the beaches.5. There were some tigers in the mountains.(改为否定句) There _ _ tigers in the mountains . 第三单元习题检测( )1 Tom ha

13、s shorter hair than _.A Sam B Sams C the Sam D the Sams( )2I think Tina is _ intellectual than Tara.A much B more C many D a little( )3 He enjoys _TV.A watch B watches C to watch D watching( )4 There are some _ between the twins .A .similary B similarity C similarities D more similary( )5 I can ride

14、 a bike ,so _my brother .A do B does C can D ride( )6A good friend makes me _.A laugh B to laugh C laughing D laughs( )7 Wei Hua is good at _.A. draw B. drawing C draws D to draw( )8 Hollys friend likes to do the same thing _she does .A like B as C and D so( )9.Wang Lin is a _ man . He always helps

15、others .A funny B quiet C outing D generous( )10.Its important _us to learn English .A to B for C with D of完成句子 根据所给中文意思完成下列句子1 Tom 的中文比山姆的好。Tom speaks Chinese _than Sam .2 谁更重一点,Pedro 还是Paul ?_ is _, Pedro or Paul?3 他在网球比赛中经常打败我。He always _ me in tennis .4 你家离学校有多远?_ _ is it from your home to your

16、school ?第四单元检测习题单项选择1 ( )_,English ,math or Chinese?A What do you like best B Which do you like bestC What do you like better D Which do you like better2( )The snow storm which hit this area last night was _in recent years.A heavy B heavier C heaviest D the heaviest3( )What bad weather!Yes. The radi

17、o says it will be even _ later on .A bad B badly C worse D worst4( )Last week our geography teacher told us _more information about how to protect the environment .A get B got C to get D getting5( )We cant live _air or water.A without B in C on D with6( )Its time for school ,Jane. Why are you _in be

18、d?A ever B never C still D yet7( )There is a big bookstore close _ our school.A to B of C around D about8( )Eliza walked out of the room without _a word .A to say B saying C said D say9( )I think the price for the best dancer will _ to Linda .A win B go C give D leave10( )Can I ask you _question ,Mr

19、 Liu?Of course.A some B any C few D little根据所给中文意思,完成下列各句子。1 镇上最好的学校是哪所?_ _ _ school in town ?2 汶南镇比东都镇美。When Nan Town is _ _ _ Dong Du Town . 3聂辉为何这么认为呢?Why _ Nie Hui _ _?4 慧多多超市有最优质的服务。Hui Duoduo Supermarket has the _ _. 5 调频98.8 轻松听 电台比调幅 970 大家谈电台好。Easy Listening 98.8FM _ _ _All Talk 970AM. 期中考试

20、题单项选择1( )Who is at the door ?That _Wei Hua, Im sure.A may be B can be C must be D need be2( )Hows your brother ?_.A He is twelve B Hes much betterC He is a doctor D Hes very funny3( )What would you like ?Id like_ and _.A some bread; a glass of juice B some bread ;a glass juiceC some breads; a glass

21、of juice D any bread; a glass of juice 4( )What about _home a little earlier ?A leave B stay C love D going5( )Sliver Beach in Beihai is a nice beach _ surfing.A of B in C for D on6( )Which scarf is _,this one or that one ?A well B good C better D best7( )Jenny ,do you enjoy _ movies when you are fr

22、ee?A to see B watching C watch D and see8( )The twins look _ .People always mistakes them.A same B like C the same D different9( )_be tired to run fast ,_he didnt catch the bus .A Though;/ B Though; but C / ; although D Although; however10( )I dont like _ friends with _ people ,because they are too

23、quiet .A make ; wild B making ; outgoing C making; serious D to make ; smart 完成句子 根据所给中文意思,完成下列句子。1 请保持教室干净。People keep the classroom _.2他像女孩一样安静。He is as _ as a girl .3 课前,我们教室非常吵。Before class ,our classroom is very _.4 他经常吃垃圾食品,所以他很胖。He often _junk food , so he is very fat.5 他上周去了上海了。He _for Shang

24、hai last Sunday . 第五单元单项选择1( )What does he think of game shows?He loves _.A it B they C him D them2( )So hot in the classroom.Would you mind _the windows ?No, Ill do it right now .A not closing B not opening C closing D opening3( )What _good news !We are all excited.A a B an C the D /4( )Why not _th

25、e music club ?Im sorry .I cant sing or dance .A to join B join C joining D to joining in5 ( ) Han Han is a popular writer .His new book will _this September.A come up B come in C come out D come on6( ) I like it ,_you ?A Do B Does C What about D Are7( ) I love the talk show .He_,too.A did B is C doe

26、s D do8( )This is _.A what I want B what do you do C where is he D hows it going9( ) She doesnt mind _ other people think of _.A how, she B how ; her C that ;her D what ;her10( )Mary is tired of learning because she is _to do better thanshe can ,both at school and at home .A thought B expected C hop

27、ed D helped完成句子,根据所给中文意思,完成下列各句。 1 她觉得这部影片怎么样?她不能忍受它._ _ she _of the movie? She _ _ _.2 他总是乐于帮助穷人。He is always _ _ help the poor.3 他因为他的父亲而出名He is _ _ his father .4 我不介意你怎么看我。I dont _ _ you _ of _. 5 我希望查明是谁拿走了我的书包。I hope _ _ _ who took away my schoolbag. 第六单元习题检测单项选择1( )_I was a child ,I wanted to

28、be a scientist.A When B Where C If D How2( )Whats he going _ when he _up?An engineer.A to be : is growing B to be :grows C to do ;is growing D to do ; grows 3( )The Huang family are going to take the vacation_.A a place interesting B an interesting placeC somewhere interesting D interesting somewher

29、e4 ( )It will take us _ to finish the work .A a day or two B one or two day C a day and two D one and two days 5( )We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet. Really? But can you tell me _ it?A how I can use B how can I use C why can I use D when I can use 6( )Im going to join an English

30、summer this summer. _.But how long ?A Me, too B Sounds great C Thanks a lot D Oh, sure.7( )There _ a talk show on CCTV-3 at eight this evening .A is going to be B is going to have C will have D are going to have 8( )I cant _ my newspaper ,Im _it .A find ; finding B look for ; find C finding; look fo

31、r D find ; looking for 9( )In our class ,_ students and going to play sports .A a lot B lots C lots of D too much10( )You must exercise more and keep _.A health B fitting C fit D healthing根据汉语意思完成句子。1 如果我有好多钱,我要周游全世界。I will _all over the world if I have a lot of money.2 明年我们打算出国。Were going to _ _ ne

32、xt year .3在大城市,越来越多的人想得到一份兼职的工作。In big cities ,more and more people want to get _ _ _. 4一些读者打算多吃蔬菜。Some readers are going to _ _ _.5明年我打算组建一支足球队。Next year Im going to _ a _ _. 第七单元习题检测1( )Lucy could read storybooks at the age of four.A is able to B was able to C should D would2( ) Holly has _fed the

33、 dog ,but she hasnt watered the plants_.A still, already B already ,yet C yet ,still D yet ,already3( )It was _lovely weather _we decided to spend the day on the beach.A such a ,that B such ,that C such, as D so , that4( )In the talent show ,I performed well and Ann did even _.A well B better C more

34、 D worse5( )Jenny ,would you please _my dog when I am away? No problem.A look up B look in C look at D look after6( )Where is your brother ?He has gone to Beijing. He _ back in three days.A will come B comes C has come D came7( )If there is _ pollution ,the air in our city will be _ dirtier.A less ,

35、come B more ,much C less, less D more, more8( )Everyone wants to _ to the moon for vacations.A walk B run C swim D fly9( )This coat doesnt fit him well ,as he has _a huge body and the the coat is _small.A so, much B so, so C such, such D such, so10( )How many birds can you see in the trees?I can see

36、 _birds in them .A hundreds of B five hundreds C hundred of D five hundreds of完成句子,根据所给中文意思,完成下列各句。1你认为在这个城市里会有更多的污染吗?Do you think _ _ _ _ pollution in the city?2 将来的学生会在家里通过电脑学习。The students _ _ _ will study at home on computers.3 对我们来说早起是有益的。_ good _us _ _ _ early. 4你应该反复地读这篇文章。You should read the

37、 article _ _ _ _. 5每个人都应该参与保护地球。Everyone should _ _ _ _ saving the earth.第六七单元检测习题1( )_you _a doctor when you grow up? Yes, I am .A Will , going to be B Are ,going to be C Are ,/ D Will , be 2( ) What time _ we meet at the gate tomorrow? At 7:00A would B shall C do D are3( ) There _a basketball matc

38、h this afternoon.A is going to be B is going to have C are going to be D are going to have4( )What are you going to do this Saturday?Im going to stay at home . My aunt _me.A is coming see B is coming to see C comes to see D comes see5( ) Soon you _a senior high school student .Isnt it exciting?A bec

39、ome B will become C became D have become6( )If Mary _next Sunday ,we will go boating together.A will have B comes C shall come D should come7( )Attention ,please .There _ a football game between China and Korea this evening.A is going to be B has been C has D will have8( )He is an _ piano player.A u

40、sual B unusual C good D great9( )When did she _ the Henan table tennis team?A be B joined C be on D join10( )She _ English and management in the university.A majors B majors on C major to D major on完成句子,根据所给中文意思完成下列句子。1 长大后,我要做我想做的事情。When I grow up, Im going to do _I _ _ _. 2 一些女孩子说她们准备经常锻炼身体以保持健康。Some girls said they were going to _


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