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1、七年级上册英语人教版starter unit2 Whats this in English教学设计课程目标一、知识和能力目标本单元的核心教学内容是 “认物 ”。用英语确认周围的常见事物比较符合英语初学者的实际情况。通过本单元教学,使学生运用所学句型,去熟悉周围事物的名称;教学生学会在实际生活中如何确认事物。通过辨认物体,学生学到一些生词,并巩固所学句型。二、过程和方法目标教师要尽量使学生对课文中出现的句型能够熟练上口,这样,学生才能顺利开展比较灵活的对话。教师可以用手势,表情,动作等示意,帮助学生听懂课堂教学内容,但在实际操作中应尽量避免 “明知故问”的倾向,应该采用应用性原则;如:遮盖物品、

2、显露局部、辨认物体、完形识别、图形辨认等方法。三、情感态度和价值观目标目标在学生学习过程中的作用至关重要,教师要帮助他们建立起一个切合自己实际的目标,通过渐进的学习以及一点一滴的进步,使他们逐步建立起成功感。成功越多,自信心就越强。学情分析代词 this,that 和 it 的用法。this 和 that 均指单数的事物。 this 指处于说话者近处的事物;that指处于说话者远处的事物。而it 则指代上文出现的单数的事物,也可指代上文出现的this 或 that。例如:A:Whats this?这是什么 ?B:It s a pen这是支钢笔。c:And what sthat over the

3、re? 那边的是什么 ?B:It sa ruler那是把尺子。教学准备Tape-recorder,multi-mediumPeriod 1Step l:IntroductionReview greetings.Review the letters learn in the last unit Get the students tointroduce themselves in EnglishStep 2:LeadinHave ready a quilt ,a map,a jacket,a key,a ruler,a pen,anorangeHold the key up and say Wha

4、ts this in English? Its a keRepeat and then get students to repeatDo the same with a key,a pen,a rulerIf possible,use flashcards to teach the spelling of the wordsPut aflashcard beneath a drawing of each object.Step 3:PracticeListenPlay the tape twiceHave the students circle the things theyhearGet t

5、he students to act out the conversations inthe picture of1a Make sure the students understand what they should doStudents canwork in pairs then ask them to act out the conversations they madeDo 2a,2b,2c and 2d one after another2b:after the students do 2a,show them how to write the letters on the bla

6、ckboards,both of “Big and”“ smallMake sure all the students know how to write them Use the flashcards to practise saying the names of the letters and to learn their orderBefore doing 2c,ask the students to give the letters containing thei:and /e/ soundsRepeat with the / andasoundsList themout on the

7、 blackboard Then get them to listen to the tape and read theletters and words after the tapeStep4:Games timePlaythelettergamewiththestudents likethefollowinginstructionsSometimes the teacher can explain the rules of the game inChinese看谁快这是一个训练学生听字母的游戏,将全班分成两组,一组学生持大写字母,另一生持小写字母,教师快速念字母,要求持有该字母的学生迅速站

8、起来,最先站起来的两分,后站起来的得一分,没站起来的得零分,得分多的组获胜。Step 5:HomeworkReview the words and try to rremember them.Period 2Step 1:LeadinWrite the names in the big letters on the blackboard,teach the studentsto read the namesThen get them to listen to the tape and number thenamesHave the students pay attention to your

9、writing names on theBbMake sure everyone knows how to write the namesStep 2:PairworkGive each student an English nameMake them remember it andknow how to spell it. Write your name,and one or two others on theblackboard Ask students to look at the words carefullyExplain howcapitals are used in Englis

10、h namesStep 3:PairworkAsk the students to say out where we can find English words orEnglish names around us and what they areWhats the meaningof it?Maybe the students can list a 1otIf they couldn,tgive them somenotes such as WC, NBA,Exit and so on Let the students try their best tosearch as many abb

11、reviations as possibleStep 4:PracticeAnd get them to introduce themselves to the others with their newEnglish nameAll these must do after the students know how to do itTheteacher can give them an example with the help of one studentThe teachercan take the dialogue on the book for an examplePractise:

12、A:Hello!B:Hello!A:I m PaulaPAUL A,PaulaWhats your name?B:I mamesJJAM ES,JamesA:How do you do?B:How do you do?A:Nice t0 meet youB:Nice to meet you,tooHave students switch roles and repeatStep 5:HomeworkCopy the new words and Finish off the workbook.Period 3Step 1:LeadinHave ready a map,an orange,a ru

13、ler,a pen,a key, a quiltUse theseto ask students:Whats this in English?Get them to answer the question one by oneThen ask them to listenand number the words they hearAfter they finish 1a,make sure they read the words correctlyAnd askstudents to write the words down in small lettersStep 2:PairworkDo

14、the contents list on the bookThen play a guess gameThe teachershould get ready a soft bag,and some objects such as a ruler,a pen,a key,an orange and so onFirst show all the things to students,then hide all ofthem in the teachers desk,put one into the bag,try not to let students seeitAt last get stud

15、ents to guesswhat s in your bagThe teacher can ask thestudent:T:Whats this in English?A:Is it a book?T:N0,it isn tA:Is it a pen?T:Yes,it isIf the student Succeedcongratulate to him or herThen do the same toanother one. This game can also be played in small groups if you have enough materials.Step 3:

16、Listen and readHave the students listen to the tape and repeatGet the students to listen to the tape and repeat,ask them to try to findwhat is the connection between the wordsStep 4:HomeworkFinish off the workbookPeriod 4Step 1:Go through all the contents list on this part,make sure all thestudents

17、understand themIf they don ,tyoumy use Chinese to explain it Step 2: Classwork (Do entering famous school)单元教学测评一、判断下列各组单词中划线部分的读音是否相同。相同打“ S,”不同打 “ D”()1name;Grace()2quilt ;nice() 3.hello;OK()4not;what()5do;too()6. nice;fine()7my;Cindy()8cap;Kate()9. nice;Linda()10meet;bee二、英汉词组互译1用汉语2一床被子3一个橙子4一件上

18、衣5一幅地图6你的钢笔7in English8that key9this ruler10thank you三、从 B 栏中找出与 A 栏中相应的答语,将其代号写在括号内AB()1Good morning,class!aMy name is Jim()2Hello!bFinethank you()3Whats your name?cDale is()4How are you,Jim?dHello!()5Whats this?eThank you()6Sit down,pleasef Good morninggIt s“M”四、选择填空()1This is _ nice jacket.AanBaConeD()2What s that _in Chinese?A. inBtoConDat()3_ your book?AThis isBIs itsCIt s D. Is this()4-Colin ,what s this in English?-_.AThis is a penBIts a pen CIts pen D. This is pen()5Is this _ English book?AaBanConeD. /五、翻译句子1这是南希。2瞧,这是什么 ?3这个用英语怎么说 ?4这是一床漂亮的被子。5请拼写一下。


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