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1、Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?(SectionB2a2c).教学整体设计思路本课主要采用任务型教学模式,利用多媒体( PPT)以及畅言系统中的电子白板设计一些阅读任务, 通过略读、细读、跳读等阅读策略快速获取信息,从而达到读懂叙述运动和体育用品的短文。 .教学背景分析教材分析本课是一节阅读课。 活动 2a2c 的内容是一个整体: 2a 巩固词汇,为下一步的阅读做好铺垫, 要求学生根据自己所拥有的体育用品的情况,将单元中出现的有关词汇进行分类巩固句型 I have 。2b2c 要求学生阅读校刊上一则有关体育用品调查报告, 并完成不同的阅读任务。这要求学生能够根据

2、图意预测文章大意, 通过谈论球类运动,让孩子们体会与朋友共度快乐时光的愉悦心情 .在教学过程中 ,注意对学生阅读技巧和语篇分析能力的培养。学情分析在本课阅读前,学生通过对 SectionA 和 SectionB 的部分学习,对表达自己拥有体育用品情况的词汇和句型已经比较熟悉。 因此学生在朗读短文前, 会比较容易预测篇章的大意, 为学生理解文章奠定基础。文章中有个别新词汇或语言结构,会造成学生理解上的障碍。另外,本课也出现了许多名词复数 ,在口头训练时要提醒学生注意词尾加 s。在读前设计适当的任务, 为阅读理解扫除障碍。 本课 2c 的设计也是为巩固第三人称单数时的陈述句要注意动词变成三单形式,

3、对学生来说,也是很大难点。但该部分学习内容很容易引起学生们的共鸣,极易引起学生表达的欲望。.教学目标分析1.Language goals:(1)Key words and phrases:正确理解和使用词汇:same,but,with,sports,them,only,like,easy,after,classmates,并了解词组 goto the same school,with our friends,watch on TV,after class,playping-pong 的意义 .(2)Key sentences:I don t have a soccer ball,but my

4、brother Alan does.Ihave twosoccer balls,three volleyballs,fourbasketballs and fivebaseballs and bats2.Ability goals:通过略读、细读、跳读等阅读策略快速获取信息,完成相关的阅读任务, 能够读懂叙述运动和体育用品的短文。Enable the students to understand the survey results about sportscolletion.3.Emotion&attitude goals:帮助学生形成有益的、个性化的运动爱好,让孩子们体会与朋友共度快乐时光

5、的愉悦心情Enable the students to form positive attitude toward sports:Love sports,love life4.Strategy goals:Enable Ss to understand the survey results by using reading skills.教学重点、难点分析1.重点:a.一些关键词汇如same,them,play ping-pongb.句型: I don t have a soccer ball,but my brother Alanesdo c.understand the survey re

6、sults2.难点 to retell the survey results in the third person Teaching method:Task-based language teaching .Teaching aids:Some objects and PPT教学准备教师准备设计学生能看懂的教学幻灯片,及阅读课需要的 ppt 课件;设计课后巩固练习的幻灯片。学生准备通过询问老师、同学或上网查询的方式去了解各种运动的英文说法;用教师发放的助学卡去预习2b教学过程设计一、第一教学环节:情景创设,导入新课Step 1.Warming upSuppose a situation:I

7、like playing sports.Today I want to play ping-pongwith you.Now let me see“ Do I have?”Showa my bag and let Ss look atmy bag and answer“ Yes,you do./No you don t. ” If sb says“ No,youdon t ” I ll ask “ Do you havethisone?way,review”In many ball words and the target language about ownership Step2 Revi

8、ew and lead-in.Work in pairs asking and answering.Give comments about theirworkYou did it very well.I ll give you a smily屏幕上face(展示一张笑脸).Do you know what s the meaningfthiso face?S:Yes.Happy.T:Yeah,it means happy.Go on showing some pictures(屏幕上呈现几张不同的表情,复习 fun,interesting,boring,relaxing and difficu

9、lt)3.Work on 2a:have two Ss report their writings.Then say lets playsoccer.Ss may reply:Thats boring/fun/T yeah,I agree.OK,do you want to know Ssopinions on playing soccerfrom different countries.So lets read rhe survey results in a school magazine.二、第二教学环节:师生互动,学习探究教师活动 (发指令,调控课堂 )学生活动(先独立思考,然后合作互助

10、)Step3.Read the survey resultsBefore reading:指导:引导学生看文章图片,在短文中寻找人物信息Read the results fast and prepare to find out the names of the three Ss and Who has a soccer ball?While reading:1.learn some key language points using flash.2.引导学生阅读3a 部分的短文,要求学生速读法先对调查总体感知,然后运用阅读策略,完成相关的阅读任务。 Read the survey result

11、s about Frank Brown carefully and judge T or F Read the survey results about Gina Smith carefully and fill in the blanks Read the survey results about Wang Wei carefully and judge T or F Check 2c,then give Ss some time to work in pairs to report thesesentences in the third person三、第三教学环节:合作交流,巩固提高教师

12、活动 (发指令,调控课堂 )学生活动(先独立思考,然后合作互助)3.Retell the survey results according to some pictures Step4.summary and homework本课总结以四人一组的方式展开讨论,总结个人收获这节课上,学了哪些语言点?在了解这三个运动收藏调查报告后, 你能从哪些方面讨论来写自己的个人运动收藏。四、第四教学环节: .教学评价设计评价内容 :学生语言表达能力;学生对语言的操作能力;学生对教学内容的掌握程度; 学生的创造性, 灵活性以及对教学情景的适应性等表现。评价方法 :随堂提问;教学中观察学生的表现;课后调查 :通过作业评价。五、板书设计略


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